100 research outputs found

    Valued Constraint Satisfaction Problems over Infinite Domains

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    The object of the thesis is the computational complexity of certain combinatorial optimisation problems called \emph{valued constraint satisfaction problems}, or \emph{VCSPs} for short. The requirements and optimisation criteria of these problems are expressed by sums of \emph{(valued) constraints} (also called \emph{cost functions}). More precisely, the input of a VCSP consists of a finite set of variables, a finite set of cost functions that depend on these variables, and a cost uu; the task is to find values for the variables such that the sum of the cost functions is at most uu. By restricting the set of possible cost functions in the input, a great variety of computational optimisation problems can be modelled as VCSPs. Recently, the computational complexity of all VCSPs for finite sets of cost functions over a finite domain has been classified. Many natural optimisation problems, however, cannot be formulated as VCSPs over a finite domain. We initiate the systematic investigation of infinite-domain VCSPs by studying the complexity of VCSPs for piecewise linear (PL) and piecewise linear homogeneous (PLH) cost functions. The VCSP for a finite set of PLH cost functions can be solved in polynomial time if the cost functions are improved by fully symmetric fractional operations of all arities. We show this by (polynomial-time many-one) reducing the problem to a finite-domain VCSP which can be solved using a linear programming relaxation. We apply this result to show the polynomial-time tractability of VCSPs for {\it submodular} PLH cost functions, for {\it convex} PLH cost functions, and for {\it componentwise increasing} PLH cost functions; in fact, we show that submodular PLH functions and componentwise increasing PLH functions form maximally tractable classes of PLH cost functions. We define the notion of {\it expressive power} for sets of cost functions over arbitrary domains, and discuss the relation between the expressive power and the set of fractional operations improving the same set of cost functions over an arbitrary countable domain. Finally, we provide a polynomial-time algorithm solving the restriction of the VCSP for {\it all} PL cost functions to a fixed number of variables

    Characterizing the integer points in 2-decomposable polyhedra by closedness under operations

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    Characterizing the solution sets in a problem by closedness under operations is recognized as one of the key aspects of algorithm development, especially in constraint satisfaction. An example from the Boolean satisfiability problem is that the solution set of a Horn conjunctive normal form (CNF) is closed under the minimum operation, and this property implies that minimizing a nonnegative linear function over a Horn CNF can be done in polynomial time. In this paper, we focus on the set of integer points (vectors) in a polyhedron, and study the relation between these sets and closedness under operations from the viewpoint of 2-decomposability. By adding further conditions to the 2-decomposable polyhedra, we show that important classes of sets of integer vectors in polyhedra are characterized by 2-decomposability and closedness under certain operations, and in some classes, by closedness under operations alone. The most prominent result we show is that the set of integer vectors in a unit-two-variable-per-inequality polyhedron can be characterized by closedness under the median and directed discrete midpoint operations, each of these operations was independently considered in constraint satisfaction and discrete convex analysis.Comment: 22 page

    Glosarium Matematika

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    35th Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science: STACS 2018, February 28-March 3, 2018, Caen, France

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    A proof of convergence of a finite volume scheme for modified steady Richards’ equation describing transport processes in the pressing section of a paper machine

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    A number of water flow problems in porous media are modelled by Richards’ equation [1]. There exist a lot of different applications of this model. We are concerned with the simulation of the pressing section of a paper machine. This part of the industrial process provides the dewatering of the paper layer by the use of clothings, i.e. press felts, which absorb the water during pressing [2]. A system of nips are formed in the simplest case by rolls, which increase sheet dryness by pressing against each other (see Figure 1). A lot of theoretical studies were done for Richards’ equation (see [3], [4] and references therein). Most articles consider the case of x-independent coefficients. This simplifies the system considerably since, after Kirchhoff’s transformation of the problem, the elliptic operator becomes linear. In our case this condition is not satisfied and we have to consider nonlinear operator of second order. Moreover, all these articles are concerned with the nonstationary problem, while we are interested in the stationary case. Due to complexity of the physical process our problem has a specific feature. An additional convective term appears in our model because the porous media moves with the constant velocity through the pressing rolls. This term is zero in immobile porous media. We are not aware of papers, which deal with such kind of modified steady Richards’ problem. The goal of this paper is to obtain the stability results, to show the existence of a solution to the discrete problem, to prove the convergence of the approximate solution to the weak solution of the modified steady Richards’ equation, which describes the transport processes in the pressing section. In Section 2 we present the model which we consider. In Section 3 a numerical scheme obtained by the finite volume method is given. The main part of this paper is theoretical studies, which are given in Section 4. Section 5 presents a numerical experiment. The conclusion of this work is given in Section 6

    Glosarium Matematika

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    273 p.; 24 cm
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