3 research outputs found

    Functional and representational differences between the bilateral inferior temporal numeral areas

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via the DOI in this record The processing of numerals as visual objects is supported by an “Inferior Temporal Numeral Area” (ITNA) in the bilateral inferior temporal gyri (ITG). Extant findings suggest some degree of hemispheric asymmetry in how the bilateral ITNAs process numerals. Pollack and Price (2019) reported such a hemispheric asymmetry by which a region in the left ITG was sensitive to digits during a visual search for a digit among letters, and a homologous region in the right ITG that showed greater digit sensitivity in individuals with higher calculation skills. However, the ITG regions were localized with separate analyses without directly contrasting their digit sensitivities and relation to calculation skills. So, the extent of and reasons for these functional asymmetries remain unclear. Here we probe whether the functional and representational properties of the ITNAs are asymmetric by applying both univariate and multivariate region-of-interest analyses to Pollack and Price’s (2019) data. Contrary to the implications of the original findings, digit sensitivity did not differ between ITNAs, and digit sensitivity in both left and right ITNAs was associated with calculation skills. Representational similarity analyses revealed that the overall representational geometries of digits in the ITNAs were also correlated, albeit weakly, but the representational contents of the ITNAs were largely inconclusive. Nonetheless, we found a right lateralization in engagement in alphanumeric categorization, and that the right ITNA showed greater discriminability between digits and letters. Greater right lateralization of digit sensitivity and digit discriminability in the left ITNA were also related to higher calculation skills. Our findings thus suggest that the ITNAs may not be functionally identical and should be directly contrasted in future work. Our study also highlights the importance of within-individual comparisons for understanding hemispheric asymmetries, and analyses of individual differences and multivariate features to uncover effects that would otherwise be obscured by averages.National Science FoundationNational Science FoundationNanyang Technological University and the Ministry of Education: Singapor

    Examining The Structure Of Symbolic Number Representations In The Parietal Cortex: An RSA Study

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    Previous studies using fMRI adaptation to investigate the neural substrate of symbolic number processing have found ratio-dependent responses in regions of the parietal cortex, suggesting that number symbols are coded by overlapping neuronal populations: the larger the ratio between two numerals, the more their representation overlap. The current study analyzed the distributed patterns of activation associated with numerals presented during this task. I could not find substantial evidence supporting the ratio-dependent structure of the similarity space predicted by the univariate adaptation analyses. I also failed to find evidence in favor of the alternative model that similarities were driven by lexical frequency. These null results were confirmed by Bayesian analysis showing substantial support for the null. These findings do not align with the theory of ratio-dependent overlapping representation of number symbols and challenge previous interpretations of the adaptation literature

    Cognitive, Neural, and Educational Contributions to Mathematics Performance: A Closer Look at the Roles of Numerical and Spatial Skills

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    The principal aims of this thesis were to (1) provide new insights into the cognitive and neural associations between spatial and mathematical abilities, and (2) translate and apply findings from the field of numerical cognition to the teaching and learning of early mathematics. Study 1 investigated the structure and interrelations amongst cognitive constructs related to numerical, spatial, and executive function (EF) skills and mathematics achievement in 4- to 11-year old children (N=316). Results revealed evidence of highly related, yet separable, cognitive constructs. Together, numerical, spatial, and EF skills explained 84% of the variance in mathematics achievement (controlling for chronological age). Only numerical and spatial skills, but not EF, were unique predictors of mathematics performance. Spatial visualization was an especially strong predictor of mathematics. Study 2 examined where and under what conditions spatial and numerical skills converge and diverge in the brain. An fMRI meta-analysis was performed to identify brain regions associated with basic symbolic number processing, mental arithmetic, and mental rotation. All three cognitive processes were associated with activity in and around the bilateral intraparietal sulcus (IPS). There was also evidence of overlap between symbolic number and arithmetic in the left IPS and overlap between mental rotation and arithmetic in the middle frontal gyri. Together, these findings provide a process-based account of common and unique relations between spatial and numerical cognition. Study 3 addressed the research-to-practice gap in the areas of numerical cognition research and mathematics education. A 25-hour Professional Development (PD) model for teachers of Kindergarten–3rd Grade was designed, implemented, and tested. Results indicated that the PD was effective at increasing teachers’ self-perceived numerical cognition knowledge and students’ general numeracy skills. However, there were notable differences in the effects of the PD across the two sites studied, with much stronger effects at one site than the other. Thus, critical questions remain as to when and why the model may be effective in some school contexts but not others. Together, these studies contribute to an improved understanding of the underlying relations amongst spatial, numerical, and mathematical skills and a viable new approach to better integrate research and practice