3 research outputs found

    A Comprehensive Review on Digital Image Watermarking

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    The advent of the Internet led to the easy availability of digital data like images, audio, and video. Easy access to multimedia gives rise to the issues such as content authentication, security, copyright protection, and ownership identification. Here, we discuss the concept of digital image watermarking with a focus on the technique used in image watermark embedding and extraction of the watermark. The detailed classification along with the basic characteristics, namely visual imperceptibility, robustness, capacity, security of digital watermarking is also presented in this work. Further, we have also discussed the recent application areas of digital watermarking such as healthcare, remote education, electronic voting systems, and the military. The robustness is evaluated by examining the effect of image processing attacks on the signed content and the watermark recoverability. The authors believe that the comprehensive survey presented in this paper will help the new researchers to gather knowledge in this domain. Further, the comparative analysis can enkindle ideas to improve upon the already mentioned techniques

    Dimension reduction based robust digital ımage watermarking using truncated singular value decomposition and discrete wavelet transform

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    Telif hakkı koruma, kimlik doğrulama, parmak izi, içerik etiketleme gibi alanlarda kullanılan damgalama tekniklerinde genel olarak sinyal işleme dönüşümleri ve matematiksel teknikler kullanılır. Bu araştırmada çoğu damgalama tekniğinde tercih edilen Tekil Değer Ayrışımı (TDA) yerine, boyut indirgeme tabanlı Kesik-TDA tekniği kullanılmıştır. Önerilen bu teknik Ayrık Dalgacık Dönüşümü (ADD) ile birlikte kullanılmıştır. Temel TDA-ADD tabanlı yönteme göre önerilen yöntemin histogram eşitleme dışında tüm olası saldırılara karşı algılanamazlık ve dayanıklılık performanslarında ilerleme kaydettiği gözlenmiştir. Önerilen şemanın farklı matris ayrışımı ve sinyal işleme dönüşümlerinin kullanıldığı alternatif damgalama şemalarına yön vereceği tahmin edilmektedir.Signal processing transformations and mathematical techniques are generally used in watermarking techniques used in areas such as copyright protection, authentication, fingerprinting, content tagging. In this study, instead of the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), which is preferred in most watermarking schemes, the dimension reduction-based truncated-SVD technique is used. This technique is combined with the Discrete Wavelet Transform. Compared to the baseline SVD-DWT-based technique, it has been observed that the proposed scheme has made progress in imperceptibility and resistance performances against all possible attacks, except histogram equalization. It is predicted that the proposed scheme will lead to alternative stamping schemes using different matrix decomposition and signal transformations

    Symmetry-Adapted Machine Learning for Information Security

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    Symmetry-adapted machine learning has shown encouraging ability to mitigate the security risks in information and communication technology (ICT) systems. It is a subset of artificial intelligence (AI) that relies on the principles of processing future events by learning past events or historical data. The autonomous nature of symmetry-adapted machine learning supports effective data processing and analysis for security detection in ICT systems without the interference of human authorities. Many industries are developing machine-learning-adapted solutions to support security for smart hardware, distributed computing, and the cloud. In our Special Issue book, we focus on the deployment of symmetry-adapted machine learning for information security in various application areas. This security approach can support effective methods to handle the dynamic nature of security attacks by extraction and analysis of data to identify hidden patterns of data. The main topics of this Issue include malware classification, an intrusion detection system, image watermarking, color image watermarking, battlefield target aggregation behavior recognition model, IP camera, Internet of Things (IoT) security, service function chain, indoor positioning system, and crypto-analysis