5 research outputs found

    Influence of nuclei segmentation on breast cancer malignancy classification

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    Breast Cancer is one of the most deadly cancers affecting middle–aged women. Accurate diagnosis and prognosis are crucial to reduce the high death rate. Nowadays there are numerous diagnostic tools for breast cancer diagnosis. In this paper we discuss a role of nuclear segmentation from fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNA) slides and its influence on malignancy classification. Classification of malignancy plays a very important role during the diagnosis process of breast cancer. Out of all cancer diagnostic tools, FNA slides provide the most valuable information about the cancer malignancy grade which helps to choose an appropriate treatment. This process involves assessing numerous nuclear features and therefore precise segmentation of nuclei is very important. In this work we compare three powerful segmentation approaches and test their impact on the classification of breast cancer malignancy. The studied approaches involve level set segmentation, fuzzy c–means segmentation and textural segmentation based on co–occurrence matrix. Segmented nuclei were used to extract nuclear features for malignancy classification. For classification purposes four different classifiers were trained and tested with previously extracted features. The compared classifiers are Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Self–Organizing Maps (SOM), Principal Component–based Neural Network (PCA) and Support Vector Machines (SVM). The presented results show that level set segmentation yields the best results over the three compared approaches and leads to a good feature extraction with a lowest average error rate of 6.51% over four different classifiers. The best performance was recorded for multilayer perceptron with an error rate of 3.07% using fuzzy c–means segmentation

    Computerized cancer malignancy grading of fine needle aspirates

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    According to the World Health Organization, breast cancer is a leading cause of death among middle-aged women. Precise diagnosis and correct treatment significantly reduces the high number of deaths caused by breast cancer. Being successful in the treatment strictly relies on the diagnosis. Specifically, the accuracy of the diagnosis and the stage at which a cancer was diagnosed. Precise and early diagnosis has a major impact on the survival rate, which indicates how many patients will live after the treatment. For many years researchers in medical and computer science fields have been working together to find the approach for precise diagnosis. For this thesis, precise diagnosis means finding a cancer at as early a stage as possible by developing new computer aided diagnostic tools. These tools differ depending on the type of cancer and the type of the examination that is used for diagnosis. This work concentrates on cytological images of breast cancer that are produced during fine needle aspiration biopsy examination. This kind of examination allows pathologists to estimate the malignancy of the cancer with very high accuracy. Malignancy estimation is very important when assessing a patients survival rate and the type of treatment. To achieve precise malignancy estimation, a classification framework is presented. This framework is able to classify breast cancer malignancy into two malignancy classes and is based on features calculated according to the Bloom-Richardson grading scheme. This scheme is commonly used by pathologists when grading breast cancer tissue. In Bloom-Richardson scheme two types of features are assessed depending on the magnification. Low magnification images are used for examining the dispersion of the cells in the image while the high magnification images are used for precise analysis of the cells' nuclear features. In this thesis, different types of segmentation algorithms were compared to estimate the algorithm that allows for relatively fast and accurate nuclear segmentation. Based on that segmentation a set of 34 features was extracted for further malignancy classification. For classification purposes 6 different classifiers were compared. From all of the tests a set of the best preforming features were chosen. The presented system is able to classify images of fine needle aspiration biopsy slides with high accurac

    Proceedings of the 2018 Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) International Congress

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    Published proceedings of the 2018 Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) International Congress, hosted by York University, 27-30 May 2018