8 research outputs found

    Experimentação Remota em Atividades de Ensino Formal: um Estudo a Partir de Periódicos Qualis A

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    É apresentado nesse trabalho um estado da arte sobre o uso da Experimentação Remota no ensino formal, a partir do levantamento e análise de trabalhos sobre o assunto em revistas e periódicos de Ensino e Educação, no Brasil e no exterior. O intuito é investigar se (e como) os laboratórios remotos estão sendo utilizados no ensino, particularmente, no ensino de Física. Foram selecionados e analisados artigos de periódicos Qualis A nacionais e internacionais, entre os anos 2000 e 2009. No desenvolvimento de nosso trabalho não encontramos relatos de pesquisa sobre acesso remoto a experimentos para a área de Física ou de como isso pode incrementar o processo de ensino e aprendizagem dessa disciplina. Desta forma, as eventuais limitações na utilização desta ferramenta no ensino devem ser estudadas de forma aprofundada e suas potencialidades exploradas no sentido de suprir as necessidades de uma aula prática

    A Virtual PV Systems Lab for Engineering Undergraduate Curriculum

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    Design and utilization of a Virtual Photovoltaic Systems Laboratory for undergraduate curriculum are introduced in this paper. The laboratory introduced in this study is developed to teach students the basics and design steps of photovoltaic solar energy systems in a virtual environment before entering the field. The users of the proposed virtual lab will be able to determine the sizing by selecting related parameters of the photovoltaic system to meet DC and AC loading conditions. Besides, the user will be able to analyze the effect of changing solar irradiation and temperature levels on the operating characteristics of the photovoltaic systems. Common DC bus concept and AC loading conditions are also included in the system by utilizing a permanent magnet DC motor and an RLC load as DC and AC loading examples, respectively. The proposed Virtual Photovoltaic Systems Laboratory is developed in Matlab/Simulink GUI environment. The proposed virtual lab has been used in Power Systems Lab in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Karadeniz Technical University as a part of undergraduate curriculum. A survey on the students who took the lab has been carried out and responses are included in this paper

    A Remotely Accessible and Configurable Electronics Laboratory Implementation by Using LabVIEW

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    In this article, selected applications from the experiments included in undergraduate Electronics and Computer Education curriculum are transformed into remotely accessible and configurable manner. The experiment user interfaces and publishing over the internet is developed in LabVIEW. These experiments are suitable for online conduction where students are either in-class or laboratory on-campus and/or at home. In this work, four different remotely configurable experiment modules are designed and implemented. Remotely configurable facility in a predefined range is performed by using switches activated by DO terminals of a data acquisition card through a web-based application. In this way, students can select the desired experiment from the ones stored on the PCB, adjust the voltage applied to the input terminal of the circuit and change the circuit elements values by using telepresence methodology. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Comput Appl Eng Educ 18: 709-720, 2010; View this article online at wileyonlinelibrary.com; DOI 10.1002/cae.2027

    Evaluación y desarrollo de técnicas para la caracterización de sistemas fotovoltaicos a sol real

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    La obtención de la curva característica Corriente-Tensión (I-V) de un dispositivo fotovoltaico es el experimento esencial que permite obtener la mayor información sobre su comportamiento. A lo largo de esta Tesis Doctoral se ha pretendido aportar soluciones a las principales limitaciones de los actuales sistemas de caracterización FV comerciales. Como resultados más destacados, indicar que se han desarrollado dos sistemas abiertos y fácilmente reproducibles por la comunidad científica. El primero, a partir de instrumentación de laboratorio de propósito general y de plataformas de hardware libre. El segundo, diseñado y construido exclusivamente a partir de plataformas de hardware libre y diseños electrónicos propios. Se destaca que, éste último, presenta una muy alta precisión a pesar de que su coste es muy reducido. Como caso de aplicación, se han implementado en el software de control y tratamiento de datos varios métodos sencillos de extracción de parámetros y se ha analizado su grado de validez a la hora de caracterizar sistemas fotovoltaicos de tercera generación basados en células tándem. También se ha culminado un estudio más extenso del comportamiento de cada uno de estos parámetros en comparación entre tecnologías FV de silicio monocristalino y células tándem.Obtaining the characteristic curve Current - Voltage (I-V) of a photovoltaic device is the essential experiment that provides the most information about its behavior. This PhD thesis aims to provide solutions to the main limitations of current commercial PV characterization systems. As the most outstanding results, two systems have been developed that are open and easily reproducible by the scientific community. The first one, from general purpose laboratory instrumentation and free hardware platforms. The second one, designed and built exclusively from free hardware platforms and electronic designs. This last one has a very high precision in despite of its low cost. As a case of application, several simple methods of parameter extraction have been implemented in the control and data processing software and their level of validity has been analysed when characterising third generation photovoltaic systems based on tandem cells. A more extensive study of the behavior of each of these parameters in comparison between monocrystalline silicon PV technologies and tandem cells has also been performed.Tesis Univ. Jaén. Departamento de: Ingeniería Electrónica y Automática. Leída el 19 de mayo de 2020