7 research outputs found

    Identifying online user reputation in terms of user preference

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    Identifying online user reputation is significant for online social systems. In this paper, taking into account the preference physics of online user collective behaviors, we present an improved group-based rating method for ranking online user reputation based on the user preference (PGR). All the ratings given by each specific user are mapped to the same rating criteria. By grouping users according to their mapped ratings, the online user reputation is calculated based on the corresponding group sizes. Results for MovieLens and Netflix data sets show that the AUC values of the PGR method can reach 0.9842 (0.9493) and 0.9995 (0.9987) for malicious (random) spammers, respectively, outperforming the results generated by the traditional group- based method, which indicates that the online preference plays an important role for measuring user reputation

    Identifying online user reputation of user–object bipartite networks

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    Identifying online user reputation based on the rating information of the user–object bipartite networks is important for understanding online user collective behaviors. Based on the Bayesian analysis, we present a parameter-free algorithm for ranking online user reputation, where the user reputation is calculated based on the probability that their ratings are consistent with the main part of all user opinions. The experimental results show that the AUC values of the presented algorithm could reach 0.8929 and 0.8483 for the MovieLens and Netflix data sets, respectively, which is better than the results generated by the CR and IARR methods. Furthermore, the experimental results for different user groups indicate that the presented algorithm outperforms the iterative ranking methods in both ranking accuracy and computation complexity. Moreover, the results for the synthetic networks show that the computation complexity of the presented algorithm is a linear function of the network size, which suggests that the presented algorithm is very effective and efficient for the large scale dynamic online systems

    PB-ADVISOR: A private banking multi-investment porfolio.

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    Private banking is a business area in which the investor requires tailor-made advice. Because of the current market situation, investors are requiring answers to difficult questions and looking for assurance from wealth managers. Private bankers need to have deep knowledge about an innumerable list of products and their characteristics as well as the suitability of each product for the client’s characteristics to be able to offer an optimal portfolio according to client expectations. Client and portfolio diversity calls for new recommendation and advice systems focused on their specific characteristics. This paper presents PB-ADVISOR, a system aimed at recommending investment portfolios based on fuzzy and semantic technologies to private bankers. The proposed system provides private bankers with a powerful tool to support their decision process and help deal with complex investment portfolios. The system has been evaluated in a real scenario obtaining promising results

    Dynamic Formation and Strategic Management of Web Services Communities

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    In the last few years, communities of services have been studied in a certain numbers of proposals as virtual pockets of similar expertise. The motivation is to provide these services with high chance of discovery through better visibility, and to enhance their capabilities when it comes to provide requested functionalities. There are some proposed mechanisms and models on aggregating web services and making them cooperate within their communities. However, forming optimal and stable communities as coalitions to maximize individual and group efficiency and income for all the involved parties has not been addressed yet. Moreover, in the proposed frameworks of these communities, a common assumption is that residing services, which are supposed to be autonomous and intelligent, are competing over received requests. However, those services can also exhibit cooperative behaviors, for instance in terms of substituting each other. When competitive and cooperative behaviors and strategies are combined, autonomous services are said to be "coopetitive". Deciding to compete or cooperate inside communities is a problem yet to be investigated. In this thesis, we first identify the problem of defining efficient algorithms for coalition formation mechanisms. We study the community formation problem in two different settings: 1) communities with centralized manager having complete information using cooperative game-theoretic techniques; and 2) communities with distributed decision making mechanisms having incomplete information using training methods. We propose mechanisms for community membership requests and selections of web services in the scenarios where there is interaction between one community and many web services and scenarios where web services can join multiple established communities. Then in order to address the coopetitive relation within communities of web services, we propose a decision making mechanism for our web services to efficiently choose competition or cooperation strategies to maximize their payoffs. We prove that the proposed decision mechanism is efficient and can be implemented in time linear in the length of the time period considered for the analysis and the number of services in the community. Moreover, we conduct extensive simulations, analyze various scenarios, and confirm the obtained theoretical results using parameters from a real web services dataset

    A Probabilistic Reputation Model based on Transaction Ratings

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    This work introduces a probabilistic model of reputation allowing to compute reputation scores as close as possible to their intrinsic value, according to the model. It is based on the following, natural, consumer-provider interaction model. Consumers are assumed to order items from providers, who each has some intrinsic, latent, “quality of service” score. In the basic model, the providers supply the items with a quality following a normal law, centered on their intrinsic “quality of service”. The consumers, after the reception and the inspection of the item, rate it according to a linear function of its quality – a standard regression model. This regression model accounts for the bias of the consumer in providing ratings as well as his reactivity towards changes in item quality. Moreover, the constancy of the provider in supplying an equal quality level when delivering the items is estimated by the standard deviation of his normal law of item quality generation. Symmetrically, the consistency of the consumer in providing similar ratings for a given quality is quantified by the standard deviation of his normal law of ratings generation. Two extensions of this basic model are considered as well: a model accounting for truncation of the ratings and

    Computational socioeconomics

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    Uncovering the structure of socioeconomic systems and timely estimation of socioeconomic status are significant for economic development. The understanding of socioeconomic processes provides foundations to quantify global economic development, to map regional industrial structure, and to infer individual socioeconomic status. In this review, we will make a brief manifesto about a new interdisciplinary research field named Computational Socioeconomics, followed by detailed introduction about data resources, computational tools, data-driven methods, theoretical models and novel applications at multiple resolutions, including the quantification of global economic inequality and complexity, the map of regional industrial structure and urban perception, the estimation of individual socioeconomic status and demographic, and the real-time monitoring of emergent events. This review, together with pioneering works we have highlighted, will draw increasing interdisciplinary attentions and induce a methodological shift in future socioeconomic studies