6 research outputs found

    Scheduling MapReduce Jobs and Data Shuffle on Unrelated Processors

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    We propose constant approximation algorithms for generalizations of the Flexible Flow Shop (FFS) problem which form a realistic model for non-preemptive scheduling in MapReduce systems. Our results concern the minimization of the total weighted completion time of a set of MapReduce jobs on unrelated processors and improve substantially on the model proposed by Moseley et al. (SPAA 2011) in two directions. First, we consider each job consisting of multiple Map and Reduce tasks, as this is the key idea behind MapReduce computations, and we propose a constant approximation algorithm. Then, we introduce into our model the crucial cost of data shuffle phase, i.e., the cost for the transmission of intermediate data from Map to Reduce tasks. In fact, we model this phase by an additional set of Shuffle tasks for each job and we manage to keep the same approximation ratio when they are scheduled on the same processors with the corresponding Reduce tasks and to provide also a constant ratio when they are scheduled on different processors. This is the most general setting of the FFS problem (with a special third stage) for which a constant approximation ratio is known

    Resource Speed Optimization for Two-Stage Flow-Shop Scheduling

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    Multiple resource co-scheduling algorithms and pipelined execution models are becoming increasingly popular, as they better capture the heterogeneous nature of modern architectures. The problem of scheduling tasks composed of multiple stages tied to different resources goes under the name of “flow-shop scheduling”. This problem, studied since the ’50s to optimize production plants, is known to be NP-hard in the general case. In this paper, we consider a specific instance of the flow-shop task model that captures the behavior of a two-resource (DMA-CPU) system. In this setting, we study the problem of selecting the optimal operating speed of either resource with the goal of minimizing power consumption while meeting schedulability constraints. We derive an algorithm that finds an exact solution to the problem in polynomial time, hence it is suitable for online operation even in the presence of variable real-time workload.CNS-1035736CNS-1219064CNS-1302563Ope

    Memory-Processor Co-Scheduling in Fixed Priority Systems

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    ABSTRACT A major obstacle towards the adoption of multi-core platforms for real-time systems is given by the difficulties in characterizing the interference due to memory contention. The simple fact that multiple cores may simultaneously access shared memory and communication resources introduces a significant pessimism in the timing and schedulability analysis. To counter this problem, predictable execution models have been proposed splitting task executions into two consecutive phases: a memory phase in which the required instruction and data are pre-fetched to local memory (Mphase), and an execution phase in which the task is executed with no memory contention (C-phase). Decoupling memory and execution phases not only simplifies the timing analysis, but it also allows a more efficient (and predictable) pipelining of memory and execution phases through proper co-scheduling algorithms. In this paper, we take a further step towards the design of smart co-scheduling algorithms for sporadic real-time tasks complying with the M/C (memory-computation) model. We provide a theoretical framework that aims at tightly characterizing the schedulability improvement obtainable with the adopted M/C task model on a single-core systems. We identify a tight critical instant for M/C tasks scheduled with fixed priority, providing an exact response-time analysis with pseudo-polynomial complexity. We show in our experiments that a significant schedulability improvement may be obtained with respect to classic execution models, placing an important building block towards the design of more efficient partitioned multi-core systems

    A polynomial time approximation scheme for the two-stage multiprocessor flow shop problem

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    AbstractIn this paper we investigate the two-stage multiprocessor flow shop scheduling problem F2(P)|·|Cmax, where the numbers m1 and m2 of machines available in the two stages are part of the input. We demonstrate the existence of a polynomial time approximation scheme for this problem.This result solves the simplest case of an open problem that has been posed by Leslie Hall in a recent paper (Hall, 1995). An extension of our algorithm yields an approximation scheme for the closely related two-stage multiprocessor job shop problem