3,685 research outputs found

    Low-Complexity Sub-band Digital Predistortion for Spurious Emission Suppression in Noncontiguous Spectrum Access

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    Noncontiguous transmission schemes combined with high power-efficiency requirements pose big challenges for radio transmitter and power amplifier (PA) design and implementation. Due to the nonlinear nature of the PA, severe unwanted emissions can occur, which can potentially interfere with neighboring channel signals or even desensitize the own receiver in frequency division duplexing (FDD) transceivers. In this article, to suppress such unwanted emissions, a low-complexity sub-band DPD solution, specifically tailored for spectrally noncontiguous transmission schemes in low-cost devices, is proposed. The proposed technique aims at mitigating only the selected spurious intermodulation distortion components at the PA output, hence allowing for substantially reduced processing complexity compared to classical linearization solutions. Furthermore, novel decorrelation based parameter learning solutions are also proposed and formulated, which offer reduced computing complexity in parameter estimation as well as the ability to track time-varying features adaptively. Comprehensive simulation and RF measurement results are provided, using a commercial LTE-Advanced mobile PA, to evaluate and validate the effectiveness of the proposed solution in real world scenarios. The obtained results demonstrate that highly efficient spurious component suppression can be obtained using the proposed solutions

    Transmission Experiment of Bandwidth Compressed Carrier Aggregation in a Realistic Fading Channel

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    In this paper, an experimental testbed is designed to evaluate the performance of a bandwidth compressed multicarrier technique termed spectrally efficient frequency division multiplexing (SEFDM) in a carrier aggregation (CA) scenario1. Unlike orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), SEFDM is a non-orthogonal waveform which, relative to OFDM, packs more sub-carriers in a given bandwidth, thereby improving spectral efficiency. CA is a long term evolution-advanced (LTE-Advanced) featured technique that offers a higher throughput by aggregating multiple legacy radio bands. Considering the scarcity of radio spectrum, SEFDM signals can be utilized to enhance CA performance. The combination of the two techniques results in a larger number of aggregated component carriers (CCs) and therefore increased data rate in a given bandwidth with no additional spectral allocation. It is experimentally shown that CA-SEFDM can aggregate up to 7 CCs in a limited bandwidth while CA-OFDM can only put 5 CCs in the same bandwidth. In this work, LTE-like framed CA-SEFDM signals are generated and delivered through a realistic LTE channel. A complete experimental setup is described together with error performance and effective spectral efficiency comparisons. Experimental results show that the measured BER performance for CA-SEFDM is very close to CA-OFDM and the effective spectral efficiency of CA-SEFDM can be substantially higher than that of CA-OFDM

    Adaptive Nonlinear RF Cancellation for Improved Isolation in Simultaneous Transmit-Receive Systems

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    This paper proposes an active radio frequency (RF) cancellation solution to suppress the transmitter (TX) passband leakage signal in radio transceivers supporting simultaneous transmission and reception. The proposed technique is based on creating an opposite-phase baseband equivalent replica of the TX leakage signal in the transceiver digital front-end through adaptive nonlinear filtering of the known transmit data, to facilitate highly accurate cancellation under a nonlinear TX power amplifier (PA). The active RF cancellation is then accomplished by employing an auxiliary transmitter chain, to generate the actual RF cancellation signal, and combining it with the received signal at the receiver (RX) low noise amplifier (LNA) input. A closed-loop parameter learning approach, based on the decorrelation principle, is also developed to efficiently estimate the coefficients of the nonlinear cancellation filter in the presence of a nonlinear TX PA with memory, finite passive isolation, and a nonlinear RX LNA. The performance of the proposed cancellation technique is evaluated through comprehensive RF measurements adopting commercial LTE-Advanced transceiver hardware components. The results show that the proposed technique can provide an additional suppression of up to 54 dB for the TX passband leakage signal at the RX LNA input, even at considerably high transmit power levels and with wide transmission bandwidths. Such novel cancellation solution can therefore substantially improve the TX-RX isolation, hence reducing the requirements on passive isolation and RF component linearity, as well as increasing the efficiency and flexibility of the RF spectrum use in the emerging 5G radio networks.Comment: accepted to IEE

    Performance Analysis of Carrier-Aggregated Multi-Antenna 4×4 MIMO LTE-A Fronthaul by Spatial Multiplexing on Multicore Fiber

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permissíon from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertisíng or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.[EN] In this paper,we experimentally propose and evaluate the performance of multiantenna LTE-Advanced (LTE-A) systems implementing multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) space división multiplexing on multicore fiber, compared to single-antenna single-antenna system (SISO) transmissions. Fully standard 3GPP LTE-A cellular signals are transmitted with MIMO and carrier aggregation in radio-over-fiber over a four-core fiber in different configurations. The processing capabilities of in-built 3GPP MIMO processing are evaluated experimentally in two-antenna and four-antenna LTE-A configurations and compared with single-antenna SISO performance. The robustness of 3GPP MIMO processing is analyzed over different optical paths in a four-core fiber and the optical power margin available between the four optical paths is calculated for each configuration. Finally, the transmission performance of carrier-aggregated LTE-A signals is evaluated in the four-antenna system implementing 4×4 MIMO spatial multiplexing with different carrier separation and center frequency configurations, including regulated cellular frequencies of frequency division duplex bands 7 and 20.This work was supported in part by Spain National Plan MINECO/FEDER UE TEC2015-70858-C2-1-R XCORE and RTC-2014-2232-3 HIDRASENSE. The work of M. Morant was supported by UPV postdoc PAID-10-16 Program.Morant, M.; Llorente, R. (2018). Performance Analysis of Carrier-Aggregated Multi-Antenna 4×4 MIMO LTE-A Fronthaul by Spatial Multiplexing on Multicore Fiber. Journal of Lightwave Technology. 36(2):594-600. https://doi.org/10.1109/JLT.2017.2786582S59460036