8 research outputs found

    An Investigation of Conservation & Preservation Practices of Intellectual Heritage in Pakistan

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    This study is aimed to investigate the conservation, restoration and preservation state of manuscripts in Pakistan. The study was conducted on 13 selective institutions of Pakistan, holding MS collections. Through interviews and documentary research the conservation and preservation situations were inquired

    The Manuscript Collection Values of Radya Pustaka Museum, Surakarta, Indonesia

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    The purpose of this paper is to identify the value of the manuscript belonging to the Radya Pustaka Museum Library and explore the fundamentals of collecting the manuscript in the museum by describing the history of the manuscript for the Javanese community. The manuscript collection of Radya Pustaka Museum Library is one of the cultural heritages of Indonesia. The collection of such manuscripts has historical, cultural, archeological, artistic and educational values; therefore, all these are valuable for education to be preserved. The history of Radya Pustaka Museum functioning as a site to store manuscripts has significance, especially, to Javanese and is considered as cultural heritages owned by Indonesia. The richness and diversity of the manuscripts owned by a nation can prove the existence of its culture in the past. The values contained in the manuscripts and the physical texts can enchance the understanding of the past culture which can be used as a future representative. Identifying the value of the manuscript can help librarians determine priorities for conservation measures to extend the life of the manuscript. In addition, it can be used to propose funding for donors from the government and the community

    Cabaran pemeliharaan dan pemuliharaan manuskrip tempatan di Sarawak

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    Sarawak is a land rich in culture and heritage. There are many different ethnic groups and each of them has a hereditary culture and heritage of its own. Manuscripts are the legacy of the community where they contain aesthetic value in the community. Community uses the manuscript to deliver a range of issues and stories. Thus, conservation measures on existing manuscripts are crucial for the prosperity of future generations. Manuscript preservation is also seen as a necessity for the survival of the local heritage and historical information. This paper discusses how the preservation and conservation activities have been done to the manuscripts in Sarawak. This paper is the result of an observation on the issues of preservation and conservation of manuscripts in the state. This paper also viewed the manuscript as one of the most important resources in preserving the heritage and culture and will be able to empower people within a country

    Preservation of Sarawak Manuscript / Amy Ngau Ing, Imilia Ibrahim, Sabariah Abd Samad... [ et.al].

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    The aim of this paper is to give insights on the current practices of manuscripts preservation in Sarawak. Most historical and valuable resources and manuscripts are stored and kept within the state as they are given a special right to maintain their historical resources. As there are different authorities in charge of manuscript preservation in Sarawak, the issue of effectiveness of storage and retrieval is highlighted. In understanding the situation of preservation of manuscript in Sarawak, this research is done with three research objectives. The first objective is to identify if there is any agency responsible in collecting, managing, preserving and storing manuscripts. The next objective is to know what are the methods used to ensure the safety and maintain the historical value of the manuscripts and the third objective is to distinguish the strengths and challenges of the organizations involved in preserving manuscripts in Sarawak. The strategies used in doing this research are observation and interview. Three major institutions involved in preservation of manuscripts in Sarawak were chosen to be observed. Observation was done in the premise of the organization to identify the process of preservation and storage of manuscript in the selected agencies. Besides that the websites of the organizations have also been visited to find out whether there is any exposure or promotion done for public awareness about manuscript. Interviews were also done with personnel in charge to discover the strength and challenges faced by the organizations in preserving manuscript. The finding shows that Sarawak has quite a number of manuscripts under the custody of different state authorities. Although there is a branch of a national archive in Sarawak, this branch does not have the right to keep local manuscripts. Most of the manuscripts have been preserved properly but the safekeeping of the manuscripts could be questionable

    An Investigation of Conservation & Preservation Practices of Intellectual Heritage in Pakistan

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    This study is aimed to investigate the conservation, restoration and preservation state of manuscripts in Pakistan. The study was conducted on 13 selective institutions of Pakistan, holding MS collections. Through interviews and documentary research the conservation and preservation situations were inquired

    Программы сохранения национального книжного наследия в библиотечной политике Китайской Народной Республики

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    The purpose of the article is to summarize the information on the state of collections of ancient and rare books in the library institutions of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) by the beginning of the 21st century, to consider the content and the course of implementation of the state programs of the PRC in the field of registration, cataloguing, conservation, restoration, preservation and promotion of the national book heritage monuments. The author presents definitions of the terms “Ancient books” and “Rare books” used in China. All manuscript books and printed publications created before 1912 are considered Ancient books. Rare books include all books dated back to the period before 1795 and editions published in 1796—1912 that have outstanding historical, cultural, art and aesthetic value, as well as publishing products and documents from the period of the Republic of China (1912—1949). Chinese publications often use the term “Rare ancient books”, which refers to all manuscript books and printed publications before 1795. There are about 27 million 175 thousand copies of ancient books in the country’s libraries, including 2,5 million books created before 1795; and about 45 thousand ancient books have been preserved in a single copy.The article focuses on the programs developed with the participation of the National Library of China (NLC) and approved by the PRC Government in 2007—2018. The author reveals the main provisions of the “National Plan for Preservation of Ancient Books” (2007), as well as the powers and tasks of the National Centre for Conservation and Preservation of Ancient Chinese Books (NC), which has become the lead agency responsible for the implementation of the Plan. The paper considers the system of regional and local centres for the conservation and restoration of ancient and rare books, headed by the NC, that has developed in the PRC at present, shows the role of these centres in the field of identification, registration and cataloguing of book heritage monuments, in the creation and maintenance of a normative storage regime in old library buildings, ensuring the activities of restoration workshops, digitization of documents, preparation and online publication of full-text databases of ancient and rare books. The article emphasizes the importance of the National Museum of Classical Books, opened in July 2014 at the NLC, for promoting the national book heritage.The author notes that the priority task for the coming years is the construction of three new buildings of the National Book Depository in Beijing and Chéngdé (Hebei Province). The article concludes that over the past ten years, owing to the government support and targeted funding, China has managed to organize systematic activities in the field of conservation, preservation and promotion of the national book heritage.Реферат. Цель статьи — обобщить информацию о состоянии фондов книжных памятников в библиотечных учреждениях Китайской Народной Республики (КНР) к началу XXI в.; рассмотреть содержание и ход реализации государственных программ в области учета, каталогизации, консервации, реставрации, сохранения и пропаганды памятников национального книжного наследия. Даются определения используемых в КНР терминов «древние книги» и «редкие книги». К древним книгам принято относить все книги, написанные или напечатанные до 1912 г.; к редким книгам причисляются все книги, датируемые периодом до 1795 г., издания, вышедшие в 1796—1912 гг., имеющие выдающуюся историческую, культурную, художественно-эстетическую ценность, а также издательская продукция и документы периода Китайской Республики (1912—1949). Часто в китайских публикациях употребляется еще один термин — «редкие древние книги», который обозначает все рукописные и печатные издания, увидевшие свет до 1795 года. В библиотеках страны находится около 27 млн 175 тыс. экз. древних книг, в том числе 2,5 млн книг, созданных до 1795 г., около 45 тыс. древних книг сохранилось в единственном экземпляре.Основное внимание в статье обращается на программы, разработанные при участии Национальной библиотеки Китая (НБК) и утвержденные правительством КНР в 2007—2018 годах. Раскрываются основные положения Национального плана сохранения древних китайских книг (2007), а также полномочия и задачи Национального центра сохранения и консервации древних китайских книг (НЦ), ставшего головным учреждением, отвечающим за реализацию этого плана. Характеризуется сложившаяся в настоящее время в КНР система региональных и местных центров консервации и реставрации книжных памятников во главе с НЦ. Показана их роль в области выявления, учета и каталогизации раритетов, в создании и поддержании нормативного режима хранения в старых зданиях библиотек, обеспечении деятельности реставрационных мастерских, оцифровке документов, подготовке и онлайн-публикации полнотекстовых баз данных уникальных изданий. Подчеркивается значение Национального музея классической книги, открытого в июле 2014 г. в НБК, для пропаганды национального книжного наследия. Отмечается, что приоритетной задачей на ближайшие годы является строительство трех новых корпусов Национального книжного хранилища в Пекине и Чэндэ (провинция Хэбэй). Делается вывод о том, что в течение последних 10 лет благодаря государственной поддержке и целевому финансированию в КНР удалось организовать системную деятельность по сохранению и пропаганде национального книжного наследия

    Formação superior em ciência arquivística na Républica Popular da China : um estudo comparativo entre a Escola de Gestão da Informação da Universidade de Wuhan e a Escola de Gestão de Recursos de Informática da Universidade Renmin da China

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    Embora a história dos arquivos na China ascenda à dinastia Shang (1600 – 1045 a. C.) o mesmo não pode ser dito acerca da ciência arquivística no país, que apenas surgiu na década de 30 do século XX. Sendo a formação superior em arquivística na República Popular da China um tópico ainda pouco explorado no Ocidente, o presente estudo tem como principal objetivo dar a conhecer de uma forma geral tal realidade formativa nesse país. Começando por apresentar uma contextualização diacrónica em que são definidos os principais desenvolvimentos dos arquivos e da arquivística chineses, o estudo prossegue com uma lista das principais fontes bibliográficas de origem chinesa e internacionais sobre o tema a ser estudado. Partindo de um estudo de caso coletivo entre duas das principais escolas da ciência da informação no país: a Escola de Gestão da Informação da Universidade de Wuhan e a Escola de Gestão de Recursos de Informação da Universidade Renmin da China, são realçados aspetos como as diversas etapas do desenvolvimento da ciência arquivística, os principais modelos de influência externa seguidos, as diferentes instituições com cursos superiores na área e sua respetiva distribuição geográfica, as reformas de ensino levadas a cabo pelas diversas administrações governamentais e a certificação profissional necessária para a entrada no mercado de trabalho. Para sustentar este estudo de caso foi necessário recorrer à utilização de métodos de investigação como a pesquisa documental e a análise de dados, a observação das webpages de ambas as instituições que foram complementadas com a realização de entrevistas a docentes em cada uma das instituições observadas. Os resultados obtidos revelam um gradual aumento na admissão de alunos ao longo dos anos, um exponencial aumento de docentes especializados na área e a adoção de bibliografia de cariz internacional por forma a potenciar um estável e coeso desenvolvimento dos futuros arquivistas chineses.Although the history of Chinese archives rises to the Shang Dynasty (1600 – 1045 BC), the same cannot be said about archival science in the country, which only emerged in the 1930s. Since archival higher education in the People's Republic of China is still a topic still little explored in the West, the main purpose of this study is to make known in a general way the formative reality in that country. Starting by presenting a diachronic context where the main developments of the archives are defined but also of the Chinese archives, the study then proceeds with a list of the main bibliographical sources of Chinese and interntional origin on the subject to be studied. Starting from a collective case study between two of the leading schools of information science in this country: the School of Information Management at Wuhan University and the School of Information Resource Management at Renmin University of China, there are outlined aspects such as the various stages of the development of archival science, the main models of external influence followed, the different institutions with higher education courses in the area and their respective geographical distribution, the educational reforms carried out by the various governmental administrations and the or the professional certification required for entry into the job market. In order to support this case study it was necessary to resort to the use of research methods such as documentary research and data analysis or the observation of the webpages of both institutions which were complemented by interviews with teachers from each of the institutions observed. The results show a gradual increase in the admission of students over the years, an exponencial increase of specialized teachers in the area and the adoption of international bibliography in order to foster a stable and cohesive development of the future Chinese archivists

    A Preservation Framework for Chinese Ancient Books

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    Purpose - This paper aims to provide a theoretical guide for preserving ancient books in China. Design/methodology/approach - The paper reviews the history of the damage and preservation of ancient books in China, and analyzes the value attributes of ancient books: archaeological value, historical value and artistic value. Findings - The paper proposes a preservation framework for Chinese ancient books. This framework is composed of three layers. The foundation layer is to preserve the physical entity of ancient books so that the archaeological values are preserved. The middle layer is to preserve the intellectual content of ancient books so that the values for historical research are preserved. The top layer is mainly about preserving the productions process of the artistic format of ancient books, so that not only the static artistic formats are preserved, the techniques and procedures to produce the artistic format are preserved as well. Originality/value - The paper presents a framework that connects the value attributes of ancient books and the strategies to preserve those values, systematizes them and presents them as a whole. The framework can be used to justify government policies and help identify pitfalls in the preservation strategies for ancient books