34 research outputs found

    New Directions in Online Learning: Boosting, Partial Information, and Non-Stationarity

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    Online learning, where a learning algorithm fits a model on-the-fly with streaming data, has become an important research area in machine learning. Batch learning, where the entire data set has to be available to the learning algorithm, is not always a suitable paradigm for the big data era. It is increasingly common in many practical situations, such as online ads prediction or control of self-driving cars, that data instances naturally arrive in a sequential manner. In these situations, researchers want to update their model in an online fashion. This dissertation pursues several topics at the frontier of online learning research. In Chapter 2 and Chapter 3, the journey starts with online boosting. Online boosting studies how to combine multiple online weak learners to get a stronger learner. Chapter 2 considers online multi-class classification problems. Chapter 3 focuses on the more challenging multi-label ranking problem where there are multiple correct labels and the learner outputs a ranking of labels based on their relevance. In both chapters, an optimal algorithm and an adaptive algorithm are proposed. The optimal algorithms require a minimal number of weak learners to attain the desired accuracy. The adaptive algorithms are practically more useful since they do not require a priori knowledge about the strength of weak learners and are more computationally efficient. The adaptive algorithms are not statistically optimal but they still come with reasonable performance guarantees. The empirical results on real data sets support the theoretical findings and the proposed boosting algorithms outperformed existing competitors on benchmark data sets. Chapter 4 considers the partial information setting, where the learner does not receive the true labels. Partial feedback is common in practice as obtaining complete feedback can be costly. The chapter revisits the boosting algorithms that are presented in Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 and extends them to work with partial information feedback. Despite the learner receiving much less information, comparable performance guarantees can be made. Later in Chapter 5 and Chapter 6, we move on to another interesting area in online learning called restless bandit problems. Unlike the classical (stochastic) multi-armed bandit problems where the reward distributions are unknown but stationary, in restless bandit problems the distributions can change over time. This extra layer of complexity allows us to study more complicated models, but the analysis becomes even more difficult. In restless bandit problems, it is assumed that each arm has a state that evolves according to an unknown Markov process, and the reward distribution depends on the arm's current state. This setting can be thought of as a sub-class of reinforcement learning and the partial observability inherent in this problem makes the analysis very challenging. The well known Thompson Sampling algorithm is analyzed and a Bayesian regret bound for it is derived. Chapter 5 considers the episodic case where the system periodically resets. Chapter 6 extends the analysis to the more challenging non-episodic (i.e., infinite time horizon) case. In both settings, Thompson Sampling algorithms (with slight modifications) enjoy sub-linear regret bounds, and the empirical results on simulated data support this fact. The experiments also suggest the possibility that the algorithm can be used in the frequentist setting even though the theoretical bounds are only shown for the Bayesian regret.PHDStatisticsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/155110/1/yhjung_1.pd

    Methods for Massive, Reliable, and Timely Access for Wireless Internet of Things (IoT)

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    Towards Thompson Sampling for Complex Bayesian Reasoning

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    Paper III, IV, and VI are not available as a part of the dissertation due to the copyright.Thompson Sampling (TS) is a state-of-art algorithm for bandit problems set in a Bayesian framework. Both the theoretical foundation and the empirical efficiency of TS is wellexplored for plain bandit problems. However, the Bayesian underpinning of TS means that TS could potentially be applied to other, more complex, problems as well, beyond the bandit problem, if suitable Bayesian structures can be found. The objective of this thesis is the development and analysis of TS-based schemes for more complex optimization problems, founded on Bayesian reasoning. We address several complex optimization problems where the previous state-of-art relies on a relatively myopic perspective on the problem. These includes stochastic searching on the line, the Goore game, the knapsack problem, travel time estimation, and equipartitioning. Instead of employing Bayesian reasoning to obtain a solution, they rely on carefully engineered rules. In all brevity, we recast each of these optimization problems in a Bayesian framework, introducing dedicated TS based solution schemes. For all of the addressed problems, the results show that besides being more effective, the TS based approaches we introduce are also capable of solving more adverse versions of the problems, such as dealing with stochastic liars.publishedVersio

    The Exploration-Exploitation Trade-Off in Sequential Decision Making Problems

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    Sequential decision making problems require an agent to repeatedly choose between a series of actions. Common to such problems is the exploration-exploitation trade-off, where an agent must choose between the action expected to yield the best reward (exploitation) or trying an alternative action for potential future benefit (exploration). The main focus of this thesis is to understand in more detail the role this trade-off plays in various important sequential decision making problems, in terms of maximising finite-time reward. The most common and best studied abstraction of the exploration-exploitation trade-off is the classic multi-armed bandit problem. In this thesis we study several important extensions that are more suitable than the classic problem to real-world applications. These extensions include scenarios where the rewards for actions change over time or the presence of other agents must be repeatedly considered. In these contexts, the exploration-exploitation trade-off has a more complicated role in terms of maximising finite-time performance. For example, the amount of exploration required will constantly change in a dynamic decision problem, in multiagent problems agents can explore by communication, and in repeated games, the exploration-exploitation trade-off must be jointly considered with game theoretic reasoning. Existing techniques for balancing exploration-exploitation are focused on achieving desirable asymptotic behaviour and are in general only applicable to basic decision problems. The most flexible state-of-the-art approaches, έ-greedy and έ-first, require exploration parameters to be set a priori, the optimal values of which are highly dependent on the problem faced. To overcome this, we construct a novel algorithm, έ-ADAPT, which has no exploration parameters and can adapt exploration on-line for a wide range of problems. έ-ADAPT is built on newly proven theoretical properties of the έ-first policy and we demonstrate that έ-ADAPT can accurately learn not only how much to explore, but also when and which actions to explore

    The exploration-exploitation trade-off in sequential decision making problems

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    Sequential decision making problems require an agent to repeatedly choose between a series of actions. Common to such problems is the exploration-exploitation trade-off, where an agent must choose between the action expected to yield the best reward (exploitation) or trying an alternative action for potential future benefit (exploration). The main focus of this thesis is to understand in more detail the role this trade-off plays in various important sequential decision making problems, in terms of maximising finite-time reward. The most common and best studied abstraction of the exploration-exploitation trade-off is the classic multi-armed bandit problem. In this thesis we study several important extensions that are more suitable than the classic problem to real-world applications. These extensions include scenarios where the rewards for actions change over time or the presence of other agents must be repeatedly considered. In these contexts, the exploration-exploitation trade-off has a more complicated role in terms of maximising finite-time performance. For example, the amount of exploration required will constantly change in a dynamic decision problem, in multi-agent problems agents can explore by communication, and in repeated games, the exploration-exploitation trade-off must be jointly considered with game theoretic reasoning. Existing techniques for balancing exploration-exploitation are focused on achieving desirable asymptotic behaviour and are in general only applicable to basic decision problems. The most flexible state-of-the-art approaches, ε-greedy and ε-first, require exploration parameters to be set a priori, the optimal values of which are highly dependent on the problem faced. To overcome this, we construct a novel algorithm, ε-ADAPT, which has no exploration parameters and can adapt exploration on-line for a wide range of problems. ε-ADAPT is built on newly proven theoretical properties of the ε-first policy and we demonstrate that ε-ADAPT can accurately learn not only how much to explore, but also when and which actions to explore