121 research outputs found

    An Online Approach to Dynamic Channel Access and Transmission Scheduling

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    Making judicious channel access and transmission scheduling decisions is essential for improving performance as well as energy and spectral efficiency in multichannel wireless systems. This problem has been a subject of extensive study in the past decade, and the resulting dynamic and opportunistic channel access schemes can bring potentially significant improvement over traditional schemes. However, a common and severe limitation of these dynamic schemes is that they almost always require some form of a priori knowledge of the channel statistics. A natural remedy is a learning framework, which has also been extensively studied in the same context, but a typical learning algorithm in this literature seeks only the best static policy, with performance measured by weak regret, rather than learning a good dynamic channel access policy. There is thus a clear disconnect between what an optimal channel access policy can achieve with known channel statistics that actively exploits temporal, spatial and spectral diversity, and what a typical existing learning algorithm aims for, which is the static use of a single channel devoid of diversity gain. In this paper we bridge this gap by designing learning algorithms that track known optimal or sub-optimal dynamic channel access and transmission scheduling policies, thereby yielding performance measured by a form of strong regret, the accumulated difference between the reward returned by an optimal solution when a priori information is available and that by our online algorithm. We do so in the context of two specific algorithms that appeared in [1] and [2], respectively, the former for a multiuser single-channel setting and the latter for a single-user multichannel setting. In both cases we show that our algorithms achieve sub-linear regret uniform in time and outperforms the standard weak-regret learning algorithms.Comment: 10 pages, to appear in MobiHoc 201

    Deterministic Sequencing of Exploration and Exploitation for Multi-Armed Bandit Problems

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    In the Multi-Armed Bandit (MAB) problem, there is a given set of arms with unknown reward models. At each time, a player selects one arm to play, aiming to maximize the total expected reward over a horizon of length T. An approach based on a Deterministic Sequencing of Exploration and Exploitation (DSEE) is developed for constructing sequential arm selection policies. It is shown that for all light-tailed reward distributions, DSEE achieves the optimal logarithmic order of the regret, where regret is defined as the total expected reward loss against the ideal case with known reward models. For heavy-tailed reward distributions, DSEE achieves O(T^1/p) regret when the moments of the reward distributions exist up to the pth order for 1<p<=2 and O(T^1/(1+p/2)) for p>2. With the knowledge of an upperbound on a finite moment of the heavy-tailed reward distributions, DSEE offers the optimal logarithmic regret order. The proposed DSEE approach complements existing work on MAB by providing corresponding results for general reward distributions. Furthermore, with a clearly defined tunable parameter-the cardinality of the exploration sequence, the DSEE approach is easily extendable to variations of MAB, including MAB with various objectives, decentralized MAB with multiple players and incomplete reward observations under collisions, MAB with unknown Markov dynamics, and combinatorial MAB with dependent arms that often arise in network optimization problems such as the shortest path, the minimum spanning, and the dominating set problems under unknown random weights.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figure

    Learning in A Changing World: Restless Multi-Armed Bandit with Unknown Dynamics

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    We consider the restless multi-armed bandit (RMAB) problem with unknown dynamics in which a player chooses M out of N arms to play at each time. The reward state of each arm transits according to an unknown Markovian rule when it is played and evolves according to an arbitrary unknown random process when it is passive. The performance of an arm selection policy is measured by regret, defined as the reward loss with respect to the case where the player knows which M arms are the most rewarding and always plays the M best arms. We construct a policy with an interleaving exploration and exploitation epoch structure that achieves a regret with logarithmic order when arbitrary (but nontrivial) bounds on certain system parameters are known. When no knowledge about the system is available, we show that the proposed policy achieves a regret arbitrarily close to the logarithmic order. We further extend the problem to a decentralized setting where multiple distributed players share the arms without information exchange. Under both an exogenous restless model and an endogenous restless model, we show that a decentralized extension of the proposed policy preserves the logarithmic regret order as in the centralized setting. The results apply to adaptive learning in various dynamic systems and communication networks, as well as financial investment.Comment: 33 pages, 5 figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 201

    Distributed Algorithms for Learning and Cognitive Medium Access with Logarithmic Regret

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    The problem of distributed learning and channel access is considered in a cognitive network with multiple secondary users. The availability statistics of the channels are initially unknown to the secondary users and are estimated using sensing decisions. There is no explicit information exchange or prior agreement among the secondary users. We propose policies for distributed learning and access which achieve order-optimal cognitive system throughput (number of successful secondary transmissions) under self play, i.e., when implemented at all the secondary users. Equivalently, our policies minimize the regret in distributed learning and access. We first consider the scenario when the number of secondary users is known to the policy, and prove that the total regret is logarithmic in the number of transmission slots. Our distributed learning and access policy achieves order-optimal regret by comparing to an asymptotic lower bound for regret under any uniformly-good learning and access policy. We then consider the case when the number of secondary users is fixed but unknown, and is estimated through feedback. We propose a policy in this scenario whose asymptotic sum regret which grows slightly faster than logarithmic in the number of transmission slots.Comment: Submitted to IEEE JSAC on Advances in Cognitive Radio Networking and Communications, Dec. 2009, Revised May 201

    Active Sensing as Bayes-Optimal Sequential Decision Making

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    Sensory inference under conditions of uncertainty is a major problem in both machine learning and computational neuroscience. An important but poorly understood aspect of sensory processing is the role of active sensing. Here, we present a Bayes-optimal inference and control framework for active sensing, C-DAC (Context-Dependent Active Controller). Unlike previously proposed algorithms that optimize abstract statistical objectives such as information maximization (Infomax) [Butko & Movellan, 2010] or one-step look-ahead accuracy [Najemnik & Geisler, 2005], our active sensing model directly minimizes a combination of behavioral costs, such as temporal delay, response error, and effort. We simulate these algorithms on a simple visual search task to illustrate scenarios in which context-sensitivity is particularly beneficial and optimization with respect to generic statistical objectives particularly inadequate. Motivated by the geometric properties of the C-DAC policy, we present both parametric and non-parametric approximations, which retain context-sensitivity while significantly reducing computational complexity. These approximations enable us to investigate the more complex problem involving peripheral vision, and we notice that the difference between C-DAC and statistical policies becomes even more evident in this scenario.Comment: Scheduled to appear in UAI 201
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