5,636 research outputs found

    Preserving the positivity of the deformation gradient determinant in intergrid interpolation by combining RBFs and SVD: application to cardiac electromechanics

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    The accurate robust and efficient transfer of the deformation gradient tensor between meshes of different resolution is crucial in cardiac electromechanics simulations. We present a novel method that combines rescaled localized Radial Basis Function (RBF) interpolation with Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) to preserve the positivity of the determinant of the deformation gradient tensor. The method involves decomposing the evaluations of the tensor at the quadrature nodes of the source mesh into rotation matrices and diagonal matrices of singular values; computing the RBF interpolation of the quaternion representation of rotation matrices and the singular value logarithms; reassembling the deformation gradient tensors at quadrature nodes of the destination mesh, to be used in the assembly of the electrophysiology model equations. The proposed method overcomes limitations of existing interpolation methods, including nested intergrid interpolation and RBF interpolation of the displacement field, that may lead to the loss of physical meaningfulness of the mathematical formulation and then to solver failures at the algebraic level, due to negative determinant values. The proposed method enables the transfer of solution variables between finite element spaces of different degrees and shapes and without stringent conformity requirements between different meshes, enhancing the flexibility and accuracy of electromechanical simulations. Numerical results confirm that the proposed method enables the transfer of the deformation gradient tensor, allowing to successfully run simulations in cases where existing methods fail. This work provides an efficient and robust method for the intergrid transfer of the deformation gradient tensor, enabling independent tailoring of mesh discretizations to the particular characteristics of the physical components concurring to the of the multiphysics model.Comment: 24 pages; 11 figure

    Modeling and simulation of the electric activity of the heart using graphic processing units

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    Mathematical modelling and simulation of the electric activity of the heart (cardiac electrophysiology) offers and ideal framework to combine clinical and experimental data in order to help understanding the underlying mechanisms behind the observed respond under physiological and pathological conditions. In this regard, solving the electric activity of the heart possess a big challenge, not only because of the structural complexities inherent to the heart tissue, but also because of the complex electric behaviour of the cardiac cells. The multi- scale nature of the electrophysiology problem makes difficult its numerical solution, requiring temporal and spatial resolutions of 0.1 ms and 0.2 mm respectively for accurate simulations, leading to models with millions degrees of freedom that need to be solved for thousand time steps. Solution of this problem requires the use of algorithms with higher level of parallelism in multi-core platforms. In this regard the newer programmable graphic processing units (GPU) has become a valid alternative due to their tremendous computational horsepower. This thesis develops around the implementation of an electrophysiology simulation software entirely developed in Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) for GPU computing. The software implements fully explicit and semi-implicit solvers for the monodomain model, using operator splitting and the finite element method for space discretization. Performance is compared with classical multi-core MPI based solvers operating on dedicated high-performance computer clusters. Results obtained with the GPU based solver show enormous potential for this technology with accelerations over 50Ă— for three-dimensional problems when using an implicit scheme for the parabolic equation, whereas accelerations reach values up to 100Ă— for the explicit implementation. The implemented solver has been applied to study pro-arrhythmic mechanisms during acute ischemia. In particular, we investigate on how hyperkalemia affects the vulnerability window to reentry and the reentry patterns in the heterogeneous substrate caused by acute regional ischemia using an anatomically and biophysically detailed human biventricular model. A three dimensional geometrically and anatomically accurate regionally ischemic human heart model was created. The ischemic region was located in the inferolateral and posterior side of the left ventricle mimicking the occlusion of the circumflex artery, and the presence of a washed-out zone not affected by ischemia at the endocardium has been incorporated. Realistic heterogeneity and fi er anisotropy has also been considered in the model. A highly electrophysiological detailed action potential model for human has been adapted to make it suitable for modeling ischemic conditions (hyperkalemia, hipoxia, and acidic conditions) by introducing a formulation of the ATP-sensitive K+ current. The model predicts the generation of sustained re-entrant activity in the form single and double circus around a blocked area within the ischemic zone for K+ concentrations bellow 9mM, with the reentrant activity associated with ventricular tachycardia in all cases. Results suggest the washed-out zone as a potential pro-arrhythmic substrate factor helping on establishing sustained ventricular tachycardia.Colli-Franzone P, Pavarino L. A parallel solver for reaction-diffusion systems in computational electrocardiology, Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci. 14 (06):883-911, 2004.Colli-Franzone P, Deu hard P, Erdmann B, Lang J, Pavarino L F. Adaptivity in space and time for reaction-diffusion systems in electrocardiology, SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 28 (3):942-962, 2006.Ferrero J M(Jr), Saiz J, Ferrero J M, Thakor N V. Simulation of action potentials from metabolically impaired cardiac myocytes: Role of atp-sensitive K+ current. Circ Res, 79(2):208-221, 1996.Ferrero J M (Jr), Trenor B. Rodriguez B, Saiz J. Electrical acticvity and reentry during acute regional myocardial ischemia: Insights from simulations.Int J Bif Chaos, 13:3703-3715, 2003.Heidenreich E, Ferrero J M, Doblare M, Rodriguez J F. Adaptive macro finite elements for the numerical solution of monodomain equations in cardiac electrophysiology, Ann. Biomed. Eng. 38 (7):2331-2345, 2010.Janse M J, Kleber A G. Electrophysiological changes and ventricular arrhythmias in the early phase of regional myocardial ischemia. Circ. Res. 49:1069-1081, 1981.ten Tusscher K HWJ, Panlov A V. Alternans and spiral breakup in a human ventricular tissue model. Am. J.Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol. 291(3):1088-1100, 2006.<br /

    Bayesian Active Learning for Personalization and Uncertainty Quantification in Cardiac Electrophysiological Model

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    Cardiacvascular disease is the top death causing disease worldwide. In recent years, high-fidelity personalized models of the heart have shown an increasing capability to supplement clinical cardiology for improved patient-specific diagnosis, prediction, and treatment planning. In addition, they have shown promise to improve scientific understanding of a variety of disease mechanisms. However, model personalization by estimating the patient-specific tissue properties that are in the form of parameters of a physiological model is challenging. This is because tissue properties, in general, cannot be directly measured and they need to be estimated from measurements that are indirectly related to them through a physiological model. Moreover, these unknown tissue properties are heterogeneous and spatially varying throughout the heart volume presenting a difficulty of high-dimensional (HD) estimation from indirect and limited measurement data. The challenge in model personalization, therefore, summarizes to solving an ill-posed inverse problem where the unknown parameters are HD and the forward model is complex with a non-linear and computationally expensive physiological model. In this dissertation, we address the above challenge with following contributions. First, to address the concern of a complex forward model, we propose the surrogate modeling of the complex target function containing the forward model – an objective function in deterministic estimation or a posterior probability density function in probabilistic estimation – by actively selecting a set of training samples and a Bayesian update of the prior over the target function. The efficient and accurate surrogate of the expensive target function obtained in this manner is then utilized to accelerate either deterministic or probabilistic parameter estimation. Next, within the framework of Bayesian active learning we enable active surrogate learning over a HD parameter space with two novel approaches: 1) a multi-scale optimization that can adaptively allocate higher resolution to heterogeneous tissue regions and lower resolution to homogeneous tissue regions; and 2) a generative model from low-dimensional (LD) latent code to HD tissue properties. Both of these approaches are independently developed and tested within a parameter optimization framework. Furthermore, we devise a novel method that utilizes the surrogate pdf learned on an estimated LD parameter space to improve the proposal distribution of Metropolis Hastings for an accelerated sampling of the exact posterior pdf. We evaluate the presented methods on estimating local tissue excitability of a cardiac electrophysiological model in both synthetic data experiments and real data experiments. Results demonstrate that the presented methods are able to improve the accuracy and efficiency in patient-specific model parameter estimation in comparison to the existing approaches used for model personalization

    Optimized schwarz methods for the bidomain system in electrocardiology

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    The propagation of the action potential in the heart chambers is accurately described by the Bidomain model, which is commonly accepted and used in the specialistic literature. However, its mathematical structure of a degenerate parabolic system entails high computational costs in the numerical solution of the associated linear system. Domain decomposition methods are a natural way to reduce computational costs, and Optimized Schwarz Methods have proven in the recent years their effectiveness in accelerating the convergence of such algorithms. The latter are based on interface matching conditions more efficient than the classical Dirichlet or Neumann ones. In this paper we analyze an Optimized Schwarz approach for the numerical solution of the Bidomain problem. We assess the convergence of the iterative method by means of Fourier analysis, and we investigate the parameter optimization in the interface conditions. Numerical results in 2D and 3D are given to show the effectiveness of the method

    Research and Education in Computational Science and Engineering

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    Over the past two decades the field of computational science and engineering (CSE) has penetrated both basic and applied research in academia, industry, and laboratories to advance discovery, optimize systems, support decision-makers, and educate the scientific and engineering workforce. Informed by centuries of theory and experiment, CSE performs computational experiments to answer questions that neither theory nor experiment alone is equipped to answer. CSE provides scientists and engineers of all persuasions with algorithmic inventions and software systems that transcend disciplines and scales. Carried on a wave of digital technology, CSE brings the power of parallelism to bear on troves of data. Mathematics-based advanced computing has become a prevalent means of discovery and innovation in essentially all areas of science, engineering, technology, and society; and the CSE community is at the core of this transformation. However, a combination of disruptive developments---including the architectural complexity of extreme-scale computing, the data revolution that engulfs the planet, and the specialization required to follow the applications to new frontiers---is redefining the scope and reach of the CSE endeavor. This report describes the rapid expansion of CSE and the challenges to sustaining its bold advances. The report also presents strategies and directions for CSE research and education for the next decade.Comment: Major revision, to appear in SIAM Revie

    lifex-ep: a robust and efficient software for cardiac electrophysiology simulations

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    Background: Simulating the cardiac function requires the numerical solution of multi-physics and multi-scale mathematical models. This underscores the need for streamlined, accurate, and high-performance computational tools. Despite the dedicated endeavors of various research teams, comprehensive and user-friendly software programs for cardiac simulations, capable of accurately replicating both normal and pathological conditions, are still in the process of achieving full maturity within the scientific community. Results: This work introduces lifex-ep, a publicly available software for numerical simulations of the electrophysiology activity of the cardiac muscle, under both normal and pathological conditions. lifex-ep employs the monodomain equation to model the heart's electrical activity. It incorporates both phenomenological and second-generation ionic models. These models are discretized using the Finite Element method on tetrahedral or hexahedral meshes. Additionally, lifex-ep integrates the generation of myocardial fibers based on Laplace-Dirichlet Rule-Based Methods, previously released in Africa et al., 2023, within lifex-fiber. As an alternative, users can also choose to import myofibers from a file. This paper provides a concise overview of the mathematical models and numerical methods underlying lifex-ep, along with comprehensive implementation details and instructions for users. lifex-ep features exceptional parallel speedup, scaling efficiently when using up to thousands of cores, and its implementation has been verified against an established benchmark problem for computational electrophysiology. We showcase the key features of lifex-ep through various idealized and realistic simulations conducted in both normal and pathological scenarios. Furthermore, the software offers a user-friendly and flexible interface, simplifying the setup of simulations using self-documenting parameter files. Conclusions: lifex-ep provides easy access to cardiac electrophysiology simulations for a wide user community. It offers a computational tool that integrates models and accurate methods for simulating cardiac electrophysiology within a high-performance framework, while maintaining a user-friendly interface. lifex-ep represents a valuable tool for conducting in silico patient-specific simulations
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