5 research outputs found

    A Layer Centric VLSI Physical Design Methodology Considering Non-uniform Metal Stacks

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    VLSI technology scaling has caused interconnect delay to increasingly dominate the overall chip performance. Optimization techniques such as buffer insertion, wire sizing and layer assignment play critical roles in successful timing closure for chip designs. For several VLSI technology generations, designers have confronted the challenges associated with increasing wire delays. One industrial solution is to add layers of thicker metal to the wiring stacks. However, the existing physical synthesis tools are not effective enough to handle these new thick metal layers. Thus, it is necessary to design a new flow to provide better communication among layer planning, buffering, routing and different optimization engines. In this thesis, our work proposes a new design flow, Layer Centric Design Flow, to perform congestion mitigation and timing optimization with layer directives. Our design flow balances buffer and routing resources so that the design benefits from the availability of thick metal layers and reduces buffer usage while maintaining routability as well as performance

    VLSI Interconnect Optimization Considering Non-uniform Metal Stacks

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    With the advances in process technology, comes the domination of interconnect in the overall propagation delay in modern VLSI designs. Hence, interconnect synthesis techniques, such as buffer insertion, wire sizing and layer assignment play critical roles in the successful timing closure for EDA tools. In this thesis, while our aim is to satisfy timing constraints, accounting for the overhead caused by these optimization techniques is of another primary concern. We utilized a Lagrangian relaxation method to minimize the usage of buffers and metal resources to meet the timing constraints. Compared with the previous work that extended traditional Van Ginneken’s algorithm, which allows for bumping up the wire from thin to thick given significant delay improvement, our approach achieved around 25% reduction in buffer + wire capacitance under the same timing budget

    A polynomial time approximation scheme for timing constrained minimum cost layer assignment

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    As VLSI technology enters the nanoscale regime, interconnect delay becomes the bottleneck of circuit performance. Compared to gate delays, wires are becoming Increasingly resistive which makes it more difficult to propagate signals across the chip. However, more advanced technologies (65nm and 45nm) provide relief as the number of metal layers continues to increase. The wires on the upper metal layers are much less resistive and can be used to drive further and faster than on thin metals. This provides an entirely new dimension to the traditional wire sizing problem, namely, layer assignment for efficient timing closure. Assigning all wires to thick metals improves timing, however, mutability of the design may be hurt. The challenge is to assign minimal amount of wires to thick metals to meet timing constraints. In this paper, the minimum cost layer assignment problem is proven to be NP-Complete. As a theoretical solution for NP-complete problems, a polynomial time approximation scheme is proposed. The new algorithm can approximate the optimal layer assignment solution by a factor of 1 + ε In O(m log log m · n 3/ε2) time for O \u3c e ε 1, where n is the number of nodes in the tree and m is the number of routing layers. This work presents the first theoretical advance for the timing-driven minimum cost layer assignment problem. In addition to its theoretical guarantee, the new algorithm is highly practical. Our experiments on 500 testcases demonstrate that the new algorithm can run 2 × faster than the optimal dynamic programming algorithm with only 2% additional wire

    Timing-Constrained Global Routing with RC-Aware Steiner Trees and Routing Based Optimization

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    In this thesis we consider the global routing problem, which arises as one of the major subproblems in the physical design step in VLSI design. In global routing, we are given a three-dimensional grid graph G with edge capacities representing available routing space, and we have to connect a set of nets in G without overusing any edge capacities. Here, each net consists of a set of pins corresponding to vertices of G, where one pin is the sender of signals, while all other pins are receivers. Traditionally, next to obeying all edge capacity constraints, the objective has been to minimize wire length and possibly via (edges in z-direction) count, and timing constraints on the chip were only modeled indirectly. We present a new approach, where timing constraints are modeled directly during global routing: In joint work with Stephan Held, Dirk Mueller, Daniel Rotter, Vera Traub and Jens Vygen, we extend the modeling of global routing as a Min-Max Resource Sharing Problem to also incorporate timing constraints. For measuring signal delays we use the well-established Elmore delay model. One of the key subproblems here is the computation of Steiner trees minimizing a weighted sum of routing space usages and signal delays. For k pins, this problem is NP-hard to approximate within o(log k), and even the special case k = 2 is NP-hard, as was shown by Haehnle and Rotter. We present a fast approximation algorithm with strong approximation bounds for the case k = 2. For k > 2 we use a multi-stage approach based on modifying the topology of a short Steiner tree and using our algorithm for the two-pin case for computing new connections. Moreover, we present a layer assignment algorithm that assigns z-coordinates to the edges of a given two-dimensional tree. We also discuss the topic of routing based optimization. Here, the starting point is a complete routing, and timing optimization tools make changes that require incremental adaptations of the underlying routing. We investigate several aspects of this problem and derive a new routing flow that includes our timing-aware global router and routing based optimization steps. We evaluate our results from this thesis in practice on industrial 14nm microprocessor designs from IBM. Our theoretical results are validated in practice by a strong performance of our timing-aware global routing framework and our new routing flow, yielding significant improvements over the traditional global routing method and the previously used routing flow. Therefore, we conclude that our approaches and results from this thesis are not only theoretically sound but also give compelling results in practice