301 research outputs found

    Dealing with non-metric dissimilarities in fuzzy central clustering algorithms

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    Clustering is the problem of grouping objects on the basis of a similarity measure among them. Relational clustering methods can be employed when a feature-based representation of the objects is not available, and their description is given in terms of pairwise (dis)similarities. This paper focuses on the relational duals of fuzzy central clustering algorithms, and their application in situations when patterns are represented by means of non-metric pairwise dissimilarities. Symmetrization and shift operations have been proposed to transform the dissimilarities among patterns from non-metric to metric. In this paper, we analyze how four popular fuzzy central clustering algorithms are affected by such transformations. The main contributions include the lack of invariance to shift operations, as well as the invariance to symmetrization. Moreover, we highlight the connections between relational duals of central clustering algorithms and central clustering algorithms in kernel-induced spaces. One among the presented algorithms has never been proposed for non-metric relational clustering, and turns out to be very robust to shift operations. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Robust fuzzyclustering for object recognition and classification of relational data

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    Prototype based fuzzy clustering algorithms have unique ability to partition the data while detecting multiple clusters simultaneously. However since real data is often contaminated with noise, the clustering methods need to be made robust to be useful in practice. This dissertation focuses on robust detection of multiple clusters from noisy range images for object recognition. Dave\u27s noise clustering (NC) method has been shown to make prototype-based fuzzy clustering techniques robust. In this work, NC is generalized and the new NC membership is shown to be a product of fuzzy c-means (FCM) membership and robust M-estimator weight (or possibilistic membership). Thus the generalized NC approach is shown to have the partitioning ability of FCM and robustness of M-estimators. Since the NC (or FCM) algorithms are based on fixed-point iteration technique, they suffer from the problem of initializations. To overcome this problem, the sampling based robust LMS algorithm is considered by extending it to fuzzy c-LMS algorithm for detecting multiple clusters. The concept of repeated evidence has been incorporated to increase the speed of the new approach. The main problem with the LMS approach is the need for ordering the distance data. To eliminate this problem, a novel sampling based robust algorithm is proposed following the NC principle, called the NLS method, that directly searches for clusters in the maximum density region of the range data without requiring the specification of number of clusters. The NC concept is also introduced to several fuzzy methods for robust classification of relational data for pattern recognition. This is also extended to non-Euclidean relational data. The resulting algorithms are used for object recognition from range images as well as for identification of bottleneck parts while creating desegregated cells of machine/ components in cellular manufacturing and group technology (GT) applications

    Informational Paradigm, management of uncertainty and theoretical formalisms in the clustering framework: A review

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    Fifty years have gone by since the publication of the first paper on clustering based on fuzzy sets theory. In 1965, L.A. Zadeh had published “Fuzzy Sets” [335]. After only one year, the first effects of this seminal paper began to emerge, with the pioneering paper on clustering by Bellman, Kalaba, Zadeh [33], in which they proposed a prototypal of clustering algorithm based on the fuzzy sets theory

    Encoding Markov Logic Networks in Possibilistic Logic

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    Markov logic uses weighted formulas to compactly encode a probability distribution over possible worlds. Despite the use of logical formulas, Markov logic networks (MLNs) can be difficult to interpret, due to the often counter-intuitive meaning of their weights. To address this issue, we propose a method to construct a possibilistic logic theory that exactly captures what can be derived from a given MLN using maximum a posteriori (MAP) inference. Unfortunately, the size of this theory is exponential in general. We therefore also propose two methods which can derive compact theories that still capture MAP inference, but only for specific types of evidence. These theories can be used, among others, to make explicit the hidden assumptions underlying an MLN or to explain the predictions it makes.Comment: Extended version of a paper appearing in UAI 201

    Possibilistic functional dependencies and their relationship to possibility theory

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    This paper introduces possibilistic functional dependencies. These dependencies are associated with a particular possibility distribution over possible worlds of a classical database. The possibility distribution reflects a layered view of the database. The highest layer of the (classical) database consists of those tuples that certainly belong to it, while the other layers add tuples that only possibly belong to the database, with different levels of possibility. The relation between the confidence levels associated with the tuples and the possibility distribution over possible database worlds is discussed in detail in the setting of possibility theory. A possibilistic functional dependency is a classical functional dependency associated with a certainty level that reflects the highest confidence level where the functional dependency no longer holds in the layered database. Moreover, the relationship between possibilistic functional dependencies and possibilistic logic formulas is established. Related work is reviewed, and the intended use of possibilistic functional dependencies is discussed in the conclusion

    Relational data clustering algorithms with biomedical applications

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    Partitioning Relational Matrices of Similarities or Dissimilarities using the Value of Information

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    In this paper, we provide an approach to clustering relational matrices whose entries correspond to either similarities or dissimilarities between objects. Our approach is based on the value of information, a parameterized, information-theoretic criterion that measures the change in costs associated with changes in information. Optimizing the value of information yields a deterministic annealing style of clustering with many benefits. For instance, investigators avoid needing to a priori specify the number of clusters, as the partitions naturally undergo phase changes, during the annealing process, whereby the number of clusters changes in a data-driven fashion. The global-best partition can also often be identified.Comment: Submitted to the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP

    Foundations of Fuzzy Logic and Semantic Web Languages

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    This book is the first to combine coverage of fuzzy logic and Semantic Web languages. It provides in-depth insight into fuzzy Semantic Web languages for non-fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic experts. It also helps researchers of non-Semantic Web languages get a better understanding of the theoretical fundamentals of Semantic Web languages. The first part of the book covers all the theoretical and logical aspects of classical (two-valued) Semantic Web languages. The second part explains how to generalize these languages to cope with fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic