1,003 research outputs found

    New algorithm for retrieval of tropospheric wet path delay over inland water bodies and coastal zones using brightness temperature deflection ratios, A

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    2013 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.As part of former and current sea-surface altimetry missions, brightness temperatures measured by nadir-viewing 18-34 GHz microwave radiometers are used to determine apparent path delay due to variations in index of refraction caused by changes in the humidity of the troposphere. This tropospheric wet-path delay can be retrieved from these measurements with sufficient accuracy over open oceans. However, in coastal zones and over inland water the highly variable radiometric emission from land surfaces at microwave frequencies has prevented accurate retrieval of wet-path delay using conventional algorithms. To extend wet path delay corrections into the coastal zone (within 25 km of land) and to inland water bodies, a new method is proposed to correct for tropospheric wet-path delay by using higher-frequency radiometer channels from approximately 50-170 GHz to provide sufficiently small fields of view on the surface. A new approach is introduced based on the variability of observations in several millimeter-wave radiometer channels on small spatial scales due to surface emissivity in contrast to the larger-scale variability in atmospheric absorption. The new technique is based on the measurement of deflection ratios among several radiometric bands to estimate the transmissivity of the atmosphere due to water vapor. To this end, the Brightness Temperature Deflection Ratio (BTDR) method is developed starting from a radiative transfer model for a downward-looking microwave radiometer, and is extended to pairs of frequency channels to retrieve the wet path delay. Then a mapping between the wet transmissivity and wet-path delay is performed using atmospheric absorption models. A frequency selection study is presented to determine the suitability of frequency sets for accurate retrieval of tropospheric wet-path delay, and comparisons are made to frequency sets based on currently-available microwave radiometers. Statistical noise analysis results are presented for a number of frequency sets. Additionally, this thesis demonstrates a method of identifying contrasting surface pixels using edge detection algorithms to identify contrasting scenes in brightness temperature images for retrieval with the BTDR method. Finally, retrievals are demonstrated from brightness temperatures measured by Special Sensor Microwave Imager/Sounder (SSMIS) instruments on three satellites for coastal and inland water scenes. For validation, these retrievals are qualitatively compared to independently-derived total precipitable water products from SSMIS, the Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission (TRMM) Microwave Imager (TMI) and the Advanced Microwave Sounding Radiometer for Earth Observing System (EOS) (AMSR-E). Finally, a quantitative method for analyzing the data consistency of the retrieval is presented as an estimate of the error in the retrieved wet path delay. From these comparisons, one can see that the BTDR method shows promise for retrieving wet path delays over inland water and coastal regions. Finally, several additional future uses for the algorithm are described

    Investigation of passive atmospheric sounding using millimeter and submillimeter wavelength channels

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    Activities within the period from July 1, 1992 through December 31, 1992 by Georgia Tech researchers in millimeter and submillimeter wavelength tropospheric remote sensing have been centered around the calibration of the Millimeter-wave Imaging Radiometer (MIR), preliminary flight data analysis, and preparation for TOGA/COARE. The MIR instrument is a joint project between NASA/GSFC and Georgia Tech. In the current configuration, the MIR has channels at 90, 150, 183(+/-1,3,7), and 220 GHz. Provisions for three additional channels at 325(+/-1,3) and 8 GHz have been made, and a 325-GHz receiver is currently being built by the ZAX Millimeter Wave Corporation for use in the MIR. Past Georgia Tech contributions to the MIR and its related scientific uses have included basic system design studies, performance analyses, and circuit and radiometric load design, in-flight software, and post-flight data display software. The combination of the above millimeter wave and submillimeter wave channels aboard a single well-calibrated instrument will provide unique radiometric data for radiative transfer and cloud and water vapor retrieval studies. A paper by the PI discussing the potential benefits of passive millimeter and submillimeter wave observations for cloud, water vapor and precipitation measurements has recently been published, and is included as an appendix

    An Ocean Surface Wind Vector Model Function For A Spaceborne Microwave Radiometer And Its Application

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    Ocean surface wind vectors over the ocean present vital information for scientists and forecasters in their attempt to understand the Earth\u27s global weather and climate. As the demand for global wind velocity information has increased, the number of satellite missions that carry wind-measuring sensors has also increased; however, there are still not sufficient numbers of instruments in orbit today to fulfill the need for operational meteorological and scientific wind vector data. Over the last three decades operational measurements of global ocean wind speeds have been obtained from passive microwave radiometers. Also, vector ocean surface wind data were primarily obtained from several scatterometry missions that have flown since the early 1990\u27s. However, other than SeaSat-A in 1978, there has not been combined active and passive wind measurements on the same satellite until the launch of the second Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS-II) in 2002. This mission has provided a unique data set of coincident measurements between the SeaWinds scatterometer and the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR). AMSR observes the vertical and horizontal brightness temperature (TB) at six frequency bands between 6.9 GHz and 89.0 GHz. Although these measurements contain some wind direction information, the overlying atmospheric influence can easily obscure this signal and make wind direction retrieval from passive microwave measurements very difficult. However, at radiometer frequencies between 10 and 37 GHz, a certain linear combination of vertical and horizontal brightness temperatures causes the atmospheric dependence to be nearly cancelled and surface parameters such as wind speed, wind direction and sea surface temperature to dominate the resulting signal. This brightness temperature combination may be expressed as ATBV-TBH, where A is a constant to be determined and the TBV and TBH are the brightness temperatures for the vertical and horizontal polarization respectively. In this dissertation, an empirical relationship between the AMSR\u27s ATBV-TBH and SeaWinds\u27 surface wind vector retrievals was established for three microwave frequencies: 10, 18 and 37 GHz. This newly developed model function for a passive microwave radiometer could provide the basis for wind vector retrievals either separately or in combination with scatterometer measurements

    Investigation of passive atmospheric sounding using millimeter and submillimeter wavelength channels

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    Activities within the period from January 1, 1992 through June 30, 1992 by Georgia Tech researchers in millimeter and submillimeter wavelength tropospheric remote sensing have been centered around the integration and initial data flights of the MIR on board the NASA ER-2. Georgia Tech contributions during this period include completion of the MIR flight software and implementation of a 'quick-view' graphics program for ground based calibration and analysis of the MIR imagery. In the current configuration, the MIR has channels at 90, 150, 183 +/- 1,3,7, and 220 GHz. Provisions for three additional channels at 325 +/-1,3 and 9 GHZ have been made, and a 325-GHz receiver is currently being built by the ZAX Millimeter Wave Corporation for use in the MIR. The combination of the millimeter wave and submillimeter wave channels aboard a single well-calibrated instrument will provide the necessary aircraft radiometric data for radiative transfer and cloud and water vapor retrieval studies. A paper by the PI discussing the potential benefits of passive millimeter and submillimeter wave observations for cloud, water vapor and precipitation measurements has recently been accepted for publication (Gasiewski, 1992), and is included as Appendix A. The MIR instrument is a joint project between NASA/GSFC and Georgia Tech. Other Georgia Tech contributions to the MIR and its related scientific uses have included basic system design studies, performance analyses, and circuit and radiometric load design

    Remote sensing of water vapor over land using the advanced microwave sounding unit

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    Includes bibliographical references.Water vapor is a fundamentally important variable in the atmosphere for making accurate forecasts. Its global distribution is a challenge to determine and can change rapidly in both space and time. Several ground and space based methods are currently employed to determine its spatial and temporal variability. The microwave spectrum is very useful for remote sensing due to its ability to penetrate through clouds at most frequencies. Microwave satellite sensors have been used to retrieve atmospheric state parameters for several decades, however the retrievals of certain parameters have not been performed satisfactorily over land thus far. Retrievals rely on the ability to extract the atmospheric state from the upwelling radiation, most of which comes from emission from the surface. Knowing the surface emissivity to a high degree of accuracy is essential for calculating the land surface temperature, however it is also important because this emission must be removed in order to retrieve the atmospheric parameters desired. Land type, vegetation, snow, ice, rain, urbanization effects, and many other factors have an effect on the aggregate emission within each viewing scene and results in a strong sensitivity and variability of microwave emissivity on small scales. A physically based iterative optimal estimation retrieval has been implemented to retrieve atmospheric parameters from the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU). This retrieval is based on the method of Engelen and Stephens (1999). The retrieval uses a first guess of water vapor and temperature profiles (currently from radiosondes, but will soon be from GDAS), and uses a first guess of emissivity at each of five frequencies (from the MEM). The retrieval was run with a highly accurate first guess in order to detect bias, and the total precipitable water amounts were validated against a radiosonde match-up dataset. The match-up showed fair agreement between the radiosondes and the retrieval (within 20%), however a systematic bias was detected due mostly to coastline contamination. Data from the Global Positioning System (GPS) was also used to validate the total precipitable water, however the results showed less agreement than the radiosonde results (variations of ~20-35%). Most of this disagreement stemmed from geographical co-location differences. The analytical Jacobian was also examined to determine the sensitivities of all channels to the state vector parameters. This enables any retrieval user to pick a channel configuration that gives the desired sensitivities. Vertical profiles of water vapor sensitivities at four varying emissivities were investigated. Sensitivities of water vapor to emissivity were also examined at three distinct atmospheric pressure levels. The Jacobian determined that water vapor is able to be detected throughout a vertical column with adequate skill, although problematic areas occurred between 600 and 800 mb as the emissivity approached unity (e>0.99) for a wet atmospheric case. These results give confidence that AMSU can detect TPW over land for both weather forecasting and for climate studies. The current capabilities may be improved further once bias sources are dealt with satisfactorily.Research was supoprted in part by Cloud Sat at NASA-Goddard under Contract Agreement NAS5-99237, the DoD Center for Geosciences/Atmospheric Research at Colorado State University under the Cooperative Agreement DAAD19-02-2-0005 with the Army Research Lab, and by the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation (JCSDA) Program via NOAA grant NA17RJ1228#15 under CIRA's Cooperative Agreement with NOAA

    Atmospheric remote sensing and radiopropagation: from numerical modeling to spaceborne and terrestrial applications

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    The remote sensing of electromagnetic wave properties is probably the most viable and fascinating way to observe and study physical media, comprising our planet and its atmosphere, at the same time ensuring a proper continuity in the observations. Applications are manifold and the scientific community has been importantly studying and investing on new technologies, which would let us widen our knowledge of what surrounds us. This thesis aims at showing some novel techniques and corresponding applications in the field of the atmospheric remote sensing and radio-propagation, at both microwave and optical wavelengths. The novel Sun-tracking microwave radiometry technique is shown. The antenna noise temperature of a ground-based microwave radiometer is measured by alternately pointing toward-the-Sun and off-the-Sun while tracking it along its diurnal ecliptic. During clear sky the brightness temperature of the Sun disk emission at K and Ka frequency bands and in the under-explored millimeter-wave V and W bands can be estimated by adopting different techniques. Parametric prediction models for retrieving all-weather atmospheric extinction from ground-based microwave radiometers are tested and their accuracy evaluated. Moreover, a characterization of suspended clouds in terms of atmospheric path attenuation is presented, by exploiting a stochastic approach used to model the time evolution of the cloud contribution. A model chain for the prediction of the tropospheric channel for the downlink of interplanetary missions operating above Ku band is proposed. On top of a detailed description of the approach, the chapter presents the validation results and examples of the model-chain online operation. Online operation has already been tested within a feasibility study applied to the BepiColombo mission to Mercury operated by the European Space Agency (ESA) and by exploiting the Hayabusa-2 mission Ka-band data by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), thanks to the ESA cross-support service. A preliminary (and successful) validation of the model-chain has been carried out by comparing the simulated signal-to-noise ratio with the one received from Hayabusa-2. At the next ITU World Radiocommunication Conference 2019, Agenda Item 1.13 will address the identification and the possible additional allocation of radio-frequency spectrum to serve the future development of systems supporting the fifth generation of cellular mobile communications (5G). The potential impact of International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) deployments is shown in terms of received radio frequency interference by ESA’s telecommunication links. Received interference can derive from several radio-propagation mechanisms, which strongly depend on atmospheric conditions, radio frequency, link availability, distance and path topography; at any time a single mechanism, or more than one may be present. Results are shown in terms of required separation distances, i.e. the minimum distance between the earth station and the IMT station ensuring that the protection criteria for the earth station are met

    The science benefits of and the antenna requirements for microwave remote sensing from geostationary orbit

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    The primary objective of the Large Space Antenna (LSA) Science Panel was to evaluate the science benefits that can be realized with a 25-meter class antenna in a microwave/millimeter wave remote sensing system in geostationary orbit. The panel concluded that a 25-meter or larger antenna in geostationary orbit can serve significant passive remote sensing needs in the 10 to 60 GHz frequency range, including measurements of precipitation, water vapor, atmospheric temperature profile, ocean surface wind speed, oceanic cloud liquid water content, and snow cover. In addition, cloud base height, atmospheric wind profile, and ocean currents can potentially be measured using active sensors with the 25-meter antenna. Other environmental parameters, particularly those that do not require high temporal resolution, are better served by low Earth orbit based sensors

    Method to combine spaceborne radar and radiometric observations of precipitation, A

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    2010 Fall.Includes bibliographical references.This dissertation describes the development and application of a combined radar-radiometer rainfall retrieval algorithm for the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite. A retrieval framework based upon optimal estimation theory is proposed wherein three parameters describing the raindrop size distribution (DSD), ice particle size distribution (PSD), and cloud water path (cLWP) are retrieved for each radar profile. The retrieved rainfall rate is found to be strongly sensitive to the a priori constraints in DSD and cLWP; thus, these parameters are tuned to match polarimetric radar estimates of rainfall near Kwajalein, Republic of Marshall Islands. An independent validation against gauge-tuned radar rainfall estimates at Melbourne, FL shows agreement within 2% which exceeds previous algorithms' ability to match rainfall at these two sites. The algorithm is then applied to two years of TRMM data over oceans to determine the sources of DSD variability. Three correlated sets of variables representing storm dynamics, background environment, and cloud microphysics are found to account for approximately 50% of the variability in the absolute and reflectivity-normalized median drop size. Structures of radar reflectivity are also identified and related to drop size, with these relationships being confirmed by ground-based polarimetric radar data from the North American Monsoon Experiment (NAME). Regional patterns of DSD and the sources of variability identified herein are also shown to be consistent with previous work documenting regional DSD properties. In particular, mid-latitude regions and tropical regions near land tend to have larger drops for a given reflectivity, whereas the smallest drops are found in the eastern Pacific Intertropical Convergence Zone. Due to properties of the DSD and rain water/cloud water partitioning that change with column water vapor, it is shown that increases in water vapor in a global warming scenario could lead to slight (1%) underestimates of a rainfall trends by radar but larger overestimates (5%) by radiometer algorithms. Further analyses are performed to compare tropical oceanic mean rainfall rates between the combined algorithm and other sources. The combined algorithm is 15% higher than the version 6 of the 2A25 radar-only algorithm and 6.6% higher than the Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) estimate for the same time-space domain. Despite being higher than these two sources, the combined total is not inconsistent with estimates of the other components of the energy budget given their uncertainties

    Remote sensing of clouds and precipitation using active and passive microwave observations

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    Global observations of clouds and precipitation are of great importance for weather prediction and the monitoring of the climate. Nonetheless, the currently available record of global observations does not constrain the properties of clouds very well owing to the inherent limitations of the observation systems used to produce them. The upcoming Ice Cloud Imager (ICI) microwave radiometer, which will be launched on the next generation of European weather satellites, will improve this situation by providing observations of clouds at sub-millimeter wavelengths. ICI will be the first sensor of its kind to deliver these observations, which will significantly improve the sensitivity to small ice particles and low mass concentrations compared to currently available microwave observations.This thesis presents research aimed at developing knowledge and methodology required for the modeling and interpretation of the observations that will be provided by ICI. Two studies are presented which propose a method for measuring distributions of ice hydrometeors from ICI-type sub-millimeter observations combined with radar observations.The first study uses simulated observations to assess the potential benefits of combin- ing sub-millimeter radiometer observations with radar observations for the retrieval of ice hydrometeors. It is found that the combined observations improve the sensitivity to microphysical properties of clouds, which can help to reduce the error in the retrieved mass concentrations for specific hydrometeor types. Furthermore, improved sensitivity to supercooled liquid cloud is found as an additional synergy between the active and passive observations.The second study aims to validate the results from the first by applying the synergistic retrieval algorithm to observations from a flight campaign. The retrieval algorithm is found to show overall good agreement with in-situ measured ice concentrations taking into account the sensitivity limits of the sensors. In addition to that, indications of a signal from mixed-phase particles are found in observations of convective updrafts. In the two presented studies, a synergistic retrieval algorithm for ice hydrometeors from radar and passive sub-millimeters has been developed, characterized and vali- dated. The method can be applied in a future satellite mission to reduce uncertainties in global observations of clouds or used to study cloud microphysical properties in field campaigns. In addition to that, the presented application to field campaign data provides one of the rare validation cases for the radiative transfer modeling involving clouds at sub-millimeter wavelengths

    An Examination of Environmental Applications for Uncooled Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing Instruments

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    Advancements in system design for thermal instruments require assessment of potential environmental applications and appropriate data processing techniques. A novel multi-band thermal imaging system was proposed by DRS Leonardo for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Earth Science Technology Office Instrument Incubator Program, for which these criteria were assessed. The Multi-Band Uncooled Radiometer Imager (MURI) is a six spectral channel instrument designed to collect images in the thermal infrared, specifically in the range of 7.5 to 12.5 μm. The work detailed in this thesis characterizes the ability of a thermal imager with an uncooled microbolometer focal plane array to provide valuable data for environmental science applications. Here, a pair of studies using simulated data demonstrates the ability of a multispectral instrument such as MURI to detect enhanced levels of atmospheric methane using a novel approach that performs similarly to a state of the art algorithm when applied to MURI data. The novel method is evaluated using a controlled concentration simulated dataset to determine the extent of its detection capabilities and its dependence on atmospheric conditions. The methane investigations reveal the system is capable of detecting a 20 m thick CH4 plume of 10-20 ppm above background levels when column water vapor is low using both the NDMI and matched filter approaches. Additionally, land surface temperature and emissivity retrieval techniques were applied to experimental MURI data recorded during initial test flights to assess their accuracy with MURI data. Utilizing split window and Temperature Emissivity Separation make this examination distinct as this establishes that proven methods can be applied to uncooled multiband imager data. Application of these methods to MURI data demonstrated the system is capable of temperature retrievals with Root Mean Square Errors of less than 1 K to measured reference values and surface emissivity retrievals within 2% of reference database values. The definition and application of the Normalized Differential Methane Index in this thesis demonstrates a novel approach for detection of enhanced plumes of methane utilizing a multispectral system with only a single band allocated to methane absorption features
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