5,264 research outputs found

    Does iPad use support learning in students aged 9-14 years? A systematic review

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    This systematic literature review sought to examine whether iPad or other mobile technology use by school students aged 9 to 14 years enhanced academic outcomes. Conducted in March 2019 using the PRISMA statement, the review identified 43 studies published between 2010 and 2019 which specifically addressed the research question. Findings revealed that iPad use for specific school learning areas such as mathematics, English, science, and the like has not consistently enhanced academic outcomes. Some reviewed papers also indicated that teachers were not always employing the technology most effectively. To defend the current extensive classroom use of mobile technology such as iPads, further research employing within-subject designs must be conducted. Such research must assess the efficacy of iPad use for attaining specific content area outcomes against pedagogies which utilise paper reading, handwriting and/or other manipulations of teaching materials. Moreover, teacher professional learning needs to be provided so that when teachers use iPads in classrooms they are able to deploy them in the most appropriate way

    Movement Interventions for Children with Autism and Developmental Disabilities: An Evidence-Based Practice Project

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    This review explored the following question: Are the comprehensive treatment models Makoto Therapy, Brain Gym, and Interactive Metronome effective interventions for improving occupational performance including improving executive function, academic performance, and physical coordination in children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)? Because current research on Interactive Metronome, Brain GymÂź, and Makoto Therapy fails to address children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder, presents multiple flaws in research design, and does not measure occupational outcomes such as occupational performance, we recommend that these interventions should not be used as comprehensive treatment models in occupational therapy. We recommend that more occupational-based, methodologically-sound research involving youth with ASD be conducted before implementing these interventions in occupational therapy practice

    Technology-enhanced support for children with Down Syndrome: A systematic literature review

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    This paper presents a systematic literature review on technology-enhanced support for children with Down Syndrome and young people who match the mental age of children considered neurotypical (NT). The main aim is threefold: to (1) explore the field of digital technologies designed to support children with Down Syndrome, (2) identify technology types, contexts of use, profiles of individuals with Down Syndrome, methodological approaches, and the effectiveness of such supports, and (3) draw out opportunities for future research in this specific area. A systematic literature review was conducted on five search engines resulting in a set of 703 articles, which were screened and filtered in a systematic way until they were narrowed to a corpus of 65 articles for further analysis. The synthesis identify several key findings: (1) there is diversity of technology supports available for children with Down Syndrome targeting individual capabilities, (2) overlapping definitions of technology makes it difficult to place technology supports in individual categories rather than subsets of a broader term, (3) the average sample size remained small for participants in the studies, making it difficult to draw solid conclusions on the effectiveness of the related interventions, (4) the distribution of papers indicates that this is an emerging area of research and is starting to build body of knowledge, and (5) there are limited studies on newer emerging technologies which requires further investigation to explore their potential

    Visuospatial processing improvements in students with Down Syndrome through the autonomous use of technologies

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    The main purpose of our study was to examine whether autonomous training through the use of technologies could be associated with improvements in selective attention, visuospatial short-term memory and visuospatial processing in students with Down Syndrome (DS). In addition, our study aimed to analyse how the improvements in selective attention and visuospatial short-term memory tasks could predict improvements in visuospatial processing. Twenty-six children and adolescents with DS who belong to specialized schools for ID participated in the study. Three different mobile applications, Bubbles (selective attention), Pairs and Learn (visuospatial short-term memory) and Tangram (visuospatial processing) developed by Smile and Learn were used during a three-month period by the students. The results showed significant improvements through training in both, Pairs and Learn and Tangram, whereas there was no significant improvement in Bubbles. The results also showed that Pairs and Learn performance could predict a 36% variance in Tangram one. Cognitive and educational implications of these results are discussed

    Band Gamification Among High School Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Qualitative Case Study

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    This qualitative case study aims to describe, explore, and identify how the high school beginning band student’s choice of computer applications was implemented to demonstrate increased music literacy for percussion students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This qualitative research examines two male and four female high school beginning band percussionists with ASD. Data was collected over four weeks via computer applications, observations, and recorded exit interviews of each student. Students’ respective schools were selected to conduct research; data was analyzed by studying the computer application scores and educational implications. Perspectives on improving communication, cognitive, and music reading skills are also examined. Employing student choice may encourage ASD students to self-advocate in other areas. This work is important because few studies have been conducted on adolescents with ASD in music education: there are still very few randomized control studies on the effectiveness of computer applications, even though the literature on this topic appears to have demonstrated advantages for people with ASD. This study could encourage the research of a more extensive survey of the population with ASD and students with other disabilities to use technology, gaining a deeper understanding of needs and challenges and encouraging growth in communication and cognitive skills in different subject areas

    Increasing Access to Outdoor Play for Families of Children with Disabilities

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    Background. There are various benefits, supports, and barriers which contribute to participation in outdoor play for children with disabilities. Rainbow Tree Therapies (RTT) and its community face various accessibility challenges that limit outdoor play participation. Purpose. The purpose of this project was to develop educational materials and resources for families of children with disabilities who have experienced accessibility concerns. Approach. The approach of this project can be divided into 4 activities: (1) evaluation of RTT, (2) creation of accessible garden planters, (3) development of educational materials, and (4) analysis of survey results. Outcomes. There were seven survey responses, all of which identified themselves as parents. Respondents noted the desire to increase community accessibility, specifically including playgrounds as an area of need. Parents ranked high confidence levels in understanding accessibility, advocating for their child, and teaching their child self-advocacy skills following educational lesson participation. Implications. Making community spaces truly accessible and inclusive is a big undertaking that requires collaboration from leaders, professionals, and families. OT practitioners can and should undertake advocacy when considering accessibility, inclusion, and universal design

    Using Information Communications Technologies to Implement Universal Design for Learning

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    The purpose of this paper is to assist Ministries of Education, their donors and partners, Disabled Persons Organizations (DPOs), and the practitioner community funded by and working with USAID to select, pilot, and (as appropriate) scale up ICT4E solutions to facilitate the implementation of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), with a particular emphasis on supporting students with disabilities to acquire literacy and numeracy skills. The paper focuses primarily on how technology can support foundational skills acquisition for students with disabilities, while also explaining when, why, and how technologies that assist students with disabilities can, in some applications, have positive impacts on all students’ basic skills development. In 2018, USAID released the Toolkit for Universal Design for Learning to Help All Children Read, section 3.1 of which provides basic information on the role of technologies to support UDL principles and classroom learning. This paper expands upon that work and offers more extensive advice on using ICT4E1 to advance equitable access to high quality learning. Like the UDL toolkit, the audience for this guide is mainly Ministries of Education and development agencies working in the area of education, but this resource can also be helpful for DPOs and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) wishing to pilot or spearhead ICT initiatives. Content for this paper was informed by expert interviews and reviews of field reports during 2018. These included programs associated with United Nations, Zero Project, World Innovation Summit, UNESCO Mobile Learning Awards, and USAID’s All Children Reading: A Grand Challenge for Development. Relevant case studies of select education programs integrating technology to improve learning outcomes for students with disabilities were summarized for this document
