1,845 research outputs found

    Review of Quantitative Methods for Supply Chain Resilience Analysis

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    Supply chain resilience (SCR) manifests when the network is capable to withstand, adapt, and recover from disruptions to meet customer demand and ensure performance. This paper conceptualizes and comprehensively presents a systematic review of the recent literature on quantitative modeling the SCR while distinctively pertaining it to the original concept of resilience capacity. Decision-makers and researchers can benefit from our survey since it introduces a structured analysis and recommendations as to which quantitative methods can be used at different levels of capacity resilience. Finally, the gaps and limitations of existing SCR literature are identified and future research opportunities are suggested

    Review of Quantitative Methods for Supply Chain Resilience Analysis

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    Supply chain resilience (SCR) manifests when the network is capable to withstand, adapt, and recover from disruptions to meet customer demand and ensure performance. This paper conceptualizes and comprehensively presents a systematic review of the recent literature on quantitative modeling the SCR while distinctively pertaining it to the original concept of resilience capacity. Decision-makers and researchers can benefit from our survey since it introduces a structured analysis and recommendations as to which quantitative methods can be used at different levels of capacity resilience. Finally, the gaps and limitations of existing SCR literature are identified and future research opportunities are suggested

    Planning of outsourced operations in pharmaceutical supply chains

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    In this dissertation, we focus on the planning and control of supply chains where part of the supply chain is outsourced to a contract manufacturer(s). Supply Chain Management deals with the integration of business processes from end-customers through original suppliers that provide products, services and information that add value for customers (Cooper et al., 1997). In a narrow sense, a supply chain can be ‘owned’ by one large company with several sites, often located in different countries. Planning and coordinating the materials and information flows within such a worldwide operating company can be a challenging task. However, the decision making is easier than in case more companies are involved in a supply chain, since the sites are part of one organization with one board and it is likely that the decision makers have full access to information needed for the supply chain planning. Outsourcing is an ‘act of moving some of a firm’s internal activities and decision responsibilities to outside providers’ (Chase et al., 2004) and it has been studied extensively in the literature.Outsourcing is developing in many industries, but in this dissertation, we focus on outsourcing in the pharmaceutical industry, where outsourced supply chain structures are rapidly developing. Recent studies show that the global pharmaceutical outsourcing market has doubled from 2001 to 2007 and it is expected to further increase in the upcoming years. In the pharmaceutical industry, the outsourcing relationship is typically long-term and customers often require high service levels. Due to high setup costs, production is conducted in fixed large batch sizes and campaign sizes. The cumulative lead time within the supply chain is more than one year, whereas the customer lead time is about two months. In this industry, production activities are outsourced for three main reasons. First, intellectual property legislation requires outsourcing the production activities to a contract manufacturer that owns the patent for specific technologies that are needed to perform the production activities. Second, expensive technologies or tight (internal) capacity restrictions also result in outsourcing. Third, to limit the supply uncertainty, companies outsource to have an external source producing the same product next to an internal source. This dissertation deals with the planning and control of outsourced supply chains, which are supply chains where part of the supply chain is outsourced to a contract manufacturer. Most supply chain operations planning models from the literature assume that the supply chain is planned at some level of aggregation and that further coordination is conducted at a more detailed level by lower planning levels. These concepts implicitly assume that the lower planning level and the operations are conducted within the same company with full information availability and full control over the operations, which is not case when part of the supply chain is outsourced. Hence, the objective of this dissertation is to obtain insights into the implications of outsourcing on the supply chain planning models. First, we review the literature on outsourcing research and we find that little is known on the operational planning decisions in an outsourced supply chain and on the implications of outsourcing on the operations planning. The literature on outsourcing at the operational level uses outsourcing purely as a secondary source to control performances such as the delivery reliability. Consequently, we discuss two case studies that we conducted into outsourced supply chains to understand the implications of outsourcing on the supply chain operations planning function, where the contract manufacturer is the only source of supply. The main implications of the planning and control of outsourced supply chains can be summarized in three categories: limited information transparency, limited control over the detailed planning and priorities at the contract manufacturer, and contractual obligations. Below, we discuss these in more detail. In order to decide on the release of materials and resources in a supply chain, it is required that the decision maker is able to frequently monitor the status of the supply chain. In an outsourced supply chain, the outsourcer does not have access to all relevant information of the entire supply chain, especially not to the available capacity in each period, also because the contract manufacturer serves a number of different (and sometimes even competing) outsourcers on the same production line. Moreover, the contract manufacturer plans and controls its part of the supply chain based on rules and priorities that are unknown to the outsourcer. This results in facing an uncertain capacity allocation by the outsourcer. Another implication is that the contract manufacturer requires by contract to reserve capacity slots prior to ordering. These reservations are subject to an acceptation decision, which means that part of the reservation quantity can be rejected. The accepted reservation quantity bounds the order quantity that follows later on. Therefore, another main insight from the case study is that in an outsourcing relationship, the order process consists of different (hierarchically connected) decisions in time. In the ordering process, the uncertain capacity allocation of the contract manufacturer should be incorporated. Hence, the order release mechanism requires a richer and more developed communication and ordering pattern than commonly assumed in practice. In a subsequent study, we build on this insight and we design three different order release mechanisms to investigate to what extent a more complicated order release function improves (or deteriorates) the performance of the supply chain operations planning models. The order release mechanisms differ in the number of decision levels and they incorporate the probabilistic behaviour of the contract manufacturer. Based on a simulation study, we show that a more advanced order release strategy that captures the characteristics of outsourcing performs significantly better than a simple order release strategy that is commonly used in practice. We also discuss the conditions for a successful implementation of the more advanced order release strategy. In another study, we study the case where the contract manufacturer is a second source next to an internal manufacturing source for the same product and where the outsourcer faces inaccurate demand forecasts. The two sources are constraining the supply quantities in different ways. Its own manufacturing source is more rigid, cheaper and tightly capacitated, whereas the contract manufacturer is more flexible but more expensive. In that study, we compare the performance of two different allocation strategies by a simulation study in which we solve the model in a rolling horizon setting. The results show that the rigid allocation strategy (the cheaper source supplies each period a constant quantity) performs substantially better than the dynamic allocation strategy (each period the allocation quantities are dynamic) if the parameters are chosen properly. In another study, we study the outsourcer’s problem of deciding on the optimal reservation quantity under capacity uncertainty, i.e., without knowing what part of the reservation will be accepted. In that study, we develop a stochastic dynamic programming model for the problem and we characterize the optimal reservation and order policies. We conduct a numerical study where we also consider the case where the capacity allocation is dependent on the demand distribution. For that case, we show the structure of the optimal policies based on the numerical study. Further, the numerical results reveal several interesting managerial insights, such as that the optimal reservation policy is little sensitive to the uncertainty of the capacity allocation from the contract manufacturer. In that case, the optimal reservation quantities hardly increase, but the optimal policy suggests increasing the utilization of the allocated capacity. We also study the outsourced supply chain from the contract manufacturer’s perspective. In that study, we consider the case where the contract manufacturer serves a number of outsourcers with different levels of uncertainty. The contract manufacturer faces the question of how to allocate the contractual capacity flexibility in an optimal way. More precisely, we focus on the contract manufacturer’s decision to make the acceptation decision under uncertainty. The more the contract manufacturer accepts from an outsourcer, the more risk is taken by the contract manufacturer, as the outsourcer might not fully utilize the accepted reservation quantity. However, we assume that the outsourcer is willing to pay an additional amount to compensate the contract manufacturer for that risk. We develop a mixed-integer programming model, which optimizes the allocation of capacity flexibility by maximizing the expected profit. Offering more flexibility to the more risky outsourcer generates higher revenue, but also increases the penalty costs. The allocated capacity flexibilities are input (parameters) to the lower decision level, where the operational planning decisions are made and demands are observed. The simulation results reveal interesting managerial insights, such that the more uncertain outsourcer gets at least the same capacity flexibility allocated as the less uncertain outsourcer. Moreover, we have seen that when the acceptation decision is made, priority is given to the less uncertain outsourcer, because that information is the most valuable. However, we see the opposite effect when orders are placed, namely that priority is given to the more uncertain outsourcer, i.e., the most paying outsourcer, as no uncertainty is involved anymore. These insights are helpful for managers of contract manufacturers when having contract negotiations with the outsourcers. We believe that the results and insights that we obtained in the various research studies of this dissertation can contribute to solving the broader real-life problems related to the planning and control of outsourced supply chains. We also discuss potential managerial implications of our findings explicitly addressing the management decisions that may be affected by using the insights from our studies. Considering the operational implications of outsourcing when taking the strategic outsourcing decision will lead to a different and a better estimate of the transaction costs and probably to a different strategic outsourcing decision. Based on our research, we think that the transaction cost estimate will be higher if the outsourcer and the contract manufacturer do not agree on operational issues, such as the multi-level order release mechanism. From a tactical point of view, the outsourcer may include the options of postponement and cancellation in the contract, even if the contract manufacturer would charge little extra for these options. The results show that the benefits of including these options are substantial. Moreover, we showed that controlling a contract manufacturer operationally in the same way as an internal manufacturing source leads to a nervous ordering behaviour with a lot of changes and a lot of panicky communication between the outsourcer and the contract manufacturer. Combining the insights from different studies, one can also conclude that including little reservation cost is beneficial to both parties; it leads to a win-win situation. The outsourcer with a high level of demand uncertainty secures sufficient capacity allocation from the contract manufacturer and avoids more expensive penalty costs. For the outsourcer with less demand uncertainty, it is wise to set the contract such that the reservation costs are subtracted from the total paid amount. Moreover, this outsourcer may gain competitive advantage if his competitors operate in the same market by securing sufficient capacity allocation (by paying little reservation costs). For the contract manufacturer, including reservation cost is also beneficial, as it leads to a better match between the outsourcer’s reservation and ordering behaviour

    Mitigating Space Industry Supply Chain Risk Thru Risk-Based Analysis

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    Using risk-based analysis to consider supply chain disruptions and uncertainty along with potential mitigation strategies in the early stages of space industry projects can be used avoid schedule delays, cost overruns, and lead to successful project outcomes. Space industry projects, especially launch vehicles, are complicated assemblies of high-technology and specialized components. Components are engineered, procured, manufactured, and assembled for specific missions or projects, unlike make-to-stock manufacturing where assemblies are produced at a mass production rate for customers to choose off the shelf or lot, like automobiles. The supply chain for a space industry project is a large, complicated web where one disruption, especially for sole-sourced components, could ripple through the project causing delays at multiple project milestones. This ripple effect can even cause the delay or cancelation of the entire project unless project managers develop and employ risk mitigations strategies against supply chain disruption and uncertainty. The unpredictability of when delays and disruptions may occur makes managing these projects extremely difficult. By using risk-based analysis, project managers can better plan for and mitigate supply chain risk and uncertainty for space industry projects to better manage project success. Space industry project supply chain risk and uncertainty can be evaluated through risk assessments at major project milestones and during the procurement process. Mitigations for identified risks can be evaluated and implemented to better manage project success. One mitigation strategy to supply chain risk and uncertainty is implementing a dual or multi-supplier sourcing procurement strategy. This research explores using a risk-based analysis to identify where this mitigation strategy can be beneficial for space industry projects and how its implementation affects project success. First a supply chain risk assessment and mitigation decision tool will be used at major project milestones to show where a multi-sourcing strategy may be beneficial. Next, updated supplier quote evaluation tools will confirm the usage of multiple suppliers for procurement. Modeling and simulation are then used to show the impact of that strategy on the project success metrics of cost and schedule

    Framework For Effective Resilience Managmenet Of Complex Supply Networks

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    In today\u27s environment with high global and complex supply chains for engineered products, the ability to assess and manage the resilience of supply chains is not a luxury but a fundamental prerequisite for business continuity and success. This is particularly true for firms with deep-tier supply chains, such as the automotive original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and their suppliers. Automotive supply networks are particularly facing growing challenges due to their complexity, globalization, economic volatility, rapidly changing technologies, regulations, and environmental/political shocks. These risks and challenges can disrupt and halt operations in any section of the supply network. Given that supply chains have become quite lean in the 21st century with relatively little slack, the COVID-19 pandemic has fully exposed these vulnerabilities. According to Allianz\u27s Business Risk Report from 2014, half of all supply chain disruptions stemming from tier-2 and tier-3 suppliers. However, the industry\u27s supply network assessment practice is primarily limited to immediate (i.e., tier-1 ) suppliers with no real consideration for the deep-tiers. The added complication due to poor supplier relations is that there is no visibility to the upstream deeper-tiers of the supply network, which could lead to severe vulnerabilities and impose massive disruption costs. Our research goal is to enhance the resilience of deep-tier automotive supply networks through improved resilience assessment and management mechanisms. In this collaborative study with a global automotive OEM (Ford Motor Company), we seek to develop methods to assess and manage the resilience of deep-tier supply networks. This research considers the multi-dimensional nature of resilience management, focusing on metrics around cost efficiency, effective inventory management, demand fulfillment, capacity management, and delivery performance. We develop and evaluate our proposed resilience assessment and management framework with a real case study supply network for an automotive climate control system. The supply network contains 20 firms (nodes) located in various global regions and 21 connections (edges) between firms. The network includes three tiers of suppliers with different transportation modes, making the network a rich illustrative example for proposed resilience assessment and management methods and analysis. All inventory and shipping policies with related parameters have been defined and set for each supplier and their connections. The proposed resilience assessment framework relies on discrete-event simulation for effectiveness; computational efficiency is maintained by relying on modern open-source packages for modeling, optimization, and analysis. The framework starts by generating a digital supply network model that includes the focal firm and its suppliers and deeper-tiers based on the available visibility. Disruption scenarios, including disruption sources, frequency, and severity, are then efficiently generated using private and public regional risk sources. For illustrative purposes, we primarily relied on public secondary data sources. The secondary regional risk indices that we relied upon aggregate political, economic, legal, operational, and security risks for the given region. Finally, the digital supply network is simulated with an adequate number of replications for reliable assessment. In this research, discrete-event simulation is implemented using NetworkX and SimPy Python packages. We employ the network analysis techniques combined with discrete-event simulation informed by secondary data sources for improving the assessment framework. Our resilience assessment results confirm that visibility into the deeper-tiers of the supply network (through primary or secondary data sources) leads to a more accurate network resilience assessment. Finally, we offer a global sensitivity analysis procedure to determine the supply network players, parameters, and policies that most influence the network performance. We also propose an effective resilience management framework that efficiently leverages simulation-based optimization. For illustrative purposes, we considered the mitigation strategies typical in the automotive industry, such as dual sourcing, reserve capacities (at primary or secondary suppliers), and contracts with backup suppliers besides carrying safety stock. Sourcing and transportation mode decisions can be easily incorporated into the framework. The method seeks to minimize the cost of risk mitigation strategies while attaining the target resilience. The framework is flexible and can entertain other objectives and constraints. Given that simulation-based optimization methods can be computationally expensive, we employ surrogate models that relate supply network resilience performance to network design parameters within our mathematical programming formulation. Without loss of generality, the surrogate models are based on linear regression models that define the relationship between the focal firm and tier-1 suppliers\u27 resilience levels and network design decision variables. The imperfections of the regression models are accounted for in the formulation through constraints with slack (function of the RMSE of the regression model). We demonstrate that optimal resilience management would stem from jointly allocating safety buffers (e.g., capacity, inventory levels) across the network and not by independently applying a simplistic/static set of rules for all nodes/arcs. Our validation experiments with a real-world case study informed by secondary data from public data sources confirm the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed supply network resilience management method

    A contribution to supply chain design under uncertainty

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    Dans le contexte actuel des chaînes logistiques, des processus d'affaires complexes et des partenaires étendus, plusieurs facteurs peuvent augmenter les chances de perturbations dans les chaînes logistiques, telles que les pertes de clients en raison de l'intensification de la concurrence, la pénurie de l'offre en raison de l'incertitude des approvisionnements, la gestion d'un grand nombre de partenaires, les défaillances et les pannes imprévisibles, etc. Prévoir et répondre aux changements qui touchent les chaînes logistiques exigent parfois de composer avec des incertitudes et des informations incomplètes. Chaque entité de la chaîne doit être choisie de façon efficace afin de réduire autant que possible les facteurs de perturbations. Configurer des chaînes logistiques efficientes peut garantir la continuité des activités de la chaîne en dépit de la présence d'événements perturbateurs. L'objectif principal de cette thèse est la conception de chaînes logistiques qui résistent aux perturbations par le biais de modèles de sélection d'acteurs fiables. Les modèles proposés permettent de réduire la vulnérabilité aux perturbations qui peuvent aV, oir un impact sur la continuité des opérations des entités de la chaîne, soient les fournisseurs, les sites de production et les sites de distribution. Le manuscrit de cette thèse s'articule autour de trois principaux chapitres: 1 - Construction d'un modèle multi-objectifs de sélection d'acteurs fiables pour la conception de chaînes logistiques en mesure de résister aux perturbations. 2 - Examen des différents concepts et des types de risques liés aux chaînes logistiques ainsi qu'une présentation d'une approche pour quantifier le risque. 3 - Développement d'un modèle d'optimisation de la fiabilité afin de réduire la vulnérabilité aux perturbations des chaînes logistiques sous l'incertitude de la sollicitation et de l'offre

    A Representation of Tactical and Strategic Precursors of Supply Network Resilience Using Simulation Based Experiments

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    Modern supply chains are becoming increasingly complex and are exposed to higher levels of risk. Globalization, market uncertainty, mass customization, technological and innovation forces, among other factors, make supply networks more susceptible to disruptions (both those that are man-made and/or ones associated with natural events) that leave suppliers unavailable, shut-down facilities and entail lost capacity. Whereas several models for disruption management exist, there is a need for operational representations of concepts such as resilience that expand the practitioners’ understanding of the behavior of their supply chains. These representations must include not only specific characteristics of the firm’s supply network but also its tactical and strategic decisions (such as sourcing and product design). Furthermore, the representations should capture the impact those characteristics have on the performance of the network facing disruptions, thus providing operations managers with insights on what tactical and strategic decisions are most suitable for their specific supply networks (and product types) in the event of a disruption. This research uses Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation (ABMS) and an experimental set-up to develop a representation of the relationships between tactical and strategic decisions and their impact on the performance of multi-echelon networks under supply uncertainty. Two main questions are answered: 1) How do different tactical and strategic decisions give rise to resilience in a multi-echelon system?, and 2) What is the nature of the interactions between those factors, the network’s structure and its performance in the event of a disruption? Product design was found to have the most significant impact on the reliability (Perfect Order Fulfillment) for products with high degrees of componentization when dual sourcing is the chosen strategy. However, when it comes to network responsiveness (Order Fulfillment Cycle Time), this effect was attenuated. Generally, it was found that the expected individual impact these factors have on the network performance is affected by the interactions between them

    Estimating Total Cost of Ownership for United States Air Force Chiller Assets

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    In order to make the most cost-effective choice when purchasing high-value assets, organizations must be able to quantify and compare the costs associated with acquiring, maintaining and disposing the alternatives. Currently, the United States Air Force (USAF) Civil Engineer (CE) enterprise has no standardized model to accurately and efficiently predict the total cost of ownership (TCO) for the acquisition of new assets. As such, acquisition efforts throughout the enterprise are disjointed and performed without leveraging the considerable buying power wielded by an organization as large as the USAF. This research developed a TCO model using a standard, dollar-based approach that combined linear additive and regression modeling techniques. The model was derived from existing operations and maintenance and contract spending data associated with heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. The TCO model provides USAF acquisition, contracting, and civil engineering professionals a tool with which to project life-cycle costs, negotiate prices, and justify spending decisions. Furthermore, the model provides a proof of concept to the CE enterprise that will allow for the expansion of TCO modeling to other categories of spending

    Managing Supply Networks in Regulated Markets: three essays using simulation

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    We present a comprehensive overview of three research topics related to supply chain management. The first essay investigates the impact of a complexity reduction project conducted in the life science industry to improve financial performance. The essay presents the complex infrastructure of antibody manufacturing, distribution and the benefits of applying discrete event simulation to reduce complexity. The digital twin model allows us to evaluate multiple scenarios to support decision-making when redesigning a supply chain. Based on our analysis, we identify significant improvements. The second essay explores how supply chain risks can be identified in a dense supply network to mitigate the impact of disruptions. We developed a novel approach to help companies identify critical nodes in their supply network and apply risk mitigation strategies to reduce risk across the network. Our research shows that the combination of Social Network Analysis (SNA), network graph visualisation, and Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) improves the ability of decision makers to identify and manage risks. Optimal inventory policies are crucial to supply chain management, especially when dealing with stochastic demand and lead time. The third essay explores the optimal inventory policies under these conditions. First, the fundamental concepts and models of inventory management and policies are discussed. The essay then delves into the complexities of managing inventory with stochastic demand and lead time, exploring four optimal inventory policies to minimise total inventory costs utilising a simulation optimisation approach. The essay concludes with a sensitivity analysis, and we present the four optimal inventory policies for different service levels
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