1,989 research outputs found

    A phase-locked frequency divide-by-3 optical parametric oscillator

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    Accurate phase-locked 3:1 division of an optical frequency was achieved, by using a continuous-wave (cw) doubly resonant optical parametric oscillator. A fractional frequency stability of 2*10^(-17) of the division process has been achieved for 100s integration time. The technique developed in this work can be generalized to the accurate phase and frequency control of any cw optical parametric oscillator.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures in a postscript file. To appear in a special issue of IEEE Trans. Instr. & Meas., paper FRIA-2 presented at CPEM'2000 conference, Sydney, May 200

    Broadly, independent-tunable, dual-wavelength mid-infrared ultrafast optical parametric oscillator

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    We demonstrate a two-crystal mid-infrared dual-wavelength optical parametric oscillator, synchronously pumped by a high power femtosecond Yb:fiber laser. The singly-resonant ring cavity, containing two periodically poled lithium niobate crystals, is capable of generating two synchronized idler wavelengths, independently tunable over 30 THz in the 2.9 - 4.2 {\mu}m wavelength region, due to the cascaded quadratic nonlinear effect. The independent tunability of the two idlers makes the optical parametric oscillator a promising source for ultrafast pulse generation towards the THz wavelength region, based on different frequency generation. In addition, the observed frequency doubled idler within the crystal indicates the possibility to realize a broadband optical self-phase locking between pump, signal, idler and higher order generated parametric lights

    Cascaded half-harmonic generation of femtosecond frequency combs in mid-IR

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    For the growing demand of frequency combs in mid-infrared (mid-IR), known as the "molecular fingerprint" region of the spectrum [1], down conversion of near-IR frequency combs through half- harmonic generation offers numerous benefits including high conversion efficiency and intrinsic phase and frequency locking to the near-IR pump [2]. Hence cascaded half-harmonic generation promises a simple path towards extending the wavelength coverage of stable frequency combs. Here, we report a two-octave down-conversion of a frequency comb around 1 {\mu}m through cascaded half-harmonic generation with ~64% efficiency in the first stage, and ~18% in the second stage. We obtain broadband intrinsically-frequency-locked frequency combs with ~50-fs pulses at ~2 {\mu}m and ~110-fs pulses at ~4 {\mu}m. These results indicate the effectiveness of half-harmonic generation as a universal tool for efficient phase- and frequency-locked down-conversion, which can be beneficial for numerous applications requiring long-wavelength coherent sources

    Generation of five phase-locked harmonics by implementing a divide-by-three optical frequency divider

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    We report the generation of five phase-locked harmonics, f_1: 2403 nm, f_2: 1201 nm, f_3: 801 nm, f_4: 600 nm, and f_5: 480 nm with an exact frequency ratio of 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 by implementing a divide-by-three optical-frequency divider in the high harmonic generation process. All five harmonics are generated coaxially with high phase coherence in time and space, which are applicable for various practical uses.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    All-Optical Quantum Random Bit Generation from Intrinsically Binary Phase of Parametric Oscillators

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    True random number generators (RNGs) are desirable for applications ranging from cryptogra- phy to computer simulations. Quantum phenomena prove to be attractive for physical RNGs due to their fundamental randomness and immunity to attack [1]- [5]. Optical parametric down conversion is an essential element in most quantum optical experiments including optical squeezing [9], and generation of entangled photons [10]. In an optical parametric oscillator (OPO), photons generated through spontaneous down conversion of the pump initiate the oscillation in the absence of other inputs [11, 12]. This quantum process is the dominant effect during the oscillation build-up, leading to selection of one of the two possible phase states above threshold in a degenerate OPO [13]. Building on this, we demonstrate a novel all-optical quantum RNG in which the photodetection is not a part of the random process, and no post processing is required for the generated bit sequence. We implement a synchronously pumped twin degenerate OPO, which comprises two identical independent OPOs in a single cavity, and measure the relative phase states of the OPO outputs above threshold as a bit value. We show that the outcome is statistically random with 99% confidence. With the use of micro- and nanoscale OPO resonators, this technique offers a promise for simple, robust, and high-speed on-chip all-optical quantum random number generators

    Parallel generation of quadripartite cluster entanglement in the optical frequency comb

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    Scalability and coherence are two essential requirements for the experimental implementation of quantum information and quantum computing. Here, we report a breakthrough toward scalability: the simultaneous generation of a record 15 quadripartite entangled cluster states over 60 consecutive cavity modes (Qmodes), in the optical frequency comb of a single optical parametric oscillator. The amount of observed entanglement was constant over the 60 Qmodes, thereby proving the intrnisic scalability of this system. The number of observable Qmodes was restricted by technical limitations, and we conservatively estimate the actual number of similar clusters to be at least three times larger. This result paves the way to the realization of large entangled states for scalable quantum information and quantum computing.Comment: 4 pages + 7 supplemental-info pages, 6+1 figures, accepted by Physical Review Letters. One minor revision to main text. One error corrected in Eq. (18) of Supplemental informatio

    Coherence properties of a broadband femtosecond mid-IR optical parametric oscillator operating at degeneracy

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    We study coherence properties of a χ^(2) optical parametric oscillator (OPO), which produces 2/3-octave-wide spectrum centered at the subharmonic (3120 nm) of the femtosecond pump laser. Our method consists of interfering the outputs of two identical, but independent OPOs pumped by the same laser. We demonstrate that the two OPOs show stable spatial and temporal interference and are mutually locked in frequency and in phase. By observing a collective heterodyne beat signal between the two OPOs we show that one can deterministically choose, by cavity length adjustment, between the two frequency states corresponding to the two sets of modes shifted with respect to each other by half of the laser pulse repetition rate. Moreover, we observe that the existence of two opposite phase states, a known common feature of a parametrically driven n = 2 subharmonic oscillator, reveals itself in our experiment as a common phase, 0 or π, being established through the whole set of some 300 thousand longitudinal modes

    Frequency metrology by use of quantum interference

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    Quantum interference in the rate of two-photon excitation of the 6S1/2 → 6P3/2 → 6D5/2 transition in atomic cesium is exploited to demonstrate phase-sensitive frequency demodulation for an optical interval of 612.5 THz. By thus using atoms as ultrafast nonlinear mixing elements, we suggest and analyze a new avenue for absolute comparisons of a dense set of frequencies over the range of 200–2000 nm
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