3 research outputs found

    Job adjustment strategy for predictive maintenance in semi-fully flexible systems based on machine health status

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    Complex systems consist of multiple machines that are designed with a certain extent of redundancy to control any unanticipated events. The productivity of complex systems is highly affected by unexpected simultaneous machine failures due to overrunning of machines, improper maintenance, and natural characteristics. We proposed realistic configurations with multiple machines having several flexibilities to handle the above issues. The objectives of the proposed model are to reduce simultaneous machine failures by slowing down the pace of degradation of machines, to improve the average occurrence of the first failure time of machines, and to decrease the loss of production. An approach has been developed using each machine’s degradation information to predict the machine’s residual life based on which the job adjustment strategy where machines with a lower health status will be given a high number of jobs to perform is proposed. This approach is validated by applying it in a fabric weaving industry as a real-world case study under different scenarios and the performance is compared with two other key benchmark strategies.This work has been funded by the Department of Science and Technology, Science and Engineering Research Board (DST-SERB), a statutory body established through an Act of Parliament: SERB Act 2008, Government of India with sanction order no. ECR/2016/001808, and also by the FCT-Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020

    Aspects of quadratic optimization - nonconvexity, uncertainty, and applications

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    Quadratic Optimization (QO) has been studied extensively in the literature due to its application in real-life problems. This thesis deals with two complicated aspects of QO problems, namely nonconvexity and uncertainty. A nonconvex QO problem is intractable in general. The first part of this thesis presents methods to approximate a nonconvex QP problem. Another important aspect of a QO problem is taking into account uncertainties in the parameters since they are mostly approximated/estimated from data. The second part of the thesis contains analyses of two methods that deal with uncertainties in a convex QO problem, namely Static and Adjustable Robust Optimization problems. To test the methods proposed in this thesis, the following three real-life applications have been considered: pooling problem, portfolio problem, and norm approximation problem