27,694 research outputs found

    A Divergence Critic for Inductive Proof

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    Inductive theorem provers often diverge. This paper describes a simple critic, a computer program which monitors the construction of inductive proofs attempting to identify diverging proof attempts. Divergence is recognized by means of a ``difference matching'' procedure. The critic then proposes lemmas and generalizations which ``ripple'' these differences away so that the proof can go through without divergence. The critic enables the theorem prover Spike to prove many theorems completely automatically from the definitions alone.Comment: See http://www.jair.org/ for any accompanying file

    A survey of max-type recursive distributional equations

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    In certain problems in a variety of applied probability settings (from probabilistic analysis of algorithms to statistical physics), the central requirement is to solve a recursive distributional equation of the form X =^d g((\xi_i,X_i),i\geq 1). Here (\xi_i) and g(\cdot) are given and the X_i are independent copies of the unknown distribution X. We survey this area, emphasizing examples where the function g(\cdot) is essentially a ``maximum'' or ``minimum'' function. We draw attention to the theoretical question of endogeny: in the associated recursive tree process X_i, are the X_i measurable functions of the innovations process (\xi_i)?Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/105051605000000142 in the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Deterministic Distributed Edge-Coloring via Hypergraph Maximal Matching

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    We present a deterministic distributed algorithm that computes a (2Δ1)(2\Delta-1)-edge-coloring, or even list-edge-coloring, in any nn-node graph with maximum degree Δ\Delta, in O(log7Δlogn)O(\log^7 \Delta \log n) rounds. This answers one of the long-standing open questions of \emph{distributed graph algorithms} from the late 1980s, which asked for a polylogarithmic-time algorithm. See, e.g., Open Problem 4 in the Distributed Graph Coloring book of Barenboim and Elkin. The previous best round complexities were 2O(logn)2^{O(\sqrt{\log n})} by Panconesi and Srinivasan [STOC'92] and O~(Δ)+O(logn)\tilde{O}(\sqrt{\Delta}) + O(\log^* n) by Fraigniaud, Heinrich, and Kosowski [FOCS'16]. A corollary of our deterministic list-edge-coloring also improves the randomized complexity of (2Δ1)(2\Delta-1)-edge-coloring to poly(loglogn)(\log\log n) rounds. The key technical ingredient is a deterministic distributed algorithm for \emph{hypergraph maximal matching}, which we believe will be of interest beyond this result. In any hypergraph of rank rr --- where each hyperedge has at most rr vertices --- with nn nodes and maximum degree Δ\Delta, this algorithm computes a maximal matching in O(r5log6+logrΔlogn)O(r^5 \log^{6+\log r } \Delta \log n) rounds. This hypergraph matching algorithm and its extensions lead to a number of other results. In particular, a polylogarithmic-time deterministic distributed maximal independent set algorithm for graphs with bounded neighborhood independence, hence answering Open Problem 5 of Barenboim and Elkin's book, a ((logΔ/ε)O(log(1/ε)))((\log \Delta/\varepsilon)^{O(\log (1/\varepsilon))})-round deterministic algorithm for (1+ε)(1+\varepsilon)-approximation of maximum matching, and a quasi-polylogarithmic-time deterministic distributed algorithm for orienting λ\lambda-arboricity graphs with out-degree at most (1+ε)λ(1+\varepsilon)\lambda, for any constant ε>0\varepsilon>0, hence partially answering Open Problem 10 of Barenboim and Elkin's book

    Nominal Unification of Higher Order Expressions with Recursive Let

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    A sound and complete algorithm for nominal unification of higher-order expressions with a recursive let is described, and shown to run in non-deterministic polynomial time. We also explore specializations like nominal letrec-matching for plain expressions and for DAGs and determine the complexity of corresponding unification problems.Comment: Pre-proceedings paper presented at the 26th International Symposium on Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR 2016), Edinburgh, Scotland UK, 6-8 September 2016 (arXiv:1608.02534

    Generalization of matching extensions in graphs (II)

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    Proposed as a general framework, Liu and Yu(Discrete Math. 231 (2001) 311-320) introduced (n,k,d)(n,k,d)-graphs to unify the concepts of deficiency of matchings, nn-factor-criticality and kk-extendability. Let GG be a graph and let n,kn,k and dd be non-negative integers such that n+2k+dV(G)2n+2k+d\leq |V(G)|-2 and V(G)nd|V(G)|-n-d is even. If when deleting any nn vertices from GG, the remaining subgraph HH of GG contains a kk-matching and each such kk- matching can be extended to a defect-dd matching in HH, then GG is called an (n,k,d)(n,k,d)-graph. In \cite{Liu}, the recursive relations for distinct parameters n,kn, k and dd were presented and the impact of adding or deleting an edge also was discussed for the case d=0d = 0. In this paper, we continue the study begun in \cite{Liu} and obtain new recursive results for (n,k,d)(n,k,d)-graphs in the general case d0d \geq0.Comment: 12 page

    Definitions by Rewriting in the Calculus of Constructions

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    The main novelty of this paper is to consider an extension of the Calculus of Constructions where predicates can be defined with a general form of rewrite rules. We prove the strong normalization of the reduction relation generated by the beta-rule and the user-defined rules under some general syntactic conditions including confluence. As examples, we show that two important systems satisfy these conditions: a sub-system of the Calculus of Inductive Constructions which is the basis of the proof assistant Coq, and the Natural Deduction Modulo a large class of equational theories.Comment: Best student paper (Kleene Award

    Elaborating Inductive Definitions

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    We present an elaboration of inductive definitions down to a universe of datatypes. The universe of datatypes is an internal presentation of strictly positive families within type theory. By elaborating an inductive definition -- a syntactic artifact -- to its code -- its semantics -- we obtain an internalized account of inductives inside the type theory itself: we claim that reasoning about inductive definitions could be carried in the type theory, not in the meta-theory as it is usually the case. Besides, we give a formal specification of that elaboration process. It is therefore amenable to formal reasoning too. We prove the soundness of our translation and hint at its correctness with respect to Coq's Inductive definitions. The practical benefits of this approach are numerous. For the type theorist, this is a small step toward bootstrapping, ie. implementing the inductive fragment in the type theory itself. For the programmer, this means better support for generic programming: we shall present a lightweight deriving mechanism, entirely definable by the programmer and therefore not requiring any extension to the type theory.Comment: 32 pages, technical repor