8 research outputs found

    Neural-signature methods for structured EHR prediction

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    Models that can effectively represent structured Electronic Healthcare Records (EHR) are central to an increasing range of applications in healthcare. Due to the sequential nature of health data, Recurrent Neural Networks have emerged as the dominant component within state-of-the-art architectures. The signature transform represents an alternative modelling paradigm for sequential data. This transform provides a non-learnt approach to creating a fixed vector representation of temporal features and has shown strong performances across an increasing number of domains, including medical data. However, the signature method has not yet been applied to structured EHR data. To this end, we follow recent work that enables the signature to be used as a differentiable layer within a neural architecture enabling application in high dimensional domains where calculation would have previously been intractable. Using a heart failure prediction task as an exemplar, we provide an empirical evaluation of different variations of the signature method and compare against state-of-the-art baselines. This first application of neural-signature methods in real-world healthcare data shows a competitive performance when compared to strong baselines and thus warrants further investigation within the health domain

    SMILE: Smart Monitoring IoT Learning Ecosystem

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    In industrial contexts to date, there are several solutions to monitor and intervene in case of anomalies and/or failures. Using a classic approach to cover all the requirements needed in the industrial field, different solutions should be implemented for different monitoring platforms, covering the required end-to-end. The classic cause-effect association process in the field of industrial monitoring requires thorough understanding of the monitored ecosystem and the main characteristics triggering the detected anomalies. In these cases, complex decision-making systems are in place often providing poor results. This paper introduces a new approach based on an innovative industrial monitoring platform, which has been denominated SMILE. It allows offering an automatic service of global modern industry performance monitoring, giving the possibility to create, by setting goals, its own machine/deep learning models through a web dashboard from which one can view the collected data and the produced results.  Thanks to an unsupervised approach the SMILE platform can understand which the linear and non-linear correlations are representing the overall state of the system to predict and, therefore, report abnormal behavior

    The Importance of Quantum Information in the Stock Market and Financial Decision Making in Conditions of Radical Uncertainty

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    The Universe is a coin that’s already been flipped, heads or tails predetermined: all we’re doing is uncovering it the ‘paradox’ is only a conflict between reality and your feeling of what reality ‘ought to be’.Richard FeynmanThe aim of the research takes place through two parallel directions. The first is gaining an understanding of the applicability of quantum mechanics/quantum physics to human decision-making processes in the stock market with quantum information as a decision-making lever, and the second direction is neuroscience and artificial intelligence using postulates analogous to the postulates of quantum mechanics and radical uncertainty in conditions of radical uncertainty.The world of radical uncertainty (radical uncertainty is based on the knowledge of quantum mechanics from the claim that there is no causal certainty). it is everywhere in our world. "Radical uncertainty is characterized by vagueness, ignorance, indeterminacy, ambiguity and lack of information. He prefers to create 'mysteries' rather than 'puzzles' with defined solutions. Mysteries are ill-defined problems in which action is required, but the future is uncertain, the consequences unpredictable, and disagreement inevitable. "How should we make decisions in these circumstances?" (J. Kay and M. King, 2020), while "uncertainty and ambiguity are at the very core of the stock market. "Narratives are the currency of uncertainty" (N. Mangee, 2022)

    The Importance of Quantum Information in the Stock Market and Financial Decision Making in Conditions of Radical Uncertainty

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    The Universe is a coin that’s already been flipped, heads or tails predetermined: all we’re doing is uncovering it the ‘paradox’ is only a conflict between reality and your feeling of what reality ‘ought to be’.Richard FeynmanThe aim of the research takes place through two parallel directions. The first is gaining an understanding of the applicability of quantum mechanics/quantum physics to human decision-making processes in the stock market with quantum information as a decision-making lever, and the second direction is neuroscience and artificial intelligence using postulates analogous to the postulates of quantum mechanics and radical uncertainty in conditions of radical uncertainty.The world of radical uncertainty (radical uncertainty is based on the knowledge of quantum mechanics from the claim that there is no causal certainty). it is everywhere in our world. "Radical uncertainty is characterized by vagueness, ignorance, indeterminacy, ambiguity and lack of information. He prefers to create 'mysteries' rather than 'puzzles' with defined solutions. Mysteries are ill-defined problems in which action is required, but the future is uncertain, the consequences unpredictable, and disagreement inevitable. "How should we make decisions in these circumstances?" (J. Kay and M. King, 2020), while "uncertainty and ambiguity are at the very core of the stock market. "Narratives are the currency of uncertainty" (N. Mangee, 2022)

    Personality Identification from Social Media Using Deep Learning: A Review

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    Social media helps in sharing of ideas and information among people scattered around the world and thus helps in creating communities, groups, and virtual networks. Identification of personality is significant in many types of applications such as in detecting the mental state or character of a person, predicting job satisfaction, professional and personal relationship success, in recommendation systems. Personality is also an important factor to determine individual variation in thoughts, feelings, and conduct systems. According to the survey of Global social media research in 2018, approximately 3.196 billion social media users are in worldwide. The numbers are estimated to grow rapidly further with the use of mobile smart devices and advancement in technology. Support vector machine (SVM), Naive Bayes (NB), Multilayer perceptron neural network, and convolutional neural network (CNN) are some of the machine learning techniques used for personality identification in the literature review. This paper presents various studies conducted in identifying the personality of social media users with the help of machine learning approaches and the recent studies that targeted to predict the personality of online social media (OSM) users are reviewed

    A novel training method to preserve generalization of RBPNN classifiers applied to ECG signals diagnosis

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    In this paper a novel training technique is proposed to offer an efficient solution for neural network training in non-trivial and critical applications such as the diagnosis of health threatening illness. The presented technique aims to enhance the generalization capability of a neural network while preserving its sensitivity and precision. The implemented method has been devised in order to slowly increase, during training, the generalization capabilities of a Radial Basis Probabilistic Neural Network classifier, as well as preventing it from over-generalization and the consequent lack of resulting classification performances. The developed method was tested on Electro- cardiograms. These latter are generally considered non-trivial both due to the difficulty to recognize some anomalous heart activities, and due to the intermittent nature of abnormal beat occurrences. The implemented training method obtained satisfactory performances, sensitivity and precision while showing high generalization capabilitie

    Reading the brain’s personality: using machine learning to investigate the relationships between EEG and depressivity

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    Electroencephalography (EEG) measures electrical signals on the scalp and can give information about processes near the surface of the brain (cortex). The goal of our research was to create models that predict depressivity (mapping to personality in general, not just sickness) and to find potential biomarkers in EEG data. First, to provide our models with cleaner EEG data, we designed a novel single-channel physiology-based eye blink artefact removal method and a mains power noise removal method. Then, we assessed two main machine learning model types (classification- and regression-based) with a total of eighteen sub-types to predict the depressivity of participants. The models were generated by combining four signal processing techniques with a) three classification techniques, and b) three regression techniques. The experimental results showed that both types of models perform well in depressivity prediction and one regression-based model (Reg-FFT-LSBoost) showed a significant depressivity prediction performance, especially for female group. More importantly, we found that a specific EEG frequency band (the gamma band) made major contributions to depressivity prediction. Apart from that, the alpha and beta band may make modest contributions. Specific locations (T7, T8, and C3) made major contributions to depressivity prediction. Frontal locations may also have some influence. We also found that the combination of both eye states’ EEG data showed a better depressivity prediction ability. Compared to the eyes closed data, the EEG data obtained from the state of eyes open were more suitable for assessing depressivity. In brief, the outcomes of this research provided the possibilities for translating the EEG data for depressivity measure. Furthermore, there are possibilities to extend the research to apply to other mental disorders’ prediction, such as anxiety