54 research outputs found

    Progress on unstructured-grid based high-order CFD method

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    Several new methods have been developed to meet the critical and diversified challenges in the state-of-art unstructured-grids based high-order methods for 3D real-world applications, including 1) parameter-free high-order generalized moment limiter for arbitrary mesh; 2) efficient line implicit method; 3) efficient quadrature-free SV method; 4) novel high-order mesh generation method for 3D hexahedral mesh. The parameter-free high-order generalized moment limiter does not need any user-specified free parameter to detect the discontinuities and exclude the smooth extrema. The present limiter has been designed to be naturally generic, compact, and efficient, which can be applied for arbitrary mesh and general unstructured-grids based high-order methods. The present low-storage line implicit BLU-SGS method significantly overcomes the anisotropy stiffness due to highly stretched wall grids in high Reynolds number flows. Improved robustness and up to 3 times of savings on CPU time have been demonstrated comparing with the cell BLU-SGS solver. This line implicit method preserves the favorable feature of high compactness from the cell BLU-SGS method, and can be programmed as a black box so as to be easily applied in general high-order methods. The quadrature-free SV method has improved the original SV method by replacing the large number of quadrature for face integrals in 3D case with many less nodal operations based on analytical shape functions. Finally for high-order unstructured mesh generation, the present novel and fully automatic algorithm guarantee to resolve the self-intersection problem for non-linear quadrilateral or hexahedral mesh with strong robustness. The algorithm also offers the advantage of correcting grid self-intersection without changing the basic aspect ratio of the original grids or degrading the original grid quality

    A positive scheme for diffusion problems on deformed meshes

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    International audienceWe present in this article a positive finite volume method for diffusion equation on deformed meshes. This method is mainly inspired from [50, 52], and uses auxiliary unknowns at the nodes of the mesh. The flux is computed so as to be a two-point nonlinear flux, giving rise to a matrix which is the transpose of an M-matrix, which ensures that the scheme is positive. A particular attention is given to the computation of the auxiliary unknowns. We propose a new strategy, which aims at providing a scheme easy to implement in a parallel domain decomposition setting. An analysis of the scheme is provided: existence of a solution for the nonlinear system is proved, and the convergence of a fixed-point strategy is studied

    Filtering in the numerical simulation of turbulent compressible flow with sysmmetry preserving discretizations

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    The present thesis investigates how explicit filters can be useful in numerical simulations of turbulent, compressible flow with symmetry preserving discretizations. Such explicit filters provide stability to simulations with shocks, provide stability to low-dissipation schemes on smooth flows and are used as test filters in LES turbulence models such as the Variational Multi-Scale eddy viscosity model or regularization models. The present thesis is a step forward in four main aspects. First, a comparative study of the Symmetry Preserving schemes for compressible flow is conducted. It shows that Rozema’s scheme is more stable and accurate than the other schemes compiled fromthe literature. A sligh tmodification on this scheme is presented and shown to be more stable and accurate in unstructured meshes, but lesser accurate and stable in uniform, structured meshes. Second, a theoretical analysis of the properties of filters for CFD and their consequences on the derivation of the LES equations is conducted. The analysis shows how the diffusive properties of filters are necessary for the consistency of the model. Third, a study of explicit filtering on discrete variables identifies the necessary constraints for the fulfillment of the discrete counterpart of the filter properties. It puts emphases on the different possibilities when requiring the filters to be diffusive. After it, a new family of filters has been derived and tested in newly developed tests that allow the independent study of each property. And last, an algorithm to couple adaptive filtering with time integration is reported and tested on the 2D Isentropic Vortex and on the Taylor-Green vortex problem. Filtering is shown to enhance stability at the cost of locally adding diffusion. This saves the simulations from being diffusive everywhere. The resulting methodology is also shown to be potentially useful for shock-capturing purposes with the simulation of a shock-tube in a fully unstructured mesh.Postprint (published version

    Finite element methods respecting the discrete maximum principle for convection-diffusion equations

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    Convection-diffusion-reaction equations model the conservation of scalar quantities. From the analytic point of view, solution of these equations satisfy under certain conditions maximum principles, which represent physical bounds of the solution. That the same bounds are respected by numerical approximations of the solution is often of utmost importance in practice. The mathematical formulation of this property, which contributes to the physical consistency of a method, is called Discrete Maximum Principle (DMP). In many applications, convection dominates diffusion by several orders of magnitude. It is well known that standard discretizations typically do not satisfy the DMP in this convection-dominated regime. In fact, in this case, it turns out to be a challenging problem to construct discretizations that, on the one hand, respect the DMP and, on the other hand, compute accurate solutions. This paper presents a survey on finite element methods, with a main focus on the convection-dominated regime, that satisfy a local or a global DMP. The concepts of the underlying numerical analysis are discussed. The survey reveals that for the steady-state problem there are only a few discretizations, all of them nonlinear, that at the same time satisfy the DMP and compute reasonably accurate solutions, e.g., algebraically stabilized schemes. Moreover, most of these discretizations have been developed in recent years, showing the enormous progress that has been achieved lately. Methods based on algebraic stabilization, nonlinear and linear ones, are currently as well the only finite element methods that combine the satisfaction of the global DMP and accurate numerical results for the evolutionary equations in the convection-dominated situation

    Numerical analysis of a robust free energy diminishing Finite Volume scheme for parabolic equations with gradient structure

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    We present a numerical method for approximating the solutions of degenerate parabolic equations with a formal gradient flow structure. The numerical method we propose preserves at the discrete level the formal gradient flow structure, allowing the use of some nonlinear test functions in the analysis. The existence of a solution to and the convergence of the scheme are proved under very general assumptions on the continuous problem (nonlinearities, anisotropy, heterogeneity) and on the mesh. Moreover, we provide numerical evidences of the efficiency and of the robustness of our approach

    DĂ©veloppement d’un schĂ©ma aux volumes finis centrĂ© lagrangien pour la rĂ©solution 3D des Ă©quations de l’hydrodynamique et de l’hyperĂ©lasticitĂ©

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    High Energy Density Physics (HEDP) flows are multi-material flows characterizedby strong shock waves and large changes in the domain shape due to rarefactionwaves. Numerical schemes based on the Lagrangian formalism are good candidatesto model this kind of flows since the computational grid follows the fluid motion.This provides accurate results around the shocks as well as a natural tracking ofmulti-material interfaces and free-surfaces. In particular, cell-centered Finite VolumeLagrangian schemes such as GLACE (Godunov-type LAgrangian scheme Conservativefor total Energy) and EUCCLHYD (Explicit Unstructured Cell-CenteredLagrangian HYDrodynamics) provide good results on both the modeling of gas dynamicsand elastic-plastic equations. The work produced during this PhD thesisis in continuity with the work of Maire and Nkonga [JCP, 2009] for the hydrodynamicpart and the work of Kluth and DesprĂ©s [JCP, 2010] for the hyperelasticitypart. More precisely, the aim of this thesis is to develop robust and accurate methodsfor the 3D extension of the EUCCLHYD scheme with a second-order extensionbased on MUSCL (Monotonic Upstream-centered Scheme for Conservation Laws)and GRP (Generalized Riemann Problem) procedures. A particular care is taken onthe preservation of symmetries and the monotonicity of the solutions. The schemerobustness and accuracy are assessed on numerous Lagrangian test cases for whichthe 3D extensions are very challenging.La Physique des Hautes DensitĂ©s d’Énergies (HEDP) est caractĂ©risĂ©e par desĂ©coulements multi-matĂ©riaux fortement compressibles. Le domaine contenant l’écoulementsubit de grandes variations de taille et est le siĂšge d’ondes de chocs et dedĂ©tente intenses. La reprĂ©sentation Lagrangienne est bien adaptĂ©e Ă  la descriptionde ce type d’écoulements. Elle permet en effet une trĂšs bonne description deschocs ainsi qu’un suivit naturel des interfaces multi-matĂ©riaux et des surfaces libres.En particulier, les schĂ©mas Volumes Finis centrĂ©s Lagrangiens GLACE (GodunovtypeLAgrangian scheme Conservative for total Energy) et EUCCLHYD (ExplicitUnstructured Cell-Centered Lagrangian HYDrodynamics) ont prouvĂ© leur efficacitĂ©pour la modĂ©lisation des Ă©quations de la dynamique des gaz ainsi que de l’élastoplasticitĂ©.Le travail de cette thĂšse s’inscrit dans la continuitĂ© des travaux de Maireet Nkonga [JCP, 2009] pour la modĂ©lisation de l’hydrodynamique et des travauxde Kluth et DesprĂ©s [JCP, 2010] pour l’hyperelasticitĂ©. Plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment, cettethĂšse propose le dĂ©veloppement de mĂ©thodes robustes et prĂ©cises pour l’extension3D du schĂ©ma EUCCLHYD avec une extension d’ordre deux basĂ©e sur les mĂ©thodesMUSCL (Monotonic Upstream-centered Scheme for Conservation Laws) et GRP(Generalized Riemann Problem). Une attention particuliĂšre est portĂ©e sur la prĂ©servationdes symĂ©tries et la monotonie des solutions. La robustesse et la prĂ©cision duschĂ©ma seront validĂ©es sur de nombreux cas tests Lagrangiens dont l’extension 3Dest particuliĂšrement difficile
