167 research outputs found

    Cache Equalizer: A Cache Pressure Aware Block Placement Scheme for Large-Scale Chip Multiprocessors

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    This paper describes Cache Equalizer (CE), a novel distributed cache management scheme for large scale chip multiprocessors (CMPs). Our work is motivated by large asymmetry in cache sets usages. CE decouples the physical locations of cache blocks from their addresses for the sake of reducing misses caused by destructive interferences. Temporal pressure at the on-chip last-level cache, is continuously collected at a group (comprised of cache sets) granularity, and periodically recorded at the memory controller to guide the placement process. An incoming block is consequently placed at a cache group that exhibits the minimum pressure. CE provides Quality of Service (QoS) by robustly offering better performance than the baseline shared NUCA cache. Simulation results using a full-system simulator demonstrate that CE outperforms shared NUCA caches by an average of 15.5% and by as much as 28.5% for the benchmark programs we examined. Furthermore, evaluations manifested the outperformance of CE versus related CMP cache designs

    A Study on Performance and Power Efficiency of Dense Non-Volatile Caches in Multi-Core Systems

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    In this paper, we present a novel cache design based on Multi-Level Cell Spin-Transfer Torque RAM (MLC STTRAM) that can dynamically adapt the set capacity and associativity to use efficiently the full potential of MLC STTRAM. We exploit the asymmetric nature of the MLC storage scheme to build cache lines featuring heterogeneous performances, that is, half of the cache lines are read-friendly, while the other is write-friendly. Furthermore, we propose to opportunistically deactivate ways in underutilized sets to convert MLC to Single-Level Cell (SLC) mode, which features overall better performance and lifetime. Our ultimate goal is to build a cache architecture that combines the capacity advantages of MLC and performance/energy advantages of SLC. Our experiments show an improvement of 43% in total numbers of conflict misses, 27% in memory access latency, 12% in system performance, and 26% in LLC access energy, with a slight degradation in cache lifetime (about 7%) compared to an SLC cache

    Judicious Thread Migration When Accessing Distributed Shared Caches

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    Chip-multiprocessors (CMPs) have become the mainstream chip design in recent years; for scalability reasons, designs with high core counts tend towards tiled CMPs with physically distributed shared caches. This naturally leads to a Non-Uniform Cache Architecture (NUCA) design, where on chip access latencies depend on the physical distances between requesting cores and home cores where the data is cached. Improving data locality is thus key to performance, and several studies have addressed this problem using data replication and data migration. In this paper, we consider another mechanism, hardware level thread migration. This approach, we argue, can better exploit shared data locality for NUCA designs by effectively replacing multiple round-trip remote cache accesses with a smaller number of migrations. High migration costs, however, make it crucial to use thread migrations judiciously; we therefore propose a novel, on-line prediction scheme which decides whether to perform a remote access (as in traditional NUCA designs) or to perform a thread migration at the instruction level. For a set of parallel benchmarks, our thread migration predictor improves the performance by 18% on average and at best by 2.3X over the standard NUCA design that only uses remote accesses

    Runtime home mapping for effective memory resource usage

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    In tiled Chip Multiprocessors (CMPs) last-level cache (LLC) banks are usually shared but distributed among the tiles. A static mapping of cache blocks to the LLC banks leads to poor efficiency since a block may be mapped away from the tiles actually accessing it. Dynamic policies either rely on the static mapping of blocks to a set of banks (D-NUCA) or rely on the OS to dynamically load pages to statically mapped addresses (first-touch). In this paper, we propose Runtime Home Mapping (RHM), a new dynamic approach where the LLC home bank is determined at runtime by the memory controller when the block is fetched from main memory, trying to map each block as close as possible to the requestor thus speeding up execution time and lowering message latencies. Block migration and replication provide further improvements to basic RHM. Also, in a further optimization we eliminate the directory structure. All these optimizations involve specific NoC optimizations and co-designs. Results with PARSEC and SPLASH-2 applications show, when compared with alternative solutions, that RHM achieves a 41% and 35% average reduction in load and store latencies respectively compared to static mapping. This leads to an average reduction of 28% in applications execution.Lodde, M.; Flich Cardo, J. (2014). Runtime home mapping for effective memory resource usage. Microprocessors and Microsystems. 38(4):276-291. doi:10.1016/j.micpro.2014.03.008S27629138

    DTM-NUCA: dynamic texture mapping-NUCA for energy-efficient graphics rendering

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    Modern mobile GPUs integrate an increasing number of shader cores to speedup the execution of graphics workloads. Each core integrates a private Texture Cache to apply texturing effects on objects, which is backed-up by a shared L2 cache. However, as in any other memory hierarchy, such organization produces data replication in the upper levels (i.e., the private Texture Caches) to allow for faster accesses at the expense of reducing their overall effective capacity. E.g., in a mobile GPU with four shader cores, about 84.6% of the requested texture blocks are replicated in at least one of the other private Texture Caches. This paper proposes a novel dynamically-mapped NonUniform Cache Architecture (NUCA) organization for the private Texture Caches of a mobile GPU aimed at increasing their effective overall capacity and decreasing the overall access latency by attacking data replication. A block missing in a local Texture Cache may be serviced by a remote one at a cost smaller than a round trip to the shared L2. The proposed Dynamic Texture Mapping-NUCA (DTM-NUCA) features a lightweight mapping table, called Affinity Table, that is independent of the L2 cache size, unlike a traditional NUCA organization. The best owner for a given set of blocks is dynamically determined and stored in the Affinity Table to maximize local accesses. The mechanism also allows for a certain amount of replication to favor local accesses where appropriate, without hurting performance due to the small capacity loss resulting from the allowed replication. DTM-NUCA is presented in two flavors. One with a centralized Affinity Table, and another with a distributed Affinity Table. Experimental results show first that the L2 pressure is effectively reduced, eliminating 41.8% of the L2 accesses on average. As for the average latency, DTM-NUCA performs a very effective job at maximizing local over remote accesses, achieving 73.8% of local accesses on average. As a consequence, our novel DTM-NUCA organization obtains an average speedup of 16.9% and overall 7.6% energy savings over a conventional organization.This work has been supported by the CoCoUnit ERC Advanced Grant of the EU’s Horizon 2020 program (grant No 833057), the Spanish State Research Agency (MCIN/AEI) under grant PID2020-113172RB-I00, the ICREA Academia program and a research fellowship from the University of Murcia’s “Plan Propio de Investigacion”.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Dynamic hardware-assisted software-controlled page placement to manage capacity allocation and sharing within large caches

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    Journal ArticleIn future multi-cores, large amounts of delay and power will be spent accessing data in large L2/L3 caches. It has been recently shown that OS-based page coloring allows a non-uniform cache architecture (NUCA) to provide low latencies and not be hindered by complex data search mechanisms. In this work, we extend that concept with mechanisms that dynamically move data within caches. The key innovation is the use of a shadow address space to allow hardware control of data placement in the L2 cache while being largely transparent to the user application and off-chip world. These mechanisms allow the hardware and OS to dynamically manage cache capacity per thread as well as optimize placement of data shared by multiple threads. We show an average IPC improvement of 10-20% for multiprogrammed workloads with capacity allocation policies and an average IPC improvement of 8% for multi-threaded workloads with policies for shared page placement

    Scalable directoryless shared memory coherence using execution migration

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    We introduce the concept of deadlock-free migration-based coherent shared memory to the NUCA family of architectures. Migration-based architectures move threads among cores to guarantee sequential semantics in large multicores. Using a execution migration (EM) architecture, we achieve performance comparable to directory-based architectures without using directories: avoiding automatic data replication significantly reduces cache miss rates, while a fast network-level thread migration scheme takes advantage of shared data locality to reduce remote cache accesses that limit traditional NUCA performance. EM area and energy consumption are very competitive, and, on the average, it outperforms a directory-based MOESI baseline by 6.8% and a traditional S-NUCA design by 9.2%. We argue that with EM scaling performance has much lower cost and design complexity than in directory-based coherence and traditional NUCA architectures: by merely scaling network bandwidth from 128 to 256 (512) bit flits, the performance of our architecture improves by an additional 8% (12%), while the baselines show negligible improvement

    Cache-aware Parallel Programming for Manycore Processors

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    With rapidly evolving technology, multicore and manycore processors have emerged as promising architectures to benefit from increasing transistor numbers. The transition towards these parallel architectures makes today an exciting time to investigate challenges in parallel computing. The TILEPro64 is a manycore accelerator, composed of 64 tiles interconnected via multiple 8x8 mesh networks. It contains per-tile caches and supports cache-coherent shared memory by default. In this paper we present a programming technique to take advantages of distributed caching facilities in manycore processors. However, unlike other work in this area, our approach does not use architecture-specific libraries. Instead, we provide the programmer with a novel technique on how to program future Non-Uniform Cache Architecture (NUCA) manycore systems, bearing in mind their caching organisation. We show that our localised programming approach can result in a significant improvement of the parallelisation efficiency (speed-up).Comment: This work was presented at the international symposium on Highly- Efficient Accelerators and Reconfigurable Technologies (HEART2013), Edinburgh, Scotland, June 13-14, 201

    Leveraging bloom filters for smart search within NUCA caches

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    Journal ArticleOn-chip wire delays are becoming increasingly problematic in modern microprocessors. To alleviate the negative effect of wire delays, architects have considered splitting up large L2/L3 caches into several banks, with each bank having a different access latency depending on its physical proximity to the core. In particular, several recent papers have considered dynamic non-uniform cache architectures (D-NUCA) for chip multi-processors. These caches are dynamic in the sense that cache lines may migrate towards the cores that access them most frequently. In order to realize the benefits of data migration, however, a "smart search" mechanism for finding the location of a given cache line is necessary. These papers assume an oracle and leave the smart search for future work. Existing search mechanisms either entail high performance overheads or inordinate storage overheads. In this paper, we propose a smart search mechanism, based on Bloom filters. Our approach is complexity-effective: it has the potential to reduce the performance and storage overheads of D-NUCA implementations. Also, Bloom filters are simple structures that incur little design complexity. We present the results of our initial explorations, showing the promise of our novel search mechanism

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationIn recent years, a number of trends have started to emerge, both in microprocessor and application characteristics. As per Moore's law, the number of cores on chip will keep doubling every 18-24 months. International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) reports that wires will continue to scale poorly, exacerbating the cost of on-chip communication. Cores will have to navigate an on-chip network to access data that may be scattered across many cache banks. The number of pins on the package, and hence available off-chip bandwidth, will at best increase at sublinear rate and at worst, stagnate. A number of disruptive memory technologies, e.g., phase change memory (PCM) have begun to emerge and will be integrated into the memory hierarchy sooner than later, leading to non-uniform memory access (NUMA) hierarchies. This will make the cost of accessing main memory even higher. In previous years, most of the focus has been on deciding the memory hierarchy level where data must be placed (L1 or L2 caches, main memory, disk, etc.). However, in modern and future generations, each level is getting bigger and its design is being subjected to a number of constraints (wire delays, power budget, etc.). It is becoming very important to make an intelligent decision about where data must be placed within a level. For example, in a large non-uniform access cache (NUCA), we must figure out the optimal bank. Similarly, in a multi-dual inline memory module (DIMM) non uniform memory access (NUMA) main memory, we must figure out the DIMM that is the optimal home for every data page. Studies have indicated that heterogeneous main memory hierarchies that incorporate multiple memory technologies are on the horizon. We must develop solutions for data management that take heterogeneity into account. For these memory organizations, we must again identify the appropriate home for data. In this dissertation, we attempt to verify the following thesis statement: "Can low-complexity hardware and OS mechanisms manage data placement within each memory hierarchy level to optimize metrics such as performance and/or throughput?" In this dissertation we argue for a hardware-software codesign approach to tackle the above mentioned problems at different levels of the memory hierarchy. The proposed methods utilize techniques like page coloring and shadow addresses and are able to handle a large number of problems ranging from managing wire-delays in large, shared NUCA caches to distributing shared capacity among different cores. We then examine data-placement issues in NUMA main memory for a many-core processor with a moderate number of on-chip memory controllers. Using codesign approaches, we achieve efficient data placement by modifying the operating system's (OS) page allocation algorithm for a wide variety of main memory architectures
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