73 research outputs found

    Combining semantic and syntactic structure for language modeling

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    Structured language models for speech recognition have been shown to remedy the weaknesses of n-gram models. All current structured language models are, however, limited in that they do not take into account dependencies between non-headwords. We show that non-headword dependencies contribute to significantly improved word error rate, and that a data-oriented parsing model trained on semantically and syntactically annotated data can exploit these dependencies. This paper also contains the first DOP model trained by means of a maximum likelihood reestimation procedure, which solves some of the theoretical shortcomings of previous DOP models.Comment: 4 page

    Weakly Restricted Stochastic Grammars

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    A new type of stochastic grammars is introduced for investigation: weakly restricted stochastic grammars. In this paper we will concentrate on the consistency problem. To find conditions for stochastic grammars to be consistent, the theory of multitype Galton-Watson branching processes and generating functions is of central importance.\ud The unrestricted stochastic grammar formalism generates the same class of languages as the weakly restricted formalism. The inside-outside algorithm is adapted for use with weakly restricted grammars

    Generalized Hidden Filter Markov Models Applied to Speaker Recognition

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    Classification of time series has wide Air Force, DoD and commercial interest, from automatic target recognition systems on munitions to recognition of speakers in diverse environments. The ability to effectively model the temporal information contained in a sequence is of paramount importance. Toward this goal, this research develops theoretical extensions to a class of stochastic models and demonstrates their effectiveness on the problem of text-independent (language constrained) speaker recognition. Specifically within the hidden Markov model architecture, additional constraints are implemented which better incorporate observation correlations and context, where standard approaches fail. Two methods of modeling correlations are developed, and their mathematical properties of convergence and reestimation are analyzed. These differ in modeling correlation present in the time samples and those present in the processed features, such as Mel frequency cepstral coefficients. The system models speaker dependent phonemes, making use of word dictionary grammars, and recognition is based on normalized log-likelihood Viterbi decoding. Both closed set identification and speaker verification using cohorts are performed on the YOHO database. YOHO is the only large scale, multiple-session, high-quality speech database for speaker authentication and contains over one hundred speakers stating combination locks. Equal error rates of 0.21% for males and 0.31% for females are demonstrated. A critical error analysis using a hypothesis test formulation provides the maximum number of errors observable while still meeting the goal error rates of 1% False Reject and 0.1% False Accept. Our system achieves this goal

    A New Statistical Parser Based on Bigram Lexical Dependencies

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    This paper describes a new statistical parser which is based on probabilities of dependencies between head-words in the parse tree. Standard bigram probability estimation techniques are extended to calculate probabilities of dependencies between pairs of words. Tests using Wall Street Journal data show that the method performs at least as well as SPATTER (Magerman 95, Jelinek et al 94), which has the best published results for a statistical parser on this task. The simplicity of the approach means the model trains on 40,000 sentences in under 15 minutes. With a beam search strategy parsing speed can be improved to over 200 sentences a minute with negligible loss in accuracy.Comment: 8 pages, to appear in Proceedings of ACL 96. Uuencoded gz-compressed postscript file created by csh script uufile

    Stochastic Attribute-Value Grammars

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    Probabilistic analogues of regular and context-free grammars are well-known in computational linguistics, and currently the subject of intensive research. To date, however, no satisfactory probabilistic analogue of attribute-value grammars has been proposed: previous attempts have failed to define a correct parameter-estimation algorithm. In the present paper, I define stochastic attribute-value grammars and give a correct algorithm for estimating their parameters. The estimation algorithm is adapted from Della Pietra, Della Pietra, and Lafferty (1995). To estimate model parameters, it is necessary to compute the expectations of certain functions under random fields. In the application discussed by Della Pietra, Della Pietra, and Lafferty (representing English orthographic constraints), Gibbs sampling can be used to estimate the needed expectations. The fact that attribute-value grammars generate constrained languages makes Gibbs sampling inapplicable, but I show how a variant of Gibbs sampling, the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, can be used instead.Comment: 23 pages, 21 Postscript figures, uses rotate.st

    Identifiability and Unmixing of Latent Parse Trees

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    This paper explores unsupervised learning of parsing models along two directions. First, which models are identifiable from infinite data? We use a general technique for numerically checking identifiability based on the rank of a Jacobian matrix, and apply it to several standard constituency and dependency parsing models. Second, for identifiable models, how do we estimate the parameters efficiently? EM suffers from local optima, while recent work using spectral methods cannot be directly applied since the topology of the parse tree varies across sentences. We develop a strategy, unmixing, which deals with this additional complexity for restricted classes of parsing models

    Probabilistic Constraint Logic Programming

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    This paper addresses two central problems for probabilistic processing models: parameter estimation from incomplete data and efficient retrieval of most probable analyses. These questions have been answered satisfactorily only for probabilistic regular and context-free models. We address these problems for a more expressive probabilistic constraint logic programming model. We present a log-linear probability model for probabilistic constraint logic programming. On top of this model we define an algorithm to estimate the parameters and to select the properties of log-linear models from incomplete data. This algorithm is an extension of the improved iterative scaling algorithm of Della-Pietra, Della-Pietra, and Lafferty (1995). Our algorithm applies to log-linear models in general and is accompanied with suitable approximation methods when applied to large data spaces. Furthermore, we present an approach for searching for most probable analyses of the probabilistic constraint logic programming model. This method can be applied to the ambiguity resolution problem in natural language processing applications.Comment: 35 pages, uses sfbart.cl

    Data-Oriented Language Processing. An Overview

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    During the last few years, a new approach to language processing has started to emerge, which has become known under various labels such as "data-oriented parsing", "corpus-based interpretation", and "tree-bank grammar" (cf. van den Berg et al. 1994; Bod 1992-96; Bod et al. 1996a/b; Bonnema 1996; Charniak 1996a/b; Goodman 1996; Kaplan 1996; Rajman 1995a/b; Scha 1990-92; Sekine & Grishman 1995; Sima'an et al. 1994; Sima'an 1995-96; Tugwell 1995). This approach, which we will call "data-oriented processing" or "DOP", embodies the assumption that human language perception and production works with representations of concrete past language experiences, rather than with abstract linguistic rules. The models that instantiate this approach therefore maintain large corpora of linguistic representations of previously occurring utterances. When processing a new input utterance, analyses of this utterance are constructed by combining fragments from the corpus; the occurrence-frequencies of the fragments are used to estimate which analysis is the most probable one. In this paper we give an in-depth discussion of a data-oriented processing model which employs a corpus of labelled phrase-structure trees. Then we review some other models that instantiate the DOP approach. Many of these models also employ labelled phrase-structure trees, but use different criteria for extracting fragments from the corpus or employ different disambiguation strategies (Bod 1996b; Charniak 1996a/b; Goodman 1996; Rajman 1995a/b; Sekine & Grishman 1995; Sima'an 1995-96); other models use richer formalisms for their corpus annotations (van den Berg et al. 1994; Bod et al., 1996a/b; Bonnema 1996; Kaplan 1996; Tugwell 1995).Comment: 34 pages, Postscrip
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