431,925 research outputs found

    The number of unit distances is almost linear for most norms

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    We prove that there exists a norm in the plane under which no n-point set determines more than O(n log n log log n) unit distances. Actually, most norms have this property, in the sense that their complement is a meager set in the metric space of all norms (with the metric given by the Hausdorff distance of the unit balls)

    Algebraic K-theory of quasi-smooth blow-ups and cdh descent

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    We construct a semi-orthogonal decomposition on the category of perfect complexes on the blow-up of a derived Artin stack in a quasi-smooth centre. This gives a generalization of Thomason's blow-up formula in algebraic K-theory to derived stacks. We also provide a new criterion for descent in Voevodsky's cdh topology, which we use to give a direct proof of Cisinski's theorem that Weibel's homotopy invariant K-theory satisfies cdh descent.Comment: 24 pages; to appear in Annales Henri Lebesgu

    Asymptotic topology

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    We establish some basic theorems in dimension theory and absolute extensor theory in the coarse category of metric spaces. Some of the statements in this category can be translated in general topology language by applying the Higson corona functor. The relation of problems and results of this `Asymptotic Topology' to Novikov and similar conjectures is discussed.Comment: 38 pages, AMSTe

    New Local Duals in Eternal Inflation

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    Global-local duality is the equivalence of seemingly different regulators in eternal inflation. For example, the light-cone time cutoff (a global measure, which regulates time) makes the same predictions as the causal patch (a local measure that cuts off space). We show that global-local duality is far more general. It rests on a redundancy inherent in any global cutoff: at late times, an attractor regime is reached, characterized by the unlimited exponential self-reproduction of a certain fundamental region of spacetime. An equivalent local cutoff can be obtained by restricting to this fundamental region. We derive local duals to several global cutoffs of interest. The New Scale Factor Cutoff is dual to the Short Fat Geodesic, a geodesic of fixed infinitesimal proper width. Vilenkin's CAH Cutoff is equivalent to the Hubbletube, whose width is proportional to the local Hubble volume. The famous youngness problem of the Proper Time Cutoff can be readily understood by considering its local dual, the Incredible Shrinking Geodesic.Comment: 30 pages, 3 figure

    Almost Commuting Orthogonal Matrices

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    We show that almost commuting real orthogonal matrices are uniformly close to exactly commuting real orthogonal matrices. We prove the same for symplectic unitary matrices. This is in contrast to the general complex case, where not all pairs of almost commuting unitaries are close to commuting pairs. Our techniques also yield results about almost normal matrices over the reals and the quaternions.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure
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