166 research outputs found

    Component-based reduced basis for parametrized symmetric eigenproblems

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    Background: A component-based approach is introduced for fast and flexible solution of parameter-dependent symmetric eigenproblems. Methods: Considering a generalized eigenproblem with symmetric stiffness and mass operators, we start by introducing a “ σ-shifted” eigenproblem where the left hand side operator corresponds to an equilibrium between the stiffness operator and a weighted mass operator, with weight-parameter σ>0. Assuming that σ=λ n >0, the nth real positive eigenvalue of the original eigenproblem, then the shifted eigenproblem reduces to the solution of a homogeneous linear problem. In this context, we can apply the static condensation reduced basis element (SCRBE) method, a domain synthesis approach with reduced basis (RB) approximation at the intradomain level to populate a Schur complement at the interdomain level. In the Offline stage, for a library of archetype subdomains we train RB spaces for a family of linear problems; these linear problems correspond to various equilibriums between the stiffness operator and the weighted mass operator. In the Online stage we assemble instantiated subdomains and perform static condensation to obtain the “ σ-shifted” eigenproblem for the full system. We then perform a direct search to find the values of σ that yield singular systems, corresponding to the eigenvalues of the original eigenproblem. Results: We provide eigenvalue a posteriori error estimators and we present various numerical results to demonstrate the accuracy, flexibility and computational efficiency of our approach. Conclusions: We are able to obtain large speed and memory improvements compared to a classical Finite Element Method (FEM), making our method very suitable for large models commonly considered in an engineering context.United States. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (OSD/AFOSR/MURI Grant FA9550-09-1-0613)United States. Office of Naval Research (ONR Grant N00014-11-1-0713)Deshpande Center for Technological Innovation (grant)Switzerland. Commission for Technology and Innovation (CTI

    A natural-norm Successive Constraint Method for inf-sup lower bounds

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    We present a new approach for the construction of lower bounds for the inf-sup stability constants required in a posteriori error analysis of reduced basis approximations to affinely parametrized partial differential equations. We combine the “linearized” inf-sup statement of the natural-norm approach with the approximation procedure of the Successive Constraint Method (SCM): the former (natural-norm) provides an economical parameter expansion and local concavity in parameter—a small(er) optimization problem which enjoys intrinsic lower bound properties; the latter (SCM) provides a systematic optimization framework—a Linear Program (LP) relaxation which readily incorporates continuity and stability constraints. The natural-norm SCM requires a parameter domain decomposition: we propose a greedy algorithm for selection of the SCM control points as well as adaptive construction of the optimal subdomains. The efficacy of the natural-norm SCM is illustrated through numerical results for two types of non-coercive problems: the Helmholtz equation (for acoustics, elasticity, and electromagnetics), and the convection–diffusion equation.United States. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (Grant No. FA 9550-07-1-0425

    Simultaneous Reduced Basis Approximation of Parameterized Elliptic Eigenvalue Problems

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    The focus is on a model reduction framework for parameterized elliptic eigenvalue problems by a reduced basis method. In contrast to the standard single output case, one is interested in approximating several outputs simultaneously, namely a certain number of the smallest eigenvalues. For a fast and reliable evaluation of these input-output relations, we analyze a posteriori error estimators for eigenvalues. Moreover, we present different greedy strategies and study systematically their performance. Special attention needs to be paid to multiple eigenvalues whose appearance is parameter-dependent. Our methods are of particular interest for applications in vibro-acoustics

    hp-mesh adaptation for 1-D multigroup neutron diffusion problems

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    In this work, we propose, implement and test two fully automated mesh adaptation methods for 1-D multigroup eigenproblems. The first method is the standard hp-adaptive refinement strategy and the second technique is a goal-oriented hp-adaptive refinement strategy. The hp-strategies deliver optimal guaranteed solutions obtained with exponential convergence rates with respect to the number of unknowns. The goal-oriented method combines the standard hp-adaptation technique with a goal-oriented adaptivity based on the simultaneous solution of an adjoint problem in order to compute quantities of interest, such as reaction rates in a sub-domain or point-wise fluxes or currents. These algorithms are tested for various multigroup 1-D diffusion problems and the numerical results confirm the optimal, exponential convergence rates predicted theoretically
