616 research outputs found

    Transport layer protocols and architectures for satellite networks

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    Designing efficient transmission mechanisms for advanced satellite networks is a demanding task, requiring the definition and the implementation of protocols and architectures well suited to this challenging environment. In particular, transport protocols performance over satellite networks is impaired by the characteristics of the satellite radio link, specifically by the long propagation delay and the possible presence of segment losses due to physical channel errors. The level of impact on performance depends upon the link design (type of constellation, link margin, coding and modulation) and operational conditions (link obstructions, terminal mobility, weather conditions, etc.). To address these critical aspects a number of possible solutions have been presented in the literature, ranging from limited modifications of standard protocols (e.g. TCP, transmission control protocol) to completely alternative protocol and network architectures. However, despite the great number of different proposals (or perhaps also because of it), the general framework appears quite fragmented and there is a compelling need of an integration of the research competences and efforts. This is actually the intent of the transport protocols research line within the European SatNEx (Satellite Network of Excellence) project. Stemming from the authors' work on this project, this paper aims to provide the reader with an updated overview of all the possible approaches that can be pursued to overcome the limitations of current transport protocols and architectures, when applied to satellite communications. In the paper the possible solutions are classified in the following categories: optimization of TCP interactions with lower layers, TCP enhancements, performance enhancement proxies (PEP) and delay tolerant networks (DTN). Advantages and disadvantages of the different approaches, as well as their interactions, are investigated and discussed, taking into account performance improvement, complexity, and compliance to the standard semantics. From this analysis, it emerges that DTN architectures could integrate some of the most efficient solutions from the other categories, by inserting them in a new rigorous framework. These innovative architectures therefore may represent a promising solution for solving some of the important problems posed at the transport layer by satellite networks, at least in a medium-to-long-term perspective. Copyright (c) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Opportunistic Networks: Present Scenario- A Mirror Review

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    Opportunistic Network is form of Delay Tolerant Network (DTN) and regarded as extension to Mobile Ad Hoc Network. OPPNETS are designed to operate especially in those environments which are surrounded by various issues like- High Error Rate, Intermittent Connectivity, High Delay and no defined route between source to destination node. OPPNETS works on the principle of “Store-and-Forward” mechanism as intermediate nodes perform the task of routing from node to node. The intermediate nodes store the messages in their memory until the suitable node is not located in communication range to transfer the message to the destination. OPPNETs suffer from various issues like High Delay, Energy Efficiency of Nodes, Security, High Error Rate and High Latency. The aim of this research paper is to overview various routing protocols available till date for OPPNETs and classify the protocols in terms of their performance. The paper also gives quick review of various Mobility Models and Simulation tools available for OPPNETs simulation

    Managing Bandwidth and Traffic via Bundling and Filtration in Large-Scale Distributed Simulations

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    Research has shown that bandwidth can be a limiting factor in the performance of distributed simulations. The Air Force\u27s Distributed Mission Operations Center (DMOC) periodically hosts one of the largest distributed simulation events in the world. The engineers at the DMOC have dealt with the difficult problem of limited bandwidth by implementing application level filters that process all DIS PDUs between the various networks connected to the exercise. This thesis examines their implemented filter and proposes: adaptive range-based filtering and bundling together of PDUs. The goals are to reduce the number of PDUs passed by the adaptive filter and to reduce network overhead and the total amount of data transferred by maximizing packet size up to the MTU. The proposed changes were implemented and logged data from previous events were used on a test network in order to measure the improvement from the base filter to the improved filter. The results showed that the adaptive range based filter was effective, though minimally so, and that the PDU bundling resulted in a reduction of 17% to 20% of the total traffic transmitted across the network

    A novel queue management policy for delay-tolerant networks

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    Delay-tolerant networks (DTNs) have attracted increasing attention from governments, academia and industries in recent years. They are designed to provide a communication channel that exploits the inherent mobility of trams, buses and cars. However, the resulting highly dynamic network suffers from frequent disconnections, thereby making node-to-node communications extremely challenging. Researchers have thus proposed many routing/forwarding strategies in order to achieve high delivery ratios and/or low latencies and/or low overheads. Their main idea is to have nodes store and carry information bundles until a forwarding opportunity arises. This, however, creates the following problems. Nodes may have short contacts and/or insufficient buffer space. Consequently, nodes need to determine (i) the delivery order of bundles at each forwarding opportunity and (ii) the bundles that should be dropped when their buffer is full. To this end, we propose an efficient scheduling and drop policy for use under quota-based protocols. In particular, we make use of the encounter rate of nodes and context information such as time to live, number of available replicas and maximum number of forwarded bundle replicas to derive a bundle\u27s priority. Simulation results, over a service quality metric comprising of delivery, delay and overhead, show that the proposed policy achieves up to 80 % improvement when nodes have an infinite buffer and up to 35 % when nodes have a finite buffer over six popular queuing policies: Drop Oldest (DO), Last Input First Output (LIFO), First Input First Output (FIFO), Most FOrwarded first (MOFO), LEast PRobable first (LEPR) and drop bundles with the greatest hop-count (HOP-COUNT)

    An investigation into dynamical bandwidth management and bandwidth redistribution using a pool of cooperating interfacing gateways and a packet sniffer in mobile cloud computing

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    Mobile communication devices are increasingly becoming an essential part of almost every aspect of our daily life. However, compared to conventional communication devices such as laptops, notebooks, and personal computers, mobile devices still lack in terms of resources such as processor, storage and network bandwidth. Mobile Cloud Computing is intended to augment the capabilities of mobile devices by moving selected workloads away from resource-limited mobile devices to resource-intensive servers hosted in the cloud. Services hosted in the cloud are accessed by mobile users on-demand via the Internet using standard thick or thin applications installed on their devices. Nowadays, users of mobile devices are no longer satisfied with best-effort service and demand QoS when accessing and using applications and services hosted in the cloud. The Internet was originally designed to provide best-effort delivery of data packets, with no guarantee on packet delivery. Quality of Service has been implemented successfully in provider and private networks since the Internet Engineering Task Force introduced the Integrated Services and Differentiated Services models. These models have their legacy but do not adequately address the Quality of Service needs in Mobile Cloud Computing where users are mobile, traffic differentiation is required per user, device or application, and packets are routed across several network domains which are independently administered. This study investigates QoS and bandwidth management in Mobile Cloud Computing and considers a scenario where a virtual test-bed made up of GNS3 network software emulator, Cisco IOS image, Wireshark packet sniffer, Solar-Putty, and Firefox web browser appliance is set up on a laptop virtualized with VMware Workstation 15 Pro. The virtual test-bed is in turn connected to the real world Internet via the host laptop's Ethernet Network Interface Card. Several virtual Firefox appliances are set up as endusers and generate traffic by launching web applications such as video streaming, file download and Internet browsing. The traffic generated by the end-users and bandwidth used is measured, monitored, and tracked using a Wireshark packet sniffer installed on all interfacing gateways that connect the end-users to the cloud. Each gateway aggregates the demand of connected hosts and delivers Quality of Service to connected users based on the Quality of Service policies and mechanisms embedded in the gateway. Analysis of the results shows that a packet sniffer deployed at a suitable point in the network can identify, measure and track traffic usage per user, device or application in real-time. The study has also demonstrated that when deployed in the gateway connecting users to the cloud, it provides network-wide monitoring and traffic statistics collected can be fed to other functional components of the gateway where a dynamical bandwidth management scheme can be applied to instantaneously allocate and redistribute bandwidth to target users as they roam around the network from one location to another. This approach is however limited and ensuring end-to-end Quality of Service requires mechanisms and policies to be extended across all network layers along the traffic path between the user and the cloud in order to guarantee a consistent treatment of traffic

    A Machine Learning Concept for DTN Routing

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    This paper discusses the concept and architecture of a machine learning based router for delay tolerant space networks. The techniques of reinforcement learning and Bayesian learning are used to supplement the routing decisions of the popular Contact Graph Routing algorithm. An introduction to the concepts of Contact Graph Routing, Q-routing and Naive Bayes classification are given. The development of an architecture for a cross-layer feedback framework for DTN (Delay-Tolerant Networking) protocols is discussed. Finally, initial simulation setup and results are given

    Providing guaranteed QoS in the hose-modeled VPN

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    With the development of the Internet, Internet service providers (ISPs) are required to offer revenue-generating and value-added services instead of only providing bandwidth and access services. Virtual Private Network (VPN) is one of the most important value-added services for ISPs. The classical VPN service is provided by implementing layer 2 technologies, either Frame Relay (FR) or Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM). With FR or ATM, virtual circuits are created before data delivery. Since the bandwidth and buffers are reserved, the QoS requirements can be naturally guaranteed. In the past few years, layer 3 VPN technologies are widely deployed due to the desirable performance in terms of flexibility, scalability and simplicity. Layer 3 VPNs are built upon IP tunnels, e.g., by using PPTP, L2TP or IPSec. Since IP is best-of-effort in nature, the QoS requirement cannot be guaranteed in layer 3 VPNs. Actually, layer 3 VPN service can only provide secure connectivity, i.e., protecting and authenticating IP packets between gateways or hosts in a VPN. Without doubt, with more applications on voice, audio and video being used in the Internet, the provision of QoS is one of the most important parts of the emerging services provided by ISPs. An intriguing question is: Is it possible to obtain the best of both layer 2 and 3 VPN? Is it possible to provide guaranteed or predictable QoS, as in layer 2 VPNs, while maintaining the flexibility and simplicity in layer 3 VPN? This question is the starting point of this study. The recently proposed hose model for VPN possesses desirable properties in terms of flexibility, scalability and multiplexing gain. However, the classic fair bandwidth allocation schemes and weighted fair queuing schemes raise the issue of low overall utilization in this model. A new fluid model for provider-provisioned virtual private network (PPVPN) is proposed in this dissertation. Based on the proposed model, an idealized fluid bandwidth allocation scheme is developed. This scheme is proven, analytically, to have the following properties: 1) maximize the overall throughput of the VPN without compromising fairness; 2) provide a mechanism that enables the VPN customers to allocate the bandwidth according to their requirements by assigning different weights to different hose flows, and thus obtain the predictable QoS performance; and 3) improve the overall throughput of the ISPs\u27 network. To approximate the idealized fluid scheme in the real world, the 2-dimensional deficit round robin (2-D DRR and 2-D DRR+) schemes are proposed. The integration of the proposed schemes with the best-effort traffic within the framework of virtual-router-based VPN is also investigated. The 2-D DRR and 2-D DER-+ schemes can be extended to multi-dimensional schemes to be employed in those applications which require a hierarchical scheduling architecture. To enhance the scalability, a more scalable non-per-flow-based scheme for output queued switches is developed as well, and the integration of this scheme within the framework of the MPLS VPN and applications for multicasting traffics is discussed. The performance and properties of these schemes are analyzed
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