4 research outputs found

    Location Privacy for Mobile Crowd Sensing through Population Mapping

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    Opportunistic sensing allows applications to “task” mobile devices to measure context in a target region. For example, one could leverage sensor-equipped vehicles to measure traffic or pollution levels on a particular street or users\u27 mobile phones to locate (Bluetooth-enabled) objects in their vicinity. In most proposed applications, context reports include the time and location of the event, putting the privacy of users at increased risk: even if identifying information has been removed from a report, the accompanying time and location can reveal sufficient information to de-anonymize the user whose device sent the report. We propose and evaluate a novel spatiotemporal blurring mechanism based on tessellation and clustering to protect users\u27 privacy against the system while reporting context. Our technique employs a notion of probabilistic k-anonymity; it allows users to perform local blurring of reports efficiently without an online anonymization server before the data are sent to the system. The proposed scheme can control the degree of certainty in location privacy and the quality of reports through a system parameter. We outline the architecture and security properties of our approach and evaluate our tessellation and clustering algorithm against real mobility traces

    i9ITS: uma proposta de armazenamento de dados abertos e integração de serviços para sistemas de transportes inteligentes

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    As a result of population growth, large cities face problems related to urban mobility, such as: congestion and inefficiency of public transport. Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) initiatives act as an efficient solution to improve the functioning and performance of traffic systems, reduce vehicle congestion and increase safety for citizens. However, the solution of diffusing different formats and distributed sources of information on urban mobility, interoperability of the various technologies involved and data retention are challenges that involve complex and costly efforts for governments and enterprises. In this context, a proposed present as a solution for georeferenced ITS data in order to store, integrate and orchestrate this geo-referenced urban mobility information in a way that allows interoperability among several applications. Two case studies were related; One about building an application that uses a solution for a taxi service company with real data. The second case study proposes to construct a test laboratory, use a larger number of vehicles, with the objective of feeding information to an open database, in order to a solution proposed to be tested for its performance. The use of this solution has as main objective to demonstrate the effectiveness and a solution to attend to the proposed problem, as well as to other possibilities and challenges related to ITS.Em consequência do crescimento populacional, as grandes cidades enfrentam problemas cotidianos relacionados à mobilidade urbana, tais como: congestionamentos e ineficiência de transportes públicos. Iniciativas de sistemas de transportes inteligentes (ITS) agem como uma solução eficiente para melhorar o funcionamento e desempenho dos sistemas de tráfego, reduzindo congestionamentos de veículos e aumentando a segurança para os cidadãos. No entanto, devido à existência de diferentes formatos e fontes distribuídos de informação sobre mobilidade urbana, a interoperabilidade das várias tecnologias envolvidas e a retenção desses dados são desafios que envolvem esforços complexos e onerosos para os governos e empresas. Nesse contexto, a presente proposta tem como objetivo geral apresentar uma solução para dados georreferenciados de ITS (Intelligent Transportation System) com o intuito de armazenar, integrar e orquestrar essas informações georreferenciadas de mobilidade urbana de forma que permita a interoperabilidade entre diversas aplicações. Foram relacionados dois estudos de caso; um refere-se à construção de uma aplicação que utiliza a solução i9ITS para uma empresa de serviço de táxi com dados reais. O segundo estudo de caso propõe a construção de um laboratório de teste utilizando um maior número de veículos, com o objetivo de alimentar informações para uma base de dados aberta, de forma que a solução proposta possa ser testada quanto ao seu desempenho. A utilização dessa solução tem como objetivo principal demonstrar a eficácia e a eficiência para atender ao problema proposto, bem como para outras possibilidades e desafios relacionados a ITS.São Cristóvão, S

    A privacy mechanism for mobile-based urban traffic monitoring

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