5,347 research outputs found

    Assessment of different models for bathymetry calculation using SPOT multispectral images in a high-turbidity area: the mouth of the Guadiana Estuary

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    Periodic calculation of coastal bathymetries can show the evolution of geomorpholo- gical features in active areas such as mesotidal estuary mouths. Bathymetries in shallow coastal areas have been addressed mainly by two technologies, lidar and optical remote sensing. Lidar provides good accuracy, but is an expensive technique, requiring planned flights for each region and dates of interest. Optical remote sensing acquires images periodically but its results are limited by water turbidity. Here we use a lidar bathymetry to compare different bathymetry computation methods using a SPOT optical image from a nearby date. Three statistical models (green-band, PCA correlations, and GLM) were applied to obtain mathematical expressions to estimate bathymetry from that image: all gave errors lower than 1 m in an area with depths ranging from 0 to 6 m. These algorithms were then applied to images from three different dates, correcting the effects caused by different tidal and atmospheric condi- tions. We show how this allows the study of morphological changes. We discuss the accuracy obtained with respect to the reference bathymetry (0.9 m on average, but less than 0.5 m in low-turbidity areas), the effects of the turbidity on our estimations, and compare both with previously published results. The results show that this approach is effective and allows identification of known features of coastal dynamics, and thus it would be an important step towards short-term bathymetry monitoring based on optical satellite remote sensing.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación CSO2010-15807Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa P10-RNM-620

    Feasibility study ASCS remote sensing/compliance determination system

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    A short-term technical study was performed by the MSC Earth Observations Division to determine the feasibility of the proposed Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service Automatic Remote Sensing/Compliance Determination System. For the study, the term automatic was interpreted as applying to an automated remote-sensing system that includes data acquisition, processing, and management

    Basic research planning in mathematical pattern recognition and image analysis

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    Fundamental problems encountered while attempting to develop automated techniques for applications of remote sensing are discussed under the following categories: (1) geometric and radiometric preprocessing; (2) spatial, spectral, temporal, syntactic, and ancillary digital image representation; (3) image partitioning, proportion estimation, and error models in object scene interference; (4) parallel processing and image data structures; and (5) continuing studies in polarization; computer architectures and parallel processing; and the applicability of "expert systems" to interactive analysis

    Investigation related to multispectral imaging systems

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    A summary of technical progress made during a five year research program directed toward the development of operational information systems based on multispectral sensing and the use of these systems in earth-resource survey applications is presented. Efforts were undertaken during this program to: (1) improve the basic understanding of the many facets of multispectral remote sensing, (2) develop methods for improving the accuracy of information generated by remote sensing systems, (3) improve the efficiency of data processing and information extraction techniques to enhance the cost-effectiveness of remote sensing systems, (4) investigate additional problems having potential remote sensing solutions, and (5) apply the existing and developing technology for specific users and document and transfer that technology to the remote sensing community

    Calibration, navigation, and registration of MAMS data for FIFE

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    The International Satellite Land Surface Climatology Project (ISLSCP) was conducted to study the interaction of the atmosphere with the land surface and the research problems associated with the interpretation of satellite data over the Earth's land surface. The experimental objectives of the First ISLSCP Field Experiment (FIFE) were the simultaneous acquisition of satellite, atmospheric, and surface data and to use these data to understand the processes controlling energy/mass exchange at the surface. The experiment site is a 15 x 15 km area southeast of Manhattan, Kansas, intersected by Interstate 70 and Kansas highway 177. The Konza Prairie portion is 5 x 5 km and is a controlled experiment site consisting primarily of native tall grass prairie vegetation. The remainder of the site is grazing and farm land with trees along creek beds that are scattered over the area. Airborne multispectral imagery from the Multispectral Atmospheric Mapping Sensor (MAMS) was collected over this region on two days during Intensive Field Campaign-1 (1FC-1) to study the time and space variability of remotely-sensed geophysical parameters. These datasets consist of multiple overflights covering about a 60-min period during late morning on June 4, 1987 and shortly after dark on the following day. Image data from each overpass were calibrated and Earth located with respect to each other using aircraft inertial navigation system parameters and ground control points. These were the first MAMS flights made with 10-bit thermal data

    HIRIS (High-Resolution Imaging Spectrometer: Science opportunities for the 1990s. Earth observing system. Volume 2C: Instrument panel report

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    The high-resolution imaging spectrometer (HIRIS) is an Earth Observing System (EOS) sensor developed for high spatial and spectral resolution. It can acquire more information in the 0.4 to 2.5 micrometer spectral region than any other sensor yet envisioned. Its capability for critical sampling at high spatial resolution makes it an ideal complement to the MODIS (moderate-resolution imaging spectrometer) and HMMR (high-resolution multifrequency microwave radiometer), lower resolution sensors designed for repetitive coverage. With HIRIS it is possible to observe transient processes in a multistage remote sensing strategy for Earth observations on a global scale. The objectives, science requirements, and current sensor design of the HIRIS are discussed along with the synergism of the sensor with other EOS instruments and data handling and processing requirements

    Final Report: National Science Foundation Remote Sensing Workshop. Held at Purdue University February 28, 29, March 1, 1984

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    It was the purpose of this workshop to examine the potential for further advancement of the science of remote sensing, and to define directions which the Engineering aspects of remote sensing research could not take in order to maximize the scientific and technological return