5 research outputs found

    Sistemas de detección de somnolencia en conductores: inicio, desarrollo y futuro

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    Traffic and industrial accidents are caused by many different factors. Some are due to human error and others, mechanical failure. In an effort to protect lives, many systems have been invented to minimize the impact of such accidents; however, prevention is now understood as more important than minimizing damage after the accident has already taken place. Among the most common human errors that lead to accidents is when a driver or industrial operator is overtired, fatigued or feeling drowsy. Research on this subject began 60 years ago and has developed numerous innovative time systems for detecting states of drowsiness in people using computer vision techniques. There has also been a rising interest in the analysis of brain signals that very precisely determine the different stages of sleep. This paper will review each of the techniques used to detect drowsiness and their importance as active prevention systems for traffic and industrial accidents.Muchas son las causas de accidentes de tránsito e industriales a nivel mundial, algunas de estos suceden por errores humanos y otros por fallas mecánicas. El hombre en su afán de proteger vidas, ha inventado sistemas que minimicen el impacto de estos accidentes, pero más que disminuir el daño ahora se piensa en la prevención de los mismos. Uno de los errores humanos más comunes que terminan en accidentes es cuando el conductor u operario industrial es víctima de fatiga y/o somnolencia. Las investigaciones sobre este tema que comenzaron hace 60 años han dejado a través del tiempo novedosos sistemas que permiten determinar el estado de somnolencia de las personas usando técnicas de visión por computador, y un naciente interés por el análisis de señales cerebrales que determinan de forma aún más precisa las diferentes etapas del sueño. En este trabajo se presentan cada una de las técnicas empleadas hasta el momento para detectar somnolencia y su importancia como sistema activo de prevención de accidentes de tránsito e industriales

    A review of adaptive feature extraction and classification methods for EEG-based brain-computer interfaces

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    Computer Game Innovation

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    Faculty of Technical Physics, Information Technology and Applied Mathematics. Institute of Information TechnologyWydział Fizyki Technicznej, Informatyki i Matematyki Stosowanej. Instytut InformatykiThe "Computer Game Innovations" series is an international forum designed to enable the exchange of knowledge and expertise in the field of video game development. Comprising both academic research and industrial needs, the series aims at advancing innovative industry-academia collaboration. The monograph provides a unique set of articles presenting original research conducted in the leading academic centres which specialise in video games education. The goal of the publication is, among others, to enhance networking opportunities for industry and university representatives seeking to form R&D partnerships. This publication covers the key focus areas specified in the GAMEINN sectoral programme supported by the National Centre for Research and Development