7,088 research outputs found

    DAC-Less amplifier-less generation and transmission of QAM signals using sub-volt silicon-organic hybrid modulators

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    We demonstrate generation and transmission of optical signals by directly interfacing highly efficient silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) modulators to binary output ports of a field-programmable gate array. Using an SOH Mach-Zehnder modulator (MZM) and an SOH IQ modulator we generate ON-OFF- keying and binary phase-shift keying signals as well as quadrature phase-shift keying and 16-state quadrature amplitude modulation (16QAM) formats. Peak-to-peak voltages amount to only 0.27 V-pp for driving the MZM and 0.41 V-pp for the IQ modulator. Neither digital-to-analog converters nor drive amplifiers are required, and the RF energy consumption in the modulator amounts to record-low 18 fJ/bit for 16QAM signaling

    Limits on Low Energy Photon-Photon Scattering from an Experiment on Magnetic Vacuum Birefringence

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    Experimental bounds on induced vacuum magnetic birefringence can be used to improve present photon-photon scattering limits in the electronvolt energy range. Measurements with the PVLAS apparatus (E. Zavattini {\it et al.}, Phys. Rev. D {\bf77} (2008) 032006) at both λ=1064\lambda = 1064 nm and 532 nm lead to bounds on the parameter {\it Ae_{e}}, describing non linear effects in QED, of Ae(1064)<6.61021A_{e}^{(1064)} < 6.6\cdot10^{-21} T2^{-2} @ 1064 nm and Ae(532)<6.31021A_{e}^{(532)} < 6.3\cdot10^{-21} T2^{-2} @ 532 nm, respectively, at 95% confidence level, compared to the predicted value of Ae=1.321024A_{e}=1.32\cdot10^{-24} T2^{-2}. The total photon-photon scattering cross section may also be expressed in terms of AeA_e, setting bounds for unpolarized light of σγγ(1064)<4.61062\sigma_{\gamma\gamma}^{(1064)} < 4.6\cdot10^{-62} m2^{2} and σγγ(532)<2.71060\sigma_{\gamma\gamma}^{(532)} < 2.7\cdot10^{-60} m2^{2}. Compared to the expected QED scattering cross section these results are a factor of 2107\simeq2\cdot10^{7} higher and represent an improvement of a factor about 500 on previous bounds based on ellipticity measurements and of a factor of about 101010^{10} on bounds based on direct stimulated scattering measurements

    Noise auto-correlation spectroscopy with coherent Raman scattering

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    Ultrafast lasers have become one of the most powerful tools in coherent nonlinear optical spectroscopy. Short pulses enable direct observation of fast molecular dynamics, whereas broad spectral bandwidth offers ways of controlling nonlinear optical processes by means of quantum interferences. Special care is usually taken to preserve the coherence of laser pulses as it determines the accuracy of a spectroscopic measurement. Here we present a new approach to coherent Raman spectroscopy based on deliberately introduced noise, which increases the spectral resolution, robustness and efficiency. We probe laser induced molecular vibrations using a broadband laser pulse with intentionally randomized amplitude and phase. The vibrational resonances result in and are identified through the appearance of intensity correlations in the noisy spectrum of coherently scattered photons. Spectral resolution is neither limited by the pulse bandwidth, nor sensitive to the quality of the temporal and spectral profile of the pulses. This is particularly attractive for the applications in microscopy, biological imaging and remote sensing, where dispersion and scattering properties of the medium often undermine the applicability of ultrafast lasers. The proposed method combines the efficiency and resolution of a coherent process with the robustness of incoherent light. As we demonstrate here, it can be implemented by simply destroying the coherence of a laser pulse, and without any elaborate temporal scanning or spectral shaping commonly required by the frequency-resolved spectroscopic methods with ultrashort pulses.Comment: To appear in Nature Physic

    Offset frequency dynamics and phase noise properties of a self-referenced 10 GHz Ti:sapphire frequency comb

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    This paper shows the experimental details of the stabilization scheme that allows full control of the repetition rate and the carrier-envelope offset frequency of a 10 GHz frequency comb based on a femtosecond Ti:sapphire laser. Octave-spanning spectra are produced in nonlinear microstructured optical fiber, in spite of the reduced peak power associated with the 10 GHz repetition rate. Improved stability of the broadened spectrum is obtained by temperature-stabilization of the nonlinear optical fiber. The carrier-envelope offset frequency and the repetition rate are simultaneously frequency stabilized, and their short- and long-term stabilities are characterized. We also measure the transfer of amplitude noise of the pump source to phase noise on the offset frequency and verify an increased sensitivity of the offset frequency to pump power modulation compared to systems with lower repetition rate. Finally, we discuss merits of this 10 GHz system for the generation of low-phase-noise microwaves