46 research outputs found

    A rapidly converging domain decomposition method for the Helmholtz equation

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    A new domain decomposition method is introduced for the heterogeneous 2-D and 3-D Helmholtz equations. Transmission conditions based on the perfectly matched layer (PML) are derived that avoid artificial reflections and match incoming and outgoing waves at the subdomain interfaces. We focus on a subdivision of the rectangular domain into many thin subdomains along one of the axes, in combination with a certain ordering for solving the subdomain problems and a GMRES outer iteration. When combined with multifrontal methods, the solver has near-linear cost in examples, due to very small iteration numbers that are essentially independent of problem size and number of subdomains. It is to our knowledge only the second method with this property next to the moving PML sweeping method.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, 6 tables - v2 accepted for publication in the Journal of Computational Physic

    A short note on the nested-sweep polarized traces method for the 2D Helmholtz equation

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    We present a variant of the solver in Zepeda-N\'u\~nez and Demanet (2014), for the 2D high-frequency Helmholtz equation in heterogeneous acoustic media. By changing the domain decomposition from a layered to a grid-like partition, this variant yields improved asymptotic online and offline runtimes and a lower memory footprint. The solver has online parallel complexity that scales \emph{sub linearly} as O(NP)\mathcal{O} \left( \frac{N}{P} \right), where NN is the number of volume unknowns, and PP is the number of processors, provided that P=O(N1/5)P = \mathcal{O}(N^{1/5}). The variant in Zepeda-N\'u\~nez and Demanet (2014) only afforded P=O(N1/8)P = \mathcal{O}(N^{1/8}). Algorithmic scalability is a prime requirement for wave simulation in regimes of interest for geophysical imaging.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Fourier Method for Approximating Eigenvalues of Indefinite Stekloff Operator

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    We introduce an efficient method for computing the Stekloff eigenvalues associated with the Helmholtz equation. In general, this eigenvalue problem requires solving the Helmholtz equation with Dirichlet and/or Neumann boundary condition repeatedly. We propose solving the related constant coefficient Helmholtz equation with Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) based on carefully designed extensions and restrictions of the equation. The proposed Fourier method, combined with proper eigensolver, results in an efficient and clear approach for computing the Stekloff eigenvalues.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    A convergent Born series for solving the inhomogeneous Helmholtz equation in arbitrarily large media

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    We present a fast method for numerically solving the inhomogeneous Helmholtz equation. Our iterative method is based on the Born series, which we modified to achieve convergence for scattering media of arbitrary size and scattering strength. Compared to pseudospectral time-domain simulations, our modified Born approach is two orders of magnitude faster and nine orders of magnitude more accurate in benchmark tests in 1-dimensional and 2-dimensional systems

    A short note on the nested-sweep polarized traces method for the 2D Helmholtz equation

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    We present a variant of the solver in Zepeda-NĂșñez and Demanet (2014), for the 2D high-frequency Helmholtz equation in heterogeneous acoustic media. By changing the domain decomposition from a layered to a grid-like partition, this variant yields improved asymptotic online and offline runtimes and a lower memory footprint. The solver has online parallel complexity that scales sublinearly as Ξ(N/P), where N is the number of volume unknowns, and P is the number of processors, provided that P = Ξ(N[superscript 1/5]). The variant in Zepeda-NĂșñez and Demanet (2014) only afforded P = Ξ(N[superscript 1/5]). Algorithmic scalability is a prime requirement for wave simulation in regimes of interest for geophysical imaging. Keywords: frequency-domain, finite difference, modeling, wave equation, numericalNational Science Foundation (U.S.)United States. Office of Naval ResearchUnited States. Air Force. Office of Scientific Researc

    Preconditioning the 2D Helmholtz equation with polarized traces

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    We present a domain decomposition solver for the 2D Helmholtz equation, with a special choice of integral transmission condition that involves polarizing the waves into oneway components. This refinement of the transmission condition is the key to combining local direct solves into an efficient iterative scheme, which can then be deployed in a highperformance computing environment. The method involves an expensive, but embarrassingly parallel precomputation of local Green's functions, and a fast online computation of layer potentials in partitioned low-rank form. The online part has sequential complexity that scales sublinearly with respect to the number of volume unknowns, even in the high-frequency regime. The favorable complexity scaling continues to hold in the context of low-order finite difference schemes for standard community models such as BP and Marmousi2, where convergence occurs in 5 to 10 GMRES iterations.TOTAL (Firm)United States. Air Force. Office of Scientific ResearchUnited States. Office of Naval ResearchNational Science Foundation (U.S.

    A short note on a pipelined polarized-trace algorithm for 3D Helmholtz

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    We present a fast solver for the 3D high-frequency Helmholtz equation in heterogeneous, constant density, acoustic media. The solver is based on the method of polarized traces, coupled with distributed linear algebra libraries and pipelining to obtain a solver with online runtime O(max(1, R/n)N logN) where N = n[superscript 3] is the total number of degrees of freedom and R is the number of right-hand sides.TOTAL (Firm

    Shifted Laplacian multigrid for the elastic Helmholtz equation

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    The shifted Laplacian multigrid method is a well known approach for preconditioning the indefinite linear system arising from the discretization of the acoustic Helmholtz equation. This equation is used to model wave propagation in the frequency domain. However, in some cases the acoustic equation is not sufficient for modeling the physics of the wave propagation, and one has to consider the elastic Helmholtz equation. Such a case arises in geophysical seismic imaging applications, where the earth's subsurface is the elastic medium. The elastic Helmholtz equation is much harder to solve than its acoustic counterpart, partially because it is three times larger, and partially because it models more complicated physics. Despite this, there are very few solvers available for the elastic equation compared to the array of solvers that are available for the acoustic one. In this work we extend the shifted Laplacian approach to the elastic Helmholtz equation, by combining the complex shift idea with approaches for linear elasticity. We demonstrate the efficiency and properties of our solver using numerical experiments for problems with heterogeneous media in two and three dimensions