4 research outputs found

    Millimeter-Wave Concurrent Dual-Band BiCMOS RFIC Transmitter for Radar and Communication Systems

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    This dissertation presents new circuit architectures and techniques for improving the performance of several key BiCMOS RFIC building blocks used in radar and wireless communication systems operating up to millimeter-wave frequencies, and the development of an advanced, low-cost and miniature millimeter-wave concurrent dual-band transmitter for short-range, high-resolution radar and high-rate communication systems. A new type of low-power active balun consisting of a common emitter amplifier with degenerative inductor and a common collector amplifier is proposed. The parasitic neutralization and compensation techniques are used to keep the balun well balanced at very high frequencies and across an ultra-wide bandwidth. A novel RF switch architecture with ultra-high isolation and possible gain is proposed, analyzed and demonstrated. The new RF switch architecture achieves an ultra-high isolation through implementation of a new RF leaking cancellation technique. A new class of concurrent dual-band impedance matching networks and technique for synthesizing them are presented together with a 25.5/37-GHz concurrent dual-band PA. These matching networks enable simultaneous matching of two arbitrary loads to two arbitrary sources at two different frequencies, utilizing the impedance-equivalence properties of LC networks that any LC network can be equivalent to an inductor, capacitor, open or short at different frequencies. K- and Ka-band ultra-low-leakage RF-pulse formers capable of producing very narrow RF pulses in the order of 200 ps with small rising and falling time for short-range high-resolution radar and high-data-rate communication systems are also developed. The complete transmitter exhibiting unique characteristics obtained from capabilities of producing very narrow and tunable RF pulses with extremely RF leakage and working concurrently in dual bands at 24.5 and 35 GHz was designed. Capability of generating narrow and tunable RF pulses allows the radar system to flexibly work at high and multiple range resolutions. The extremely low RF leakage allows the transmitter to share one antenna system with receiver, turn on the PA at all time, comply the transmitting spectrum requirements, increase the system dynamic range, avoid harming to other systems; hence improving system size, cost and performance. High data-rate in communication systems is achieved as the consequence of transmitting very narrow RF pulses at high rates. In addition, the dissertation demonstrates a design approach for low chip-area, cost and power consumption systems in which a single dual-band component (power amplifier) is designed to operate with two RF signals simultaneously

    Research for Pseudo Millimeter Wave Circuit Design with 0.18μm CMOS Technology Node

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    九州工業大学博士学位論文 学位記番号:工博甲第405号 学位授与年月日:平成27年9月25日第一章:イントロダクション | 第二章:技術的課題 | 第三章:モデリング(ディエンベディング)手法 | 第四章:受動素子の設計とそのモデリング結果 | 第五章:K u - バンドの衛星放送受信機用低雑音ブロックに関する研究 | 第六章:K a - バンド周波数変調連続波変調用レーダに適したVCO の研究 | 第七章:結論九州工業大学平成27年

    Conception et réalisation de fonctions millimétriques en technologie BiCMOS 55nm

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    In the past few years, the feasibility of high performance millimeter-wave(mmWave) fully-integrated transceivers has been widely demonstrated in both CMOS andBiCMOS silicon technologies. Nowadays, automatic level control (ALC) solutions and in-situtesting (BIT: Built in Testing) and characterization of mmWave components, constitute themajor research interest in mmWave domain. This work focus on the development of the mainbuilding blocks (power detectors and baluns) that meet the requirement of the today’smmWave ALC and BIT applications. The developed prototypes take advantage of the highperformances transistors offered by the BiCMOS 55 nm technology, from STMicroelectronics, aswell as the high performances of the slow-wave based passive components developed by theIMEP-LAHC laboratory. Several prototypes were developed as a proof of concept for thedesignated applications. This work helps future generation millimeter-wave systems to havefaster development and better robustness.Au cours des dernières années, la faisabilité des émetteurs-récepteurs millimétriques entièrement intégrés a été largement démontrée en technologies silicium CMOS et BiCMOS. Deux axes sont actuellement très porteurs dans ce domaine : (1) l’amélioration des performances à travers des boucles d’asservissement intégrées (ALC : Automatique Level Control), (2) le développement de solutions de caractérisation sur silicium des composants millimétriques (BIT : Built In Test). L’objectif principal de cette thèse est de développer les blocsde base (détecteurs de puissance et baluns) pour répondre aux besoins actuels des applications ALC et BIT. Les circuits réalisés combinent l’avantage de composants actifs de la technologie BiCMOS 55 nm, de STMicroelectronics, avec l’avantage des structures passives à ondes lentes développées à l’IMEP-LAHC. Ce travail permet un développement plus rapide et robuste pour la future génération de systèmes millimétriques

    Conception et réalisation de fonctions millimétriques en technologie BiCMOS 55nm

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    In the past few years, the feasibility of high performance millimeter-wave(mmWave) fully-integrated transceivers has been widely demonstrated in both CMOS andBiCMOS silicon technologies. Nowadays, automatic level control (ALC) solutions and in-situtesting (BIT: Built in Testing) and characterization of mmWave components, constitute themajor research interest in mmWave domain. This work focus on the development of the mainbuilding blocks (power detectors and baluns) that meet the requirement of the today’smmWave ALC and BIT applications. The developed prototypes take advantage of the highperformances transistors offered by the BiCMOS 55 nm technology, from STMicroelectronics, aswell as the high performances of the slow-wave based passive components developed by theIMEP-LAHC laboratory. Several prototypes were developed as a proof of concept for thedesignated applications. This work helps future generation millimeter-wave systems to havefaster development and better robustness.Au cours des dernières années, la faisabilité des émetteurs-récepteurs millimétriques entièrement intégrés a été largement démontrée en technologies silicium CMOS et BiCMOS. Deux axes sont actuellement très porteurs dans ce domaine : (1) l’amélioration des performances à travers des boucles d’asservissement intégrées (ALC : Automatique Level Control), (2) le développement de solutions de caractérisation sur silicium des composants millimétriques (BIT : Built In Test). L’objectif principal de cette thèse est de développer les blocsde base (détecteurs de puissance et baluns) pour répondre aux besoins actuels des applications ALC et BIT. Les circuits réalisés combinent l’avantage de composants actifs de la technologie BiCMOS 55 nm, de STMicroelectronics, avec l’avantage des structures passives à ondes lentes développées à l’IMEP-LAHC. Ce travail permet un développement plus rapide et robuste pour la future génération de systèmes millimétriques