4 research outputs found

    a smart multi sensor approach to monitoring weak people in indoor environments

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    This paper deals with a novel system to assist weak people while exploring indoor environments. The proposed architecture is aimed to monitor the position and inertial behavior of users as well as environmental status (e.g. temperature, humidity, gases leakage, or smoke). The system is based on a Wireless Sensor Network and smart paradigms which extract relevant information from data collected through the multi-sensor architecture. The data collected are then processed to build awareness of User-Environment Interaction and User-Environment Contextualization. This knowledge is used to build information that is useful to the user for safe and efficient exploitation of the environment and to the supervisor for a suitable assessment and management of hazard situations. The paper mainly focuses on the multi-sensor system architecture and smart paradigms used to implement the User-Environment Contextualization feature

    Investigation of variety of non-coherent front end detectors for timing estimation

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    La localizaci贸n en interiores de usuarios m贸viles es actualmente un tema central para muchas aplicaciones y campos, incluidas las redes de sensores, gesti贸n de activos, asistencia sanitaria y localizaci贸n de personal de seguridad p煤blica. Las soluciones existentes se basan a menudo en la fusi贸n de la informaci贸n de m煤ltiples sensores. La posibilidad de utilizar un sistema de banda ultra ancha (UWB) para la medici贸n inal谩mbrica de distancias basada en el tiempo de ida y vuelta (RTT) se ha investigado en este proyecto final de carrera. Los receptores UWB no coherentes se han analizado utilizando dos enfoques diferentes: la detecci贸n de la amplitud y la detecci贸n de la energ铆a. Para el an谩lisis, se desarrolla un estudio te贸rico y tambi茅n se han realizado diversas simulaciones. Adem谩s, ambos receptores UWB no coherentes han sido dise帽ados e implementados. Por otra parte, un m茅todo ha sido propuesto para permitir la reconstrucci贸n de un pulso UWB a partir del submuestreo de una r谩faga de pulsos UWB y tratar de aproximar el rendimiento 贸ptimo del receptor UWB ideal. Las simulaciones producen resultados interesantes en cuanto al rendimiento de la estimaci贸n de RTT. Ambas t茅cnicas de detecci贸n se comparan, describiendo las ventajas y desventajas de cada uno

    Investigation of Variety of Non-Coherent Front end Detectors For Timing Estimation

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    Abstract The indoor localization of mobile users is currently a central issue for many applications and fields, including sensor networks, asset management, healthcare, ambient-assisted living, and public safety personnel localization. Existing solutions often rely on the fusion of information from multiple sensors. The potential of using an ultra wideband (UWB) system for wireless distance measurement based on the round-trip time (RTT) has been investigated in this thesis. Non-coherent UWB receivers have been analyzed using two different approaches: amplitude detection and energy detection. Both non-coherent UWB receivers front ends have been designed and implemented. Simulations of the measurement performance are also provided. Furthermore, a method has been proposed using undersampling over a burst of UWB pulses to reconstruct the original pulse and try to approximate the optimal performance of the ideal UWB receiver. The simulations yield interesting results regarding the performance of the RTT estimation. Both detection techniques are compared, describing the advantages and disadvantages of each one