611 research outputs found

    Characterizations of discrete Sugeno integrals as polynomial functions over distributive lattices

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    We give several characterizations of discrete Sugeno integrals over bounded distributive lattices, as particular cases of lattice polynomial functions, that is, functions which can be represented in the language of bounded lattices using variables and constants. We also consider the subclass of term functions as well as the classes of symmetric polynomial functions and weighted minimum and maximum functions, and present their characterizations, accordingly. Moreover, we discuss normal form representations of these functions

    Invariant functionals on completely distributive lattices

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    In this paper we are interested in functionals defined on completely distributive lattices and which are invariant under mappings preserving {arbitrary} joins and meets. We prove that the class of nondecreasing invariant functionals coincides with the class of Sugeno integrals associated with {0,1}\{0,1\}-valued capacities, the so-called term functionals, thus extending previous results both to the infinitary case as well as to the realm of completely distributive lattices. Furthermore, we show that, in the case of functionals over complete chains, the nondecreasing condition is redundant. Characterizations of the class of Sugeno integrals, as well as its superclass comprising all polynomial functionals, are provided by showing that the axiomatizations (given in terms of homogeneity) of their restriction to finitary functionals still hold over completely distributive lattices. We also present canonical normal form representations of polynomial functionals on completely distributive lattices, which appear as the natural extensions to their finitary counterparts, and as a by-product we obtain an axiomatization of complete distributivity in the case of bounded lattices

    Belief functions on lattices

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    We extend the notion of belief function to the case where the underlying structure is no more the Boolean lattice of subsets of some universal set, but any lattice, which we will endow with a minimal set of properties according to our needs. We show that all classical constructions and definitions (e.g., mass allocation, commonality function, plausibility functions, necessity measures with nested focal elements, possibility distributions, Dempster rule of combination, decomposition w.r.t. simple support functions, etc.) remain valid in this general setting. Moreover, our proof of decomposition of belief functions into simple support functions is much simpler and general than the original one by Shafer