5 research outputs found

    Secure secret sharing in the cloud

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    In this paper, we show how a dealer with limited resources is possible to share the secrets to players via an untrusted cloud server without compromising the privacy of the secrets. This scheme permits a batch of two secret messages to be shared to two players in such a way that the secrets are reconstructable if and only if two of them collaborate. An individual share reveals absolutely no information about the secrets to the player. The secret messages are obfuscated by encryption and thus give no information to the cloud server. Furthermore, the scheme is compatible with the Paillier cryptosystem and other cryptosystems of the same type. In light of the recent developments in privacy-preserving watermarking technology, we further model the proposed scheme as a variant of reversible watermarking in the encrypted domain

    Secret Sharing for Cloud Data Security

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    Cloud computing helps reduce costs, increase business agility and deploy solutions with a high return on investment for many types of applications. However, data security is of premium importance to many users and often restrains their adoption of cloud technologies. Various approaches, i.e., data encryption, anonymization, replication and verification, help enforce different facets of data security. Secret sharing is a particularly interesting cryptographic technique. Its most advanced variants indeed simultaneously enforce data privacy, availability and integrity, while allowing computation on encrypted data. The aim of this paper is thus to wholly survey secret sharing schemes with respect to data security, data access and costs in the pay-as-you-go paradigm

    A Scheme for Threshold Multi-Secret Sharing

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    [[abstract]]A multi-secret sharing scheme is a natural generalization of the secret sharing scheme. We show the close similarity between the Chinese remainder theorem and the uniqueness theorem of interpolating polynomial. Based on the similarity, we propose a threshold multi-secret sharing scheme that is a generalization of the Shamir threshold scheme. We also show that the proposed scheme with the proposed deletion procedure can realize all possible monotone access structures