3 research outputs found

    Proposal and analysis of integrated PTN architecture in the mobile backhaul to improve the QoS of HetNets

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    Los rápidos avances de las tecnologías de dispositivos móviles han implicado que la red de acceso debe evolucionar y desarrollar nuevas estrategias para satisfacer las necesidades de los usuarios. La red heterogénea (HetNet) permite una estrategia de implementación flexible y ofrece soluciones económicamente viables para mejorar la escalabilidad de red y cobertura en interiores. Este tema emergente ha captado la atención de la comunidad científica y la industria debido a la importancia de estas redes para satisfacer la demanda de servicios de datos. Para proporcionar esta demanda, deben satisfacerse diferentes parámetros de calidad de servicio (QoS). En este trabajo, presentamos un estudio sobre los últimos avances y los temas de investigación sobre movilidad en conjunción con protocolos de conmutación de etiquetas multiprotocolo (MPLS) de paquetes basado en redes de transporte (PTN) para proporcionar QoS en redes heterogéneas inalámbricas. Se presentan diversos protocolos de gestión móvil y su interacción con la red de retorno móvil yred básica por paquetes. Una nueva arquitectura denominada Proxy integrado Mobile MPLS-TP (MIP-TP) se expone también a reducir los costos y mejorar la señalización de la QoS en HetNets con altas tasas de movilidad.The rapid progress made in mobile device technologies has implied that the access network must evolute and develop new strategies to satisfy the requirements of the users. Heterogeneous network (HetNet) allows for a flexible deployment strategy and offers economically viable solutions to improve network scalability and indoor coverage. This emerging topic has caught the attention of the research community and the industry because of the importance of these networks to satisfy the demand of data services. To provide this demand, different parameters of quality of service (QoS) must be satisfied. In this paper, we present a study on recent advances and open research issues on Mobility Protocols in conjunction with Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS)-based packet transport networks (PTN) to provide QoS in wireless heterogeneous networks. Various mobile management protocols and their interaction with the mobile backhaul and packet core network are briefly introduced. A new architecture called Integrated Proxy Mobile MPLS-TP (IPM-TP) is also outlined to reduce the signalling cost and improve the QoS in HetNets with high rates of mobility.Unión Europea. Fondos Europeos de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER). Proyecto SOE4/P3/E804peerReviewe

    MAP Selection Algorithms Based on Future Movement Prediction Capability in Synthetic and Realistic Environment

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    Efficient mobility management involves micromobility principles. The performance of the Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 (HMIPv6) protocol, a representative micro-mobility approach, is affected by the Mobility Anchor Point (MAP) selection. In this paper, we propose a new selection method based on a prediction of the future movements of Mobile Nodes (MNs). The proposed algorithms exploit the information about the future availability of MAPs and choose those MAPs that assure a better service. An improvement to the evaluation methodology is also proposed. The algorithms are compared to each other not only in synthetic but also in realistic internet topologies, which has not been a practice in the past. The simulation results show promising improvements in terms of distance from chosen MAPs and frequency of MAP changes. Moreover, we showed that, for perceivable improvement of MAP selection, absolute accuracy of movement prediction is not required. As pioneers in the mobility management analysis in realistic environment, we ascertain that offering MAP services over more than one Autonomous System (AS) proves beneficial


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    The proliferation of smart mobile devices and user applications has continued to contribute to the tremendous volume of data traffic in cellular networks. Moreover, with the feature of heterogeneous connectivity interfaces of these smart devices, it becomes more complex for managing the traffic volume in the context of mobility. To surmount this challenge, service and resource providers are looking for alternative mechanisms that can successfully facilitate managing network resources and mobility in a more dynamic, predictive and distributed manner. New concepts of network architectures such as Software-Defined Network (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) have paved the way to move from static to flexible networks. They make networks more flexible (i.e., network providers capable of on-demand provisioning), easily customizable and cost effective. In this regard, network slicing is emerging as a new technology built on the concepts of SDN and NFV. It splits a network infrastructure into isolated virtual networks and allows them to manage network resources based on their requirements and characteristics. Most of the existing solutions for network slicing are facing challenges in terms of resource and mobility management. Regarding resource management, it creates challenges in terms of provisioning network throughput, end-to-end delay, and fairness resources allocation for each slice, whereas, in the case of mobility management, due to the rapid change of user mobility the network slice operator would like to hold the mobility controlling over its clients across different access networks, rather than the network operator, to ensure better services and user experience. In this thesis, we propose two novel architectural solutions to solve the challenges identified above. The first proposed solution introduces a Network Slicing Resource Management (NSRM) mechanism that assigns the required resources for each slice, taking into consideration resource isolation between different slices. The second proposed v solution provides a Mobility Management architecture-based Network Slicing (MMNS) where each slice manages its users across heterogeneous radio access technologies such as WiFi, LTE and 5G networks. In MMNS architecture, each slice has different mobility demands (e.g,. latency, speed and interference) and these demands are governed by a network slice configuration and service characteristics. In addition, NSRM ensures isolating, customizing and fair sharing of distributed bandwidths between various network slices and users belonging to the same slice depending on different requirements of each one. Whereas, MMNS is a logical platform that unifies different Radio Access Technologies (RATs) and allows all slices to share them in order to satisfy different slice mobility demands. We considered two software simulations, namely OPNET Modeler and OMNET++, to validate the performance evaluation of the thesis contributions. The simulation results for both proposed architectures show that, in case of NSRM, the resource blocking is approximately 35% less compared to the legacy LTE network, which it allows to accommodate more users. The NSRM also successfully maintains the isolation for both the inter and intra network slices. Moreover, the results show that the NSRM is able to run different scheduling mechanisms where each network slice guarantee perform its own scheduling mechanism and simultaneously with other slices. Regarding the MMNS, the results show the advantages of the proposed architecture that are the reduction of the tunnelling overhead and the minimization of the handover latency. The MMNS results show the packets delivery cost is optimal by reducing the number of hops that the packets transit between a source node and destination. Additionally, seamless session continues of a user IP-flow between different access networks interfaces has been successfully achieved