5 research outputs found

    Mathematical model for crane scheduling in mixed yard

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    Model of Twin Automatic Stacking Crane Operation Strategy with Dynamic Handshake Area in an Automated Container Terminal

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    This paper proposes a new idea for allocating a handshake area of an automated container yard. A block of automated container yards (CY) consists of two areas, which are the import (waterside) and export (landside) areas. The CY has two major activities (loading and unloading), where both are served by Twin Automatic Stacking Cranes (Twin-ASCs). A handshake area in the middle of the CY serves as a temporary slot for both ASCs. This situation causes an imbalance between the ASCs when the demands of each side differ significantly. Thus, we proposed using a dynamic location of the handshake area corresponding to the proportion demand of export and import containers. We developed a heuristics model and algorithms of ASC’s operations to compare the efficiency of the ASC operations between the fixed and the dynamic location. Based on our model and algorithm, we developed simulation software. Finally, we explored some numerical experiments to compare the performance of both policies in dealing with different export and import demand scenarios. Our result showed that the proposed approach outperformed the existing one in reducing unnecessary ASC movements

    SSCM Performance Improvement Strategy of Container Shipping Industry in Indonesia

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    The objectives of this study are to measure and analyze the factors that significantly impact the performance of Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM) container shipping industry in Indonesia. This research will then formulate recommendations on SSCM performance improvement strategy using SEM-PLS method. The results show that currently the business actor and service user perceive the SSCM performance of container shipping industry in Indonesia as low. Furthermore, four latent variables give significant and positive impact to SSCM performance. The latent variables include Technology, Integrated Logistic System, Sustainable Market Orientation and Fair-Trade System. The Technology and Integrated Logistic System as the priority should be give more attention. The conclusion of the research result shows that strategy to improve the SSCM performance of container shipping industry in Indonesia must be carried out through a holistic approach and seen as a system. The managerial implication of this study is that the four latent variables of the model sorted, according to their priorities from the total effect coefficients, can be applied as a strategy to improve SSCM performance. Keywords: sustainable supply chain, container shipping, SEM, SSC

    Estudio sobre el avance del conocimiento en la automatización de las terminales portuarias de contenedores

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    [ES] Dada la alta competitividad del sector portuario, asi como la alta especializacion de los traficos, se intenta dar un valor an~adido a los clientes, y en especial a las navieras, que buscan tiempos de estancia bajos para poder maximizar la rentabilidad del buque. Por otro lado, y centrandose en el trafico de contenedores maritimos, los operadores de las terminales buscan una eficiencia en las operaciones, y en algunos casos, ademas, un aumento de la capacidad. Actualmente existe una tendencia de llevar a cabo la consecucion de los objetivos anteriores a partir de la automatizacion de la terminal. Esta tendencia de automatizacion ha crecido muy rapidamente desde la apertura en 1993 de la primera terminal de este tipo. Es por ello, que, este trabajo tiene como objetivo estudiar la evolucion de estas, enfocandose en los avances mas recientes, teniendo varias perspectivas. En primer lugar, se examina el avance en los distintos elementos que componen la terminal de contenedores automatizada, para posteriormente ver que problemas se han resuelto en el ambito academico. Finalmente se realizara un analisis de las terminales automatizadas y semiautomatizadas existentes.[CA] Donada l'alta competitivitat del sector portuari, aixi com l'alta especialitzacio dels tra`nsits, s'intenta donar un valor afegit als clients, i especialment a les navilieres, que busquen temps d'estada baixos per a poder maximitzar la rendibilitat del vaixell. D'altra banda, i centrant-se en el tra`nsit de contenidors maritims, els operadors de les terminals busquen una eficie`ncia en les operacions, i en alguns casos, a mes, un augment de la capacitat. Actualment existeix una tende`ncia de dur a terme la consecucio dels objectius anteriors a partir de l'automatitzacio de la terminal. Aquesta tende`ncia d'automatitzacio ha crescut molt ra`pidament des de l'obertura en 1993 de la primera terminal d'aquest tipus. Es per aixo`, que, aquest treball te com a objectiu estudiar l'evolucio d'aquestes, enfocant-se en els avancos mes recents, tenint diverses perspectives. En primer lloc, s'examina l'avanc en els diferents elements que componen la terminal de contenidors automatitzada, per a posteriorment veure quins problemes s'han resolt en l'a`mbit acade`mic. Finalment es realitzara` una ana`lisi de les terminals automatitzades i semiautomatitzades existents.[EN] The high competitiveness of port industry coupled with the specialization of maritime have resulted in rising the added value they place toward customers. The ones most affected are usually the shipping companies which seek short turnarounds to maximize the ship's cost-efficiency. Furthermore, -and focusing in the traffic of containers- terminal operator's aim is to ensure operations are efficient, and in some cases, to increase capacity. Current trends try to accomplish both goals with the automation of port container terminals. That trend of automation has rapidly expanded since its inception in 1993. This project will therefore study the evolution of said innovations, centring itself in the progress achieved recently. Firstly, this paper will discuss the evolution of the various elements that compose an automated terminal. Secondly, all problems present within said elements and already solved by the academia will be examined. Finally, an analysis of all existing automated and semi-automates terminals will be done.Baviera García, M. (2019). Estudio sobre el avance del conocimiento en la automatización de las terminales portuarias de contenedores. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/131784Archivo delegad