1,708 research outputs found

    Deep Predictive Models for Collision Risk Assessment in Autonomous Driving

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    In this paper, we investigate a predictive approach for collision risk assessment in autonomous and assisted driving. A deep predictive model is trained to anticipate imminent accidents from traditional video streams. In particular, the model learns to identify cues in RGB images that are predictive of hazardous upcoming situations. In contrast to previous work, our approach incorporates (a) temporal information during decision making, (b) multi-modal information about the environment, as well as the proprioceptive state and steering actions of the controlled vehicle, and (c) information about the uncertainty inherent to the task. To this end, we discuss Deep Predictive Models and present an implementation using a Bayesian Convolutional LSTM. Experiments in a simple simulation environment show that the approach can learn to predict impending accidents with reasonable accuracy, especially when multiple cameras are used as input sources.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    IEEE Access Special Section Editorial: Big Data Technology and Applications in Intelligent Transportation

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    During the last few years, information technology and transportation industries, along with automotive manufacturers and academia, are focusing on leveraging intelligent transportation systems (ITS) to improve services related to driver experience, connected cars, Internet data plans for vehicles, traffic infrastructure, urban transportation systems, traffic collaborative management, road traffic accidents analysis, road traffic flow prediction, public transportation service plan, personal travel route plans, and the development of an effective ecosystem for vehicles, drivers, traffic controllers, city planners, and transportation applications. Moreover, the emerging technologies of the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing have provided unprecedented opportunities for the development and realization of innovative intelligent transportation systems where sensors and mobile devices can gather information and cloud computing, allowing knowledge discovery, information sharing, and supported decision making. However, the development of such data-driven ITS requires the integration, processing, and analysis of plentiful information obtained from millions of vehicles, traffic infrastructures, smartphones, and other collaborative systems like weather stations and road safety and early warning systems. The huge amount of data generated by ITS devices is only of value if utilized in data analytics for decision-making such as accident prevention and detection, controlling road risks, reducing traffic carbon emissions, and other applications which bring big data analytics into the picture

    Design and Implementation of Intelligent Traffic-Management System for Smart Cities using Roaming Agent and Deep Neural Network (RAD2N)

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    In metropolitan areas, the exponential growth in quantity of vehicles has instigated gridlock, pollution, and delays in the transportation of freight. IoT is the modern revolution which pushes the world towards intelligent management systems and automated procedures. This makes a significant contribution to automation and intelligent societies. Traffic regulation and effective congestion management assist conserve many priceless resources. In order to recognize, collect and send data, autonomous vehicles are furnished with IoT powered Intelligent Traffic Management System (ITMS) having a set of sensors.  Moreover, machine learning (ML) algorithms can also be employed to enhance the transportation system.  Traffic jams, delays, and a high death rate are the results of the problems that the current transport management systems face.  In this paper, an active traffic control for VANET is proposed which merges Roaming Agents (RA) with deep neural networks (DNN). The effectiveness of the DNN with RA (RAD2N) routing method in VANETs is evaluated experimentally and compared with the traditional ML and other DL routing algorithms. Several traffic congestion indicators, including delay, packet delivery ratio (PDR) and throughput are used to validate RAD2N. The outcomes demonstrate that the proposed approach delivers lower latency and energy consumption

    Trajectory planning based on adaptive model predictive control: Study of the performance of an autonomous vehicle in critical highway scenarios

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    Increasing automation in automotive industry is an important contribution to overcome many of the major societal challenges. However, testing and validating a highly autonomous vehicle is one of the biggest obstacles to the deployment of such vehicles, since they rely on data-driven and real-time sensors, actuators, complex algorithms, machine learning systems, and powerful processors to execute software, and they must be proven to be reliable and safe. For this reason, the verification, validation and testing (VVT) of autonomous vehicles is gaining interest and attention among the scientific community and there has been a number of significant efforts in this field. VVT helps developers and testers to determine any hidden faults, increasing systems confidence in safety, security, functional analysis, and in the ability to integrate autonomous prototypes into existing road networks. Other stakeholders like higher-management, public authorities and the public are also crucial to complete the VTT process. As autonomous vehicles require hundreds of millions of kilometers of testing driven on public roads before vehicle certification, simulations are playing a key role as they allow the simulation tools to virtually test millions of real-life scenarios, increasing safety and reducing costs, time and the need for physical road tests. In this study, a literature review is conducted to classify approaches for the VVT and an existing simulation tool is used to implement an autonomous driving system. The system will be characterized from the point of view of its performance in some critical highway scenarios.O aumento da automação na indústria automotiva é uma importante contribuição para superar muitos dos principais desafios da sociedade. No entanto, testar e validar um veículo altamente autónomo é um dos maiores obstáculos para a implantação de tais veículos, uma vez que eles contam com sensores, atuadores, algoritmos complexos, sistemas de aprendizagem de máquina e processadores potentes para executar softwares em tempo real, e devem ser comprovadamente confiáveis e seguros. Por esta razão, a verificação, validação e teste (VVT) de veículos autónomos está a ganhar interesse e atenção entre a comunidade científica e tem havido uma série de esforços significativos neste campo. A VVT ajuda os desenvolvedores e testadores a determinar quaisquer falhas ocultas, aumentando a confiança dos sistemas na segurança, proteção, análise funcional e na capacidade de integrar protótipos autónomos em redes rodoviárias existentes. Outras partes interessadas, como a alta administração, autoridades públicas e o público também são cruciais para concluir o processo de VTT. Como os veículos autónomos exigem centenas de milhões de quilómetros de testes conduzidos em vias públicas antes da certificação do veículo, as simulações estão a desempenhar cada vez mais um papel fundamental, pois permitem que as ferramentas de simulação testem virtualmente milhões de cenários da vida real, aumentando a segurança e reduzindo custos, tempo e necessidade de testes físicos em estrada. Neste estudo, é realizada uma revisão da literatura para classificar abordagens para a VVT e uma ferramenta de simulação existente é usada para implementar um sistema de direção autónoma. O sistema é caracterizado do ponto de vista do seu desempenho em alguns cenários críticos de autoestrad

    Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Connected and Automated Vehicles Control: Recent Advancements and Future Prospects

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    Connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) have emerged as a potential solution to the future challenges of developing safe, efficient, and eco-friendly transportation systems. However, CAV control presents significant challenges, given the complexity of interconnectivity and coordination required among the vehicles. To address this, multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL), with its notable advancements in addressing complex problems in autonomous driving, robotics, and human-vehicle interaction, has emerged as a promising tool for enhancing the capabilities of CAVs. However, there is a notable absence of current reviews on the state-of-the-art MARL algorithms in the context of CAVs. Therefore, this paper delivers a comprehensive review of the application of MARL techniques within the field of CAV control. The paper begins by introducing MARL, followed by a detailed explanation of its unique advantages in addressing complex mobility and traffic scenarios that involve multiple agents. It then presents a comprehensive survey of MARL applications on the extent of control dimensions for CAVs, covering critical and typical scenarios such as platooning control, lane-changing, and unsignalized intersections. In addition, the paper provides a comprehensive review of the prominent simulation platforms used to create reliable environments for training in MARL. Lastly, the paper examines the current challenges associated with deploying MARL within CAV control and outlines potential solutions that can effectively overcome these issues. Through this review, the study highlights the tremendous potential of MARL to enhance the performance and collaboration of CAV control in terms of safety, travel efficiency, and economy

    Advanced Sensing and Control for Connected and Automated Vehicles

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    Connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) are a transformative technology that is expected to change and improve the safety and efficiency of mobility. As the main functional components of CAVs, advanced sensing technologies and control algorithms, which gather environmental information, process data, and control vehicle motion, are of great importance. The development of novel sensing technologies for CAVs has become a hotspot in recent years. Thanks to improved sensing technologies, CAVs are able to interpret sensory information to further detect obstacles, localize their positions, navigate themselves, and interact with other surrounding vehicles in the dynamic environment. Furthermore, leveraging computer vision and other sensing methods, in-cabin humans’ body activities, facial emotions, and even mental states can also be recognized. Therefore, the aim of this Special Issue has been to gather contributions that illustrate the interest in the sensing and control of CAVs

    Nighttime Driver Behavior Prediction Using Taillight Signal Recognition via CNN-SVM Classifier

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    This paper aims to enhance the ability to predict nighttime driving behavior by identifying taillights of both human-driven and autonomous vehicles. The proposed model incorporates a customized detector designed to accurately detect front-vehicle taillights on the road. At the beginning of the detector, a learnable pre-processing block is implemented, which extracts deep features from input images and calculates the data rarity for each feature. In the next step, drawing inspiration from soft attention, a weighted binary mask is designed that guides the model to focus more on predetermined regions. This research utilizes Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to extract distinguishing characteristics from these areas, then reduces dimensions using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Finally, the Support Vector Machine (SVM) is used to predict the behavior of the vehicles. To train and evaluate the model, a large-scale dataset is collected from two types of dash-cams and Insta360 cameras from the rear view of Ford Motor Company vehicles. This dataset includes over 12k frames captured during both daytime and nighttime hours. To address the limited nighttime data, a unique pixel-wise image processing technique is implemented to convert daytime images into realistic night images. The findings from the experiments demonstrate that the proposed methodology can accurately categorize vehicle behavior with 92.14% accuracy, 97.38% specificity, 92.09% sensitivity, 92.10% F1-measure, and 0.895 Cohen's Kappa Statistic. Further details are available at https://github.com/DeepCar/Taillight_Recognition.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure