4 research outputs found

    Análisis de requerimiento de QoS sobre redes IP Multicast

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    El presente trabajo de Tesis propone presentar un análisis sobre los protocolos y mecanismos que permiten el manejo y administración de requerimientos de calidad de servicio, QoS, sobre flujos de datos IP Multicast. Dentro de estos podemos citar el caso de los requermientos aditivos como son el delay y el jitter, y requerimientos no aditivos como lo son el ancho de banda y la capacidad de almacenamiento en los buffers de los elementos de la red. El trabajo comienza con una descripción de las tecnologías IP Multicast, IP MPLS, IP Multicast sobre redes IP MPLS, Aggregated Multicast Tree, también se presenta una breve descripción de las metodologías de compresión de vídeo sobre redes IP. La Tesis culmina con un análisis de distintos protocolos y mecanismos que proporcionan el soporte de calidad de servicio sobre flujos de datos IP Multicast.Facultad de Informátic

    A Scalable Distributed QoS Multicast Routing Protocol

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    Many Internet multicast applications such as teleconferencing and remote diagnosis have Quality-of-Service (QoS) requirements. The requirements can be additive (end-to-end delay), multiplicative (loss rate) or with a bottleneck nature (bandwidth). With such diverse requirements, it is a challenging task to build QoS constrained multicast trees with high performance, high success ratio, low overhead, and low system requirements. This paper presents a new Scalable QoS Multicast Routing Protocol (S-QMRP) that supports all three QoS requirement types. S-QMRP is scalable because it has very small communication overhead and requires no state outside the multicast tree. S-QMRP achieves the favorable tradeo between routing performance and overhead by carefully selecting the network sub-graph in which it conducts the search for a path that can support the QoS requirement, and by auto-tuning the selection according to the current network conditions. Its early-warning mechanism helps to detect and route around the real bottlenecks in the network, which increases the chance of nding feasible paths for additive QoS requirements. S-QMRP minimizes the system requirements; it relies only on the local state stored at each router. The routing operations are completed decentralized. The protocol does not require any global network state to be maintained and can operate on top of any unicast routing protocol

    SoMR: A Scalable Distributed QoS Multicast Routing Protocol ∗

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    1 Many Internet multicast applications such as teleconferencing and remote diagnosis have Quality-of-Service (QoS) requirements. The requirements can be additive (end-to-end delay), multiplicative (loss rate), or of a bottleneck nature (bandwidth). Given such diverse requirements, it is a challenging task to build QoS-constrained multicast trees in a large network where no global network state is available. This paper proposes a scalable QoS multicast routing protocol (SoMR) that supports all three QoS requirement types. SoMR is scalable due to small communication overhead. It achieves favorable tradeoff between routing performance and routing overhead by carefully selecting the net-work sub-graph in which it searches for a path that can support the QoS requirements. The scope of search is automatically tuned based on the current network conditions. An early-warning mecha-nism helps detect and route around the long-delay paths in the network. The operations of SoMR are completely decentralized. They rely only on the local state stored at each router