4 research outputs found

    Knowledge visualizations: a tool to achieve optimized operational decision making and data integration

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    The overabundance of data created by modern information systems (IS) has led to a breakdown in cognitive decision-making. Without authoritative source data, commanders’ decision-making processes are hindered as they attempt to paint an accurate shared operational picture (SOP). Further impeding the decision-making process is the lack of proper interface interaction to provide a visualization that aids in the extraction of the most relevant and accurate data. Utilizing the DSS to present visualizations based on OLAP cube integrated data allow decision-makers to rapidly glean information and build their situation awareness (SA). This yields a competitive advantage to the organization while in garrison or in combat. Additionally, OLAP cube data integration enables analysis to be performed on an organization’s data-flows. This analysis is used to identify the critical path of data throughout the organization. Linking a decision-maker to the authoritative data along this critical path eliminates the many decision layers in a hierarchal command structure that can introduce latency or error into the decision-making process. Furthermore, the organization has an integrated SOP from which to rapidly build SA, and make effective and efficient decisions.http://archive.org/details/knowledgevisuali1094545877Outstanding ThesisOutstanding ThesisMajor, United States Marine CorpsCaptain, United States Marine CorpsApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Analyse en ligne (OLAP) de documents

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    Thèse également disponible sur le site de l'Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse 3 : http://thesesups.ups-tlse.fr/160/Data warehouses and OLAP systems (On-Line Analytical Processing) provide methods and tools for enterprise information system data analysis. But only 20% of the data of a corporate information system may be processed with actual OLAP systems. The rest, namely 80%, i.e. documents, remains out of reach of OLAP systems due to the lack of adapted tools and processes. To solve this issue we propose a multidimensional conceptual model for representing analysis concepts. The model rests on a unique concept that models both analysis subjects as well as analysis axes. We define an aggregation function to aggregate textual data in order to obtain a summarised vision of the information extracted from documents. This function summarises a set of keywords into a smaller and more general set. We introduce a core of manipulation operators that allow the specification of analyses and their manipulation with the use of the concepts of the model. We associate a design process for the integration of data extracted from documents within an OLAP system that describes the phases for designing the conceptual schema, for analysing the document sources and for the loading process. In order to validate these propositions we have implemented a prototype.Les entrepôts de données et les systèmes d'analyse en ligne OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing) fournissent des méthodes et des outils permettant l'analyse de données issues des systèmes d'information des entreprises. Mais, seules 20% des données d'un système d'information est constitué de données analysables par les systèmes OLAP actuels. Les 80% restant, constitués de documents, restent hors de portée de ces systèmes faute d'outils ou de méthodes adaptés. Pour répondre à cette problématique nous proposons un modèle conceptuel multidimensionnel pour représenter les concepts d'analyse. Ce modèle repose sur un unique concept, modélisant à la fois les sujets et les axes d'une analyse. Nous y associons une fonction pour agréger des données textuelles afin d'obtenir une vision synthétique des informations issues de documents. Cette fonction résume un ensemble de mots-clefs par un ensemble plus petit et plus général. Nous introduisons un noyau d'opérations élémentaires permettant la spécification d'analyses multidimensionnelles à partir des concepts du modèle ainsi que leur manipulation pour affiner une analyse. Nous proposons également une démarche pour l'intégration des données issues de documents, qui décrit les phases pour concevoir le schéma conceptuel multidimensionnel, l'analyse des sources de données ainsi que le processus d'alimentation. Enfin, pour valider notre proposition, nous présentons un prototype