26 research outputs found

    SNAP: Stateful Network-Wide Abstractions for Packet Processing

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    Early programming languages for software-defined networking (SDN) were built on top of the simple match-action paradigm offered by OpenFlow 1.0. However, emerging hardware and software switches offer much more sophisticated support for persistent state in the data plane, without involving a central controller. Nevertheless, managing stateful, distributed systems efficiently and correctly is known to be one of the most challenging programming problems. To simplify this new SDN problem, we introduce SNAP. SNAP offers a simpler "centralized" stateful programming model, by allowing programmers to develop programs on top of one big switch rather than many. These programs may contain reads and writes to global, persistent arrays, and as a result, programmers can implement a broad range of applications, from stateful firewalls to fine-grained traffic monitoring. The SNAP compiler relieves programmers of having to worry about how to distribute, place, and optimize access to these stateful arrays by doing it all for them. More specifically, the compiler discovers read/write dependencies between arrays and translates one-big-switch programs into an efficient internal representation based on a novel variant of binary decision diagrams. This internal representation is used to construct a mixed-integer linear program, which jointly optimizes the placement of state and the routing of traffic across the underlying physical topology. We have implemented a prototype compiler and applied it to about 20 SNAP programs over various topologies to demonstrate our techniques' scalability

    NFV Platforms: Taxonomy, Design Choices and Future Challenges

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    Due to the intrinsically inefficient service provisioning in traditional networks, Network Function Virtualization (NFV) keeps gaining attention from both industry and academia. By replacing the purpose-built, expensive, proprietary network equipment with software network functions consolidated on commodity hardware, NFV envisions a shift towards a more agile and open service provisioning paradigm. During the last few years, a large number of NFV platforms have been implemented in production environments that typically face critical challenges, including the development, deployment, and management of Virtual Network Functions (VNFs). Nonetheless, just like any complex system, such platforms commonly consist of abounding software and hardware components and usually incorporate disparate design choices based on distinct motivations or use cases. This broad collection of convoluted alternatives makes it extremely arduous for network operators to make proper choices. Although numerous efforts have been devoted to investigating different aspects of NFV, none of them specifically focused on NFV platforms or attempted to explore their design space. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey on the NFV platform design. Our study solely targets existing NFV platform implementations. We begin with a top-down architectural view of the standard reference NFV platform and present our taxonomy of existing NFV platforms based on what features they provide in terms of a typical network function life cycle. Then we thoroughly explore the design space and elaborate on the implementation choices each platform opts for. We also envision future challenges for NFV platform design in the incoming 5G era. We believe that our study gives a detailed guideline for network operators or service providers to choose the most appropriate NFV platform based on their respective requirements. Our work also provides guidelines for implementing new NFV platforms

    DRENCH: A Semi-Distributed Resource Management Framework for NFV based Service Function Chaining

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    As networks grow in scale and complexity, the use of Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and the ability to dynamically instantiate network function instances (NFls) allow us to scale out the network's capabilities in response to demand. At the same time, an increasing number of computing resources, deployed closer to users, as well as network equipment are now capable of performing general-purpose computation for NFV. However, NFV management in the presence of Service Function Chaining (SFC) for arbitrary topologies is a challenging task. In this work we argue for the necessity of an algorithmic resource managementframework that captures the involved tradeoffs of NFls minimum workload, load balancing, and flow path stretch. We introduce DRENCH as a low complexity NFV and flow steering management framework. In DRENCH an NFV market is considered where a centralised SDN controller acts as market orchestrator of NFV nodes. Through competition, NFV nodes make flow steering and NFl instantiation/consolidation decisions. DRENCH design enables third party NFV nodes participation while it can coexist with other NFV management solutions. DRENCH orchestrator parameterisation strikes the right balance between path stretch and NFl load balancing, resulting in significantly lower Flow Completion Times, up to 1Ox less, in some cases

    Scalable and Reliable Middlebox Deployment

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    Middleboxes are pervasive in modern computer networks providing functionalities beyond mere packet forwarding. Load balancers, intrusion detection systems, and network address translators are typical examples of middleboxes. Despite their benefits, middleboxes come with several challenges with respect to their scalability and reliability. The goal of this thesis is to devise middlebox deployment solutions that are cost effective, scalable, and fault tolerant. The thesis includes three main contributions: First, distributed service function chaining with multiple instances of a middlebox deployed on different physical servers to optimize resource usage; Second, Constellation, a geo-distributed middlebox framework enabling a middlebox application to operate with high performance across wide area networks; Third, a fault tolerant service function chaining system

    On the placement of security-related Virtualised Network Functions over data center networks

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    Middleboxes are typically hardware-accelerated appliances such as firewalls, proxies, WAN optimizers, and NATs that play an important role in service provisioning over today's data centers. Reports show that the number of middleboxes is on par with the number of routers, and consequently represent a significant commitment from an operator's capital and operational expenditure budgets. Over the past few years, software middleboxes known as Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) are replacing the hardware appliances to reduce cost, improve the flexibility of deployment, and allow for extending network functionality in short timescales. This dissertation aims at identifying the unique characteristics of security modules implementation as VNFs in virtualised environments. We focus on the placement of the security VNFs to minimise resource usage without violating the security imposed constraints as a challenge faced by operators today who want to increase the usable capacity of their infrastructures. The work presented here, focuses on the multi-tenant environment where customised security services are provided to tenants. The services are implemented as a software module deployed as a VNF collocated with network switches to reduce overhead. Furthermore, the thesis presents a formalisation for the resource-aware placement of security VNFs and provides a constraint programming solution along with examining heuristic, meta-heuristic and near-optimal/subset-sum solutions to solve larger size problems in reduced time. The results of this work identify the unique and vital constraints of the placement of security functions. They demonstrate that the granularity of the traffic required by the security functions imposes traffic constraints that increase the resource overhead of the deployment. The work identifies the north-south traffic in data centers as the traffic designed for processing for security functions rather than east-west traffic. It asserts that the non-sharing strategy of security modules will reduce the complexity in case of the multi-tenant environment. Furthermore, the work adopts on-path deployment of security VNF traffic strategy, which is shown to reduce resources overhead compared to previous approaches