123,221 research outputs found

    Device Synchronization Using A Computerize Face Detection And Recognition System For Cybersecurity

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    Face recognition system is an application for identifying someone from image or videos. Face recognition is classified into three stages i.e. Face detection, Feature Extraction, Face Recognition. Face detection is an application for detecting object, analyzing the face, understanding the localization of the face and face recognition. It is used in many application for new communication interface, security etc. The face detection algorithm converts the input images from a camera to binary pattern and transverse the face location of candidates using the AdaBoost Algorithm. AdaBoost Algorithm selects the best set of Haar features and implement it in cascade to decrease the detection time. Face recognition is a pattern recognition technique and one of the most important biometrics; it is used in a broad spectrum of applications. The accuracy is not a major problem that specifies the performance of automatic face recognition system alone, the time factor is also considered a major factor in real time environments. Recent architecture of the computer system can be employed to solve the time problem, this architecture represented by multi-core CPUs and many-core GPUs that provide the possibility to perform various tasks by parallel processing

    A cognitive framework for object recognition with application to autonomous vehicles

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    Autonomous vehicles or self-driving cars are capable of sensing the surrounding environment so they can navigate roads without human input. Decisions are constantly made on sensing, mapping and driving policy using machine learning techniques. Deep Learning – massive neural networks that utilize the power of parallel processing – has become a popular choice for addressing the complexities of real time decision making. This method of machine learning has been shown to outperform alternative solutions in multiple domains, and has an architecture that can be adapted to new problems with relative ease. To harness the power of Deep Learning, it is necessary to have large amounts of training data that are representative of all possible situations the system will face. To successfully implement situational awareness in driverless vehicles, it is not possible to exhaust all possible training examples. An alternative method is to apply cognitive approaches to perception, for situations the autonomous vehicles will face. Cognitive approaches to perception work by mimicking the process of human intelligence – thereby permitting a machine to react to situations it has not previously experienced. This paper proposes a novel cognitive approach for object recognition. The proposed cognitive object recognition algorithm, referred to as Recognition by Components, is inspired by the psychological studies pertaining to early childhood development. The algorithm works by breaking down images into a series of primitive forms such as square, triangle, circle or rectangle and memory based aggregation to identify objects. Experimental results suggest that Recognition by Component algorithm performs significantly better than algorithms that require large amounts of training data

    Two new parallel processors for real time classification of 3-D moving objects and quad tree generation

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    Two related image processing problems are addressed in this thesis. First, the problem of identification of 3-D objects in real time is explored. An algorithm to solve this problem and a hardware system for parallel implementation of this algorithm are proposed. The classification scheme is based on the Invariant Numerical Shape Modeling (INSM) algorithm originally developed for 2-D pattern recognition such as alphanumeric characters. This algorithm is then extended to 3-D and is used for general 3-D object identification. The hardware system is an SIMD parallel processor, designed in bit slice fashion for expandability. It consists of a library of images coded according to the 3-D INSM algorithm and the SIMD classifier which compares the code of the unknown image to the library codes in a single clock pulse to establish its identity. The output of this system consists of three signals: U, for unique identification; M, for multiple identification; and N, for non-identification of the object. Second, the problem of real time image compaction is addressed. The quad tree data structure is described. Based on this structure, a parallel processor with a tree architecture is developed which is independent of the data entry process, i.e., data may be entered pixel by pixel or all at once. The hardware consists of a tree processor containing a tree generator and three separate memory arrays, a data transfer processor, and a main memory unit. The tree generator generates the quad tree of the input image in tabular form, using the memory arrays in the tree processor for storage of the table. This table can hold one picture frame at a given time. Hence, for processing multiple picture frames the data transfer processor is used to transfer their respective quad trees from the tree processor memory to the main memory. An algorithm is developed to facilitate the determination of the connections in the circuit

    Robotic Pick-and-Place of Novel Objects in Clutter with Multi-Affordance Grasping and Cross-Domain Image Matching

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    This paper presents a robotic pick-and-place system that is capable of grasping and recognizing both known and novel objects in cluttered environments. The key new feature of the system is that it handles a wide range of object categories without needing any task-specific training data for novel objects. To achieve this, it first uses a category-agnostic affordance prediction algorithm to select and execute among four different grasping primitive behaviors. It then recognizes picked objects with a cross-domain image classification framework that matches observed images to product images. Since product images are readily available for a wide range of objects (e.g., from the web), the system works out-of-the-box for novel objects without requiring any additional training data. Exhaustive experimental results demonstrate that our multi-affordance grasping achieves high success rates for a wide variety of objects in clutter, and our recognition algorithm achieves high accuracy for both known and novel grasped objects. The approach was part of the MIT-Princeton Team system that took 1st place in the stowing task at the 2017 Amazon Robotics Challenge. All code, datasets, and pre-trained models are available online at http://arc.cs.princeton.eduComment: Project webpage: http://arc.cs.princeton.edu Summary video: https://youtu.be/6fG7zwGfIk

    Activity recognition from videos with parallel hypergraph matching on GPUs

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    In this paper, we propose a method for activity recognition from videos based on sparse local features and hypergraph matching. We benefit from special properties of the temporal domain in the data to derive a sequential and fast graph matching algorithm for GPUs. Traditionally, graphs and hypergraphs are frequently used to recognize complex and often non-rigid patterns in computer vision, either through graph matching or point-set matching with graphs. Most formulations resort to the minimization of a difficult discrete energy function mixing geometric or structural terms with data attached terms involving appearance features. Traditional methods solve this minimization problem approximately, for instance with spectral techniques. In this work, instead of solving the problem approximatively, the exact solution for the optimal assignment is calculated in parallel on GPUs. The graphical structure is simplified and regularized, which allows to derive an efficient recursive minimization algorithm. The algorithm distributes subproblems over the calculation units of a GPU, which solves them in parallel, allowing the system to run faster than real-time on medium-end GPUs

    Parallel Multi-Hypothesis Algorithm for Criticality Estimation in Traffic and Collision Avoidance

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    Due to the current developments towards autonomous driving and vehicle active safety, there is an increasing necessity for algorithms that are able to perform complex criticality predictions in real-time. Being able to process multi-object traffic scenarios aids the implementation of a variety of automotive applications such as driver assistance systems for collision prevention and mitigation as well as fall-back systems for autonomous vehicles. We present a fully model-based algorithm with a parallelizable architecture. The proposed algorithm can evaluate the criticality of complex, multi-modal (vehicles and pedestrians) traffic scenarios by simulating millions of trajectory combinations and detecting collisions between objects. The algorithm is able to estimate upcoming criticality at very early stages, demonstrating its potential for vehicle safety-systems and autonomous driving applications. An implementation on an embedded system in a test vehicle proves in a prototypical manner the compatibility of the algorithm with the hardware possibilities of modern cars. For a complex traffic scenario with 11 dynamic objects, more than 86 million pose combinations are evaluated in 21 ms on the GPU of a Drive PX~2

    Multi-scenario pear tree inflorescence detection based on improved YOLOv7 object detection algorithm

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    Efficient and precise thinning during the orchard blossom period is a crucial factor in enhancing both fruit yield and quality. The accurate recognition of inflorescence is the cornerstone of intelligent blossom equipment. To advance the process of intelligent blossom thinning, this paper addresses the issue of suboptimal performance of current inflorescence recognition algorithms in detecting dense inflorescence at a long distance. It introduces an inflorescence recognition algorithm, YOLOv7-E, based on the YOLOv7 neural network model. YOLOv7 incorporates an efficient multi-scale attention mechanism (EMA) to enable cross-channel feature interaction through parallel processing strategies, thereby maximizing the retention of pixel-level features and positional information on the feature maps. Additionally, the SPPCSPC module is optimized to preserve target area features as much as possible under different receptive fields, and the Soft-NMS algorithm is employed to reduce the likelihood of missing detections in overlapping regions. The model is trained on a diverse dataset collected from real-world field settings. Upon validation, the improved YOLOv7-E object detection algorithm achieves an average precision and recall of 91.4% and 89.8%, respectively, in inflorescence detection under various time periods, distances, and weather conditions. The detection time for a single image is 80.9 ms, and the model size is 37.6 Mb. In comparison to the original YOLOv7 algorithm, it boasts a 4.9% increase in detection accuracy and a 5.3% improvement in recall rate, with a mere 1.8% increase in model parameters. The YOLOv7-E object detection algorithm presented in this study enables precise inflorescence detection and localization across an entire tree at varying distances, offering robust technical support for differentiated and precise blossom thinning operations by thinning machinery in the future
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