9,138 research outputs found

    Secure SCTP against DoS attacks in wireless Internet

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    The Stream Control Transport Protocol (SCTP) is a new transport layer protocol that has been designed to provide reliable transport over the Internet. While the Transport Control Protocol (TCP) is the most popular transport protocol for the Internet, it falls short with regard to security, more specifically resilience to Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks, such as SYN attacks. The need for resilience to DoS attacks is obvious, and SCTP provides for this resilience via its improved handshake mechanism and the Cookie feature. This paper discusses the SCTP simulation with particular emphasis on resilience to DoS attacks. As revealed by our detailed simulation study, the increased DoS resilience comes with increased overheads. While DoS resilience is extremely critical, reducing overheads in the resource-constrained wireless environment also assumes paramount importance. Hence we propose secure SCTP with an innovative Cookie mechanism using a combination of cache and INIT packet repetition to minimize the communication overhead and simultaneously to maximize security associated with SCTP's DoS resilience for wireless Internet.5th IFIP International Conference on Network Control & Engineering for QoS, Security and MobilityRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Denial-of-Service Resistance in Key Establishment

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    Denial of Service (DoS) attacks are an increasing problem for network connected systems. Key establishment protocols are applications that are particularly vulnerable to DoS attack as they are typically required to perform computationally expensive cryptographic operations in order to authenticate the protocol initiator and to generate the cryptographic keying material that will subsequently be used to secure the communications between initiator and responder. The goal of DoS resistance in key establishment protocols is to ensure that attackers cannot prevent a legitimate initiator and responder deriving cryptographic keys without expending resources beyond a responder-determined threshold. In this work we review the strategies and techniques used to improve resistance to DoS attacks. Three key establishment protocols implementing DoS resistance techniques are critically reviewed and the impact of misapplication of the techniques on DoS resistance is discussed. Recommendations on effectively applying resistance techniques to key establishment protocols are made

    The Web SSO Standard OpenID Connect: In-Depth Formal Security Analysis and Security Guidelines

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    Web-based single sign-on (SSO) services such as Google Sign-In and Log In with Paypal are based on the OpenID Connect protocol. This protocol enables so-called relying parties to delegate user authentication to so-called identity providers. OpenID Connect is one of the newest and most widely deployed single sign-on protocols on the web. Despite its importance, it has not received much attention from security researchers so far, and in particular, has not undergone any rigorous security analysis. In this paper, we carry out the first in-depth security analysis of OpenID Connect. To this end, we use a comprehensive generic model of the web to develop a detailed formal model of OpenID Connect. Based on this model, we then precisely formalize and prove central security properties for OpenID Connect, including authentication, authorization, and session integrity properties. In our modeling of OpenID Connect, we employ security measures in order to avoid attacks on OpenID Connect that have been discovered previously and new attack variants that we document for the first time in this paper. Based on these security measures, we propose security guidelines for implementors of OpenID Connect. Our formal analysis demonstrates that these guidelines are in fact effective and sufficient.Comment: An abridged version appears in CSF 2017. Parts of this work extend the web model presented in arXiv:1411.7210, arXiv:1403.1866, arXiv:1508.01719, and arXiv:1601.0122

    Security Protocol for Active Networks.

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    An Expressive Model for the Web Infrastructure: Definition and Application to the BrowserID SSO System

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    The web constitutes a complex infrastructure and as demonstrated by numerous attacks, rigorous analysis of standards and web applications is indispensable. Inspired by successful prior work, in particular the work by Akhawe et al. as well as Bansal et al., in this work we propose a formal model for the web infrastructure. While unlike prior works, which aim at automatic analysis, our model so far is not directly amenable to automation, it is much more comprehensive and accurate with respect to the standards and specifications. As such, it can serve as a solid basis for the analysis of a broad range of standards and applications. As a case study and another important contribution of our work, we use our model to carry out the first rigorous analysis of the BrowserID system (a.k.a. Mozilla Persona), a recently developed complex real-world single sign-on system that employs technologies such as AJAX, cross-document messaging, and HTML5 web storage. Our analysis revealed a number of very critical flaws that could not have been captured in prior models. We propose fixes for the flaws, formally state relevant security properties, and prove that the fixed system in a setting with a so-called secondary identity provider satisfies these security properties in our model. The fixes for the most critical flaws have already been adopted by Mozilla and our findings have been rewarded by the Mozilla Security Bug Bounty Program.Comment: An abridged version appears in S&P 201

    DTLS Performance in Duty-Cycled Networks

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    The Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) protocol is the IETF standard for securing the Internet of Things. The Constrained Application Protocol, ZigBee IP, and Lightweight Machine-to-Machine (LWM2M) mandate its use for securing application traffic. There has been much debate in both the standardization and research communities on the applicability of DTLS to constrained environments. The main concerns are the communication overhead and latency of the DTLS handshake, and the memory footprint of a DTLS implementation. This paper provides a thorough performance evaluation of DTLS in different duty-cycled networks through real-world experimentation, emulation and analysis. In particular, we measure the duration of the DTLS handshake when using three duty cycling link-layer protocols: preamble-sampling, the IEEE 802.15.4 beacon-enabled mode and the IEEE 802.15.4e Time Slotted Channel Hopping mode. The reported results demonstrate surprisingly poor performance of DTLS in radio duty-cycled networks. Because a DTLS client and a server exchange more than 10 signaling packets, the DTLS handshake takes between a handful of seconds and several tens of seconds, with similar results for different duty cycling protocols. Moreover, because of their limited memory, typical constrained nodes can only maintain 3-5 simultaneous DTLS sessions, which highlights the need for using DTLS parsimoniously.Comment: International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC - 2015), IEEE, IEEE, 2015, http://pimrc2015.eee.hku.hk/index.htm

    Analyzing the BrowserID SSO System with Primary Identity Providers Using an Expressive Model of the Web

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    BrowserID is a complex, real-world Single Sign-On (SSO) System for web applications recently developed by Mozilla. It employs new HTML5 features (such as web messaging and web storage) and cryptographic assertions to provide decentralized login, with the intent to respect users' privacy. It can operate in a primary and a secondary identity provider mode. While in the primary mode BrowserID runs with arbitrary identity providers (IdPs), in the secondary mode there is one IdP only, namely Mozilla's default IdP. We recently proposed an expressive general model for the web infrastructure and, based on this web model, analyzed the security of the secondary IdP mode of BrowserID. The analysis revealed several severe vulnerabilities. In this paper, we complement our prior work by analyzing the even more complex primary IdP mode of BrowserID. We do not only study authentication properties as before, but also privacy properties. During our analysis we discovered new and practical attacks that do not apply to the secondary mode: an identity injection attack, which violates a central authentication property of SSO systems, and attacks that break an important privacy promise of BrowserID and which do not seem to be fixable without a major redesign of the system. Some of our attacks on privacy make use of a browser side channel that has not gained a lot of attention so far. For the authentication bug, we propose a fix and formally prove in a slight extension of our general web model that the fixed system satisfies all the requirements we consider. This constitutes the most complex formal analysis of a web application based on an expressive model of the web infrastructure so far. As another contribution, we identify and prove important security properties of generic web features in the extended web model to facilitate future analysis efforts of web standards and web applications.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1403.186
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