71,821 research outputs found

    Expanding the Algorithmic Information Theory Frame for Applications to Earth Observation

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    Recent years have witnessed an increased interest towards compression-based methods and their applications to remote sensing, as these have a data-driven and parameter-free approach and can be thus succesfully employed in several applications, especially in image information mining. This paper expands the algorithmic information theory frame, on which these methods are based. On the one hand, algorithms originally defined in the pattern matching domain are reformulated, allowing a better understanding of the available compression-based tools for remote sensing applications. On the other hand, the use of existing compression algorithms is proposed to store satellite images with added semantic value

    Mitigation of H.264 and H.265 Video Compression for Reliable PRNU Estimation

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    The photo-response non-uniformity (PRNU) is a distinctive image sensor characteristic, and an imaging device inadvertently introduces its sensor's PRNU into all media it captures. Therefore, the PRNU can be regarded as a camera fingerprint and used for source attribution. The imaging pipeline in a camera, however, involves various processing steps that are detrimental to PRNU estimation. In the context of photographic images, these challenges are successfully addressed and the method for estimating a sensor's PRNU pattern is well established. However, various additional challenges related to generation of videos remain largely untackled. With this perspective, this work introduces methods to mitigate disruptive effects of widely deployed H.264 and H.265 video compression standards on PRNU estimation. Our approach involves an intervention in the decoding process to eliminate a filtering procedure applied at the decoder to reduce blockiness. It also utilizes decoding parameters to develop a weighting scheme and adjust the contribution of video frames at the macroblock level to PRNU estimation process. Results obtained on videos captured by 28 cameras show that our approach increases the PRNU matching metric up to more than five times over the conventional estimation method tailored for photos

    Modified Three-Step Search Block Matching Motion Estimation and Weighted Finite Automata based Fractal Video Compression

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    The major challenge with fractal image/video coding technique is that, it requires more encoding time. Therefore, how to reduce the encoding time is the research component remains in the fractal coding. Block matching motion estimation algorithms are used, to reduce the computations performed in the process of encoding. The objective of the proposed work is to develop an approach for video coding using modified three step search (MTSS) block matching algorithm and weighted finite automata (WFA) coding with a specific focus on reducing the encoding time. The MTSS block matching algorithm are used for computing motion vectors between the two frames i.e. displacement of pixels and WFA is used for the coding as it behaves like the Fractal Coding (FC). WFA represents an image (frame or motion compensated prediction error) based on the idea of fractal that the image has self-similarity in itself. The self-similarity is sought from the symmetry of an image, so the encoding algorithm divides an image into multi-levels of quad-tree segmentations and creates an automaton from the sub-images. The proposed MTSS block matching algorithm is based on the combination of rectangular and hexagonal search pattern and compared with the existing New Three-Step Search (NTSS), Three-Step Search (TSS), and Efficient Three-Step Search (ETSS) block matching estimation algorithm. The performance of the proposed MTSS block matching algorithm is evaluated on the basis of performance evaluation parameters i.e. mean absolute difference (MAD) and average search points required per frame. Mean of absolute difference (MAD) distortion function is used as the block distortion measure (BDM). Finally, developed approaches namely, MTSS and WFA, MTSS and FC, and Plane FC (applied on every frame) are compared with each other. The experimentations are carried out on the standard uncompressed video databases, namely, akiyo, bus, mobile, suzie, traffic, football, soccer, ice etc. Developed approaches are compared on the basis of performance evaluation parameters, namely, encoding time, decoding time, compression ratio and Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR). The video compression using MTSS and WFA coding performs better than MTSS and fractal coding, and frame by frame fractal coding in terms of achieving reduced encoding time and better quality of video

    A Codebook Generation Algorithm for Document Image Compression

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    Pattern-matching-based document-compression systems (e.g. for faxing) rely on finding a small set of patterns that can be used to represent all of the ink in the document. Finding an optimal set of patterns is NP-hard; previous compression schemes have resorted to heuristics. This paper describes an extension of the cross-entropy approach, used previously for measuring pattern similarity, to this problem. This approach reduces the problem to a k-medians problem, for which the paper gives a new algorithm with a provably good performance guarantee. In comparison to previous heuristics (First Fit, with and without generalized Lloyd's/k-means postprocessing steps), the new algorithm generates a better codebook, resulting in an overall improvement in compression performance of almost 17%

    Image Segmentation, Registration, Compression, and Matching

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    A novel computational framework was developed of a 2D affine invariant matching exploiting a parameter space. Named as affine invariant parameter space (AIPS), the technique can be applied to many image-processing and computer-vision problems, including image registration, template matching, and object tracking from image sequence. The AIPS is formed by the parameters in an affine combination of a set of feature points in the image plane. In cases where the entire image can be assumed to have undergone a single affine transformation, the new AIPS match metric and matching framework becomes very effective (compared with the state-of-the-art methods at the time of this reporting). No knowledge about scaling or any other transformation parameters need to be known a priori to apply the AIPS framework. An automated suite of software tools has been created to provide accurate image segmentation (for data cleaning) and high-quality 2D image and 3D surface registration (for fusing multi-resolution terrain, image, and map data). These tools are capable of supporting existing GIS toolkits already in the marketplace, and will also be usable in a stand-alone fashion. The toolkit applies novel algorithmic approaches for image segmentation, feature extraction, and registration of 2D imagery and 3D surface data, which supports first-pass, batched, fully automatic feature extraction (for segmentation), and registration. A hierarchical and adaptive approach is taken for achieving automatic feature extraction, segmentation, and registration. Surface registration is the process of aligning two (or more) data sets to a common coordinate system, during which the transformation between their different coordinate systems is determined. Also developed here are a novel, volumetric surface modeling and compression technique that provide both quality-guaranteed mesh surface approximations and compaction of the model sizes by efficiently coding the geometry and connectivity/topology components of the generated models. The highly efficient triangular mesh compression compacts the connectivity information at the rate of 1.5-4 bits per vertex (on average for triangle meshes), while reducing the 3D geometry by 40-50 percent. Finally, taking into consideration the characteristics of 3D terrain data, and using the innovative, regularized binary decomposition mesh modeling, a multistage, pattern-drive modeling, and compression technique has been developed to provide an effective framework for compressing digital elevation model (DEM) surfaces, high-resolution aerial imagery, and other types of NASA data