594 research outputs found

    Scene independent real-time indirect illumination

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    Interactive raytraced caustics

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    technical reportIn computer graphics, bright patterns of light focused onto matte surfaces are called ?caustics?. We present a method for rendering dynamic scenes with moving caustics at interactive rates. This technique requires some simplifying assumptions about caustic behavior allowing us to consider it a local spatial property which we sample in a pre-processing stage. Storing the caustic locally limits caustic rendering to a simple lookup. We examine a number of ways to represent this data, allowing us to trade between accuracy, storage, run time, and precomputation time

    Real-time Global Illumination by Simulating Photon Mapping

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    Efficient Object-Based Hierarchical Radiosity Methods

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    The efficient generation of photorealistic images is one of the main subjects in the field of computer graphics. In contrast to simple image generation which is directly supported by standard 3D graphics hardware, photorealistic image synthesis strongly adheres to the physics describing the flow of light in a given environment. By simulating the energy flow in a 3D scene global effects like shadows and inter-reflections can be rendered accurately. The hierarchical radiosity method is one way of computing the global illumination in a scene. Due to its limitation to purely diffuse surfaces solutions computed by this method are view independent and can be examined in real-time walkthroughs. Additionally, the physically based algorithm makes it well suited for lighting design and architectural visualization. The focus of this thesis is the application of object-oriented methods to the radiosity problem. By consequently keeping and using object information throughout all stages of the algorithms several contributions to the field of radiosity rendering could be made. By introducing a new meshing scheme, it is shown how curved objects can be treated efficiently by hierarchical radiosity algorithms. Using the same paradigm the radiosity computation can be distributed in a network of computers. A parallel implementation is presented that minimizes communication costs while obtaining an efficient speedup. Radiosity solutions for very large scenes became possible by the use of clustering algorithms. Groups of objects are combined to clusters to simulate the energy exchange on a higher abstraction level. It is shown how the clustering technique can be improved without loss in image quality by applying the same data-structure for both, the visibility computations and the efficient radiosity simulation.Eines der Schwerpunktthemen in der Computergraphik ist die effiziente Erzeugung von fotorealistischen Bildern. Im Gegensatz zur einfachen Bilderzeugung, die bereits durch gaengige 3D-Grafikhardware unterstuetzt wird, gehorcht die fotorealistische Bildsynthese physikalischen Gesetzen, die die Lichtausbreitung innerhalb einer bestimmten Umgebung beschreiben. Durch die Simulation der Energieausbreitung in einer dreidimensionalen Szene koennen globale Effekte wie Schatten und mehrfache Reflektionen wirklichkeitstreu dargestellt werden. Die hierarchische Radiositymethode (Hierarchical Radiosity) ist eine Moeglichkeit, um die globale Beleuchtung innerhalb einer Szene zu berechnen. Da diese Methode auf die Verwendung von rein diffus reflektierenden Oberflaechen beschraenkt ist, sind damit errechnete Loesungen blickwinkelunabhaengig und lassen sich in Echtzeit am Bildschirm durchwandern. Zudem ist dieser Algorithmus aufgrund der verwendeten physikalischen Grundlagen sehr gut zur Beleuchtungssimulation und Architekturvisualisierung geeignet. Den Schwerpunkt dieser Doktorarbeit stellt die Anwendung objektbasierter Methoden auf das Radiosityproblem dar. Durch konsequente Ausnutzung von Objektinformationen waehrend aller Berechnungsschritte konnten verschiedene Verbesserungen im Rahmen der hierarchischen Radiositymethode erzielt werden. Gekruemmte Objekte koennen aufgrund eines neuen Flaechenunterteilungsverfahrens nun effizient durch den hierarchischen Radiosityalgorithmus dargestellt werden. Dieses Verfahren ermoeglicht ebenso eine effiziente Parallelisierung des hierarchischen Radiosityalgorithmus. Es wird ein parallele Implementierung vorgestellt, die unter Minimierung der Kommunikationskosten eine effiziente Geschwindigkeitssteigerung erzielt. Radiosityberechnungen fuer sehr grosse Szenen sind nur durch Verwendung sogenannter Clustering-Algorithmen moeglich. Dabei werden Gruppen von Objekten zu Clustern kombiniert um den Energieaustausch zwischen Oberflaechen stellvertretend auf einem hoeheren Abstraktionsniveau durchzufuehren. Durch Verwendung derselben Datenstruktur fuer Sichtbarkeitsberechnungen und fuer die Steuerung der Radiositysimulation wird gezeigt, wie das Clusteringverfahren ohne Qualitaetsverluste verbessert werden kann

    The Virtual Mesh: A Geometric Abstraction for Efficiently Computing Radiosity

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    Article dans revue scientifique avec comité de lecture.International audienceIn this paper, we introduce a general-purpose method for computing radiosity on scenes made of parametric surfaces with arbitrary trimming curves. By contrast with past approaches that require a tessellation of the input surfaces (be it made up of triangles or patches with simple trimming curves) or some form of geometric approximation, our method takes fully advantage of the rich and compact mathematical representation of objects. At its core lies the \emph{virtual mesh}, an abstraction of the input geometry that allows complex shapes to be illuminated as if they were simple primitives. The virtual mesh is a collection of normalized square domains to which the input surfaces are mapped while preserving their energy properties. Radiosity values are then computed on these supports before being lifted back to the original surfaces. To demonstrate the power of our method, we describe a high-order wavelet radiosity implementation that uses the virtual mesh. Examples of objects and environments, designed for interactive applications or virtual reality, are presented. They prove that, by exactly integrating curved surfaces in the resolution process, the virtual mesh allows complex scenes to be rendered more quickly, more accurately and much more naturally than with previously known methods

    Fast and Accurate Wavelet Radiosity Computations Using High-End Platforms

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    Colloque avec actes et comité de lecture. internationale.International audienceIn this paper, we show how to fully exploit the capabilities of high--end SGI graphics and parallel machines to perform radiosity computations on scenes made of complex shapes both quickly and accurately. Overlapping multi--processing and multi--pipeline graphics accelerations on one hand, and incorporating recent research works on wavelet radiosity on the other hand, allows radiosity to become a practical tool for interactive design

    Parallel hierarchical radiosity rendering

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    The radiosity equation is examined, and is found to contain a previously unexploited symmetry. This symmetry is formalized, and a solution method previously unusable in the field of computer graphics (conjugate gradients) is shown to be superior to all methods currently in use. A detailed analysis of all solution techniques previously applied to the radiosity problem is conducted, and results presented;So-called hierarchical methods have reduced the operational complexity of the N-body problem from O(N[superscript]2) to O(N log N) assuming a pre-set error tolerance. An algorithm following the same basic tenets has been applied to radiosity rendering by other researchers, and has reduced the operational complexity from O(N[superscript]2) to (arguably) O(N);Shortcomings in the state-of-the-art hierarchical radiosity method are pointed out, and enhancements are offered. A consistent treatment of various types of error is found to be absent from present methods. Catastrophic error is possible in the visibility assessment between two polygons. A self-consistency check is possible during the solution process, but never exploited;Until now, supercomputer-class computers have not been used to solve radiosity problems at a production-quality level even though realistic image synthesis has always been a prodigious consumer of computer time. A state-of-the-art hierarchical radiosity code is implemented on an nCUBE-2 parallel computer, and discussed in detail. The algorithm is found to have ample sources of parallelism, in both data- and operational modes. Its performance is analyzed in detail;The hierarchical method has only been applied to realistic image synthesis since 1991. Not surprisingly, many avenues of further research are open. Some are pointed out, and include: analytic determination of coupling factors, quantifying discretization error, incorporating specular light reflection modes into the hierarchical treatment, and exploring what other important physical problems might benefit from the hierarchical approach

    A conceptual framework for multi-modal interactive virtual workspaces

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    Construction projects involve a large number of both direct stakeholders (clients, professional teams, contractors, etc.) and indirect stakeholders (local authorities, residents, workers, etc.). Current methods of communicating building design information can lead to several types of difficulties (e.g. incomplete understanding of the planned construction, functional inefficiencies, inaccurate initial work or clashes between components, etc.). Integrated software solutions based on VR technologies can bring significant value improvement and cost reduction to the Construction Industry. The aim of this paper is to present research being carried out in the frame of the DIVERCITY project (Distributed Virtual Workspace for Enhancing Communication within the Construction Industry - IST project n°13365), funded under the European IST programme (Information Society Technologies). DIVERCITY's goal is to develop a Virtual Workspace that addresses three key building construction phases: (1) Client briefing (with detailed interaction between clients and architects); (2) Design Review (which requires detailed input from multidisciplinary teams - architects, engineers, facility managers, etc.); (3) Construction (aiming to fabricate or refurbish the building).Using a distributed architecture, the DIVERCITY system aims to support and enhance concurrent engineering practices for these three phases allowing teams based in different geographic locations to collaboratively design, test and validate shared virtual projects. The global DIVERCITY project will be presented in terms of objectives and the software architecture will be detailed.149-162Pubblicat

    Interactive caustics using local precomputed irradiance

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    Journal ArticleBright patterns of light focused via reflective or refractive objects onto matte surfaces are called "caustics". We present a method for rendering dynamic scenes with moving caustics at interactive rates. This technique requires some simplifying assumptions about caustic behavior allowing us to consider it a local spatial property which we sample in a pre-processing stage. Storing the caustic locally limits caustic rendering to a simple lookup. We examine a number of ways to represent this data, allowing us to trade between accuracy, storage, run time, and precomputation time

    Master-element vector irradiance for large tessellated models

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    http://portal.acm.org/We propose a new global light simulation method for diffuse (or moderately glossy) scenes comprising highly tesselated models with simple topology (e.g., scanned meshes). By using the topological coherence of the surface, we show how to extend a classic Finite Element method called the Master Element: We generalize this method to efficiently handle tessellated models by using mesh parameterization and mesh extrapolation techniques. In addition, we propose a high-order and hierarchical extension of the Master Element method. Our method computes a compact representation of vector irradiance, represented by high-order wavelet bases. For totally diffuse scenes, the so-computed vector irradiance maps can be transformed into light maps. For moderatly glossy scenes, approximated view-dependent lighting can be computed and displayed in real-time by the GPU from the vector irradiance maps. Using our methods, view-dependent solutions for scenes with over one million polygons are computed in minutes and displayed in real time. As with clustering methods, the time complexity of the method is independent on the number of polygons. By efficiently capturing the lighting signal at a suitable scale, the method is made independent of the geometric discretization and solely depends on the lighting complexity. We demonstrate our method in various settings, with both sharp and soft shadows accurately represented by our hierarchical function basis
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