4,736 research outputs found

    Sampled data systems passivity and discrete port-Hamiltonian systems

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    In this paper, we present a novel way to approach the interconnection of a continuous and a discrete time physical system first presented in [1][2] [3]. This is done in a way which preserves passivity of the coupled system independently of the sampling time T. This strategy can be used both in the field of telemanipulation, for the implementation of a passive master/slave system on a digital transmission line with varying time delays and possible loss of packets (e.g., the Internet), and in the field of haptics, where the virtual environment should `feel¿ like a physical equivalent system

    Passivity-preserving parameterized model order reduction using singular values and matrix interpolation

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    We present a parameterized model order reduction method based on singular values and matrix interpolation. First, a fast technique using grammians is utilized to estimate the reduced order, and then common projection matrices are used to build parameterized reduced order models (ROMs). The design space is divided into cells, and a Krylov subspace is computed for each cell vertex model. The truncation of the singular values of the merged Krylov subspaces from the models located at the vertices of each cell yields a common projection matrix per design space cell. Finally, the reduced system matrices are interpolated using positive interpolation schemes to obtain a guaranteed passive parameterized ROM. Pertinent numerical results validate the proposed technique

    Guaranteed passive parameterized macromodeling by using Sylvester state-space realizations

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    A novel state-space realization for parameterized macromodeling is proposed in this paper. A judicious choice of the state-space realization is required in order to account for the assumed smoothness of the state-space matrices with respect to the design parameters. This technique is used in combination with suitable interpolation schemes to interpolate a set of state-space matrices, and hence the poles and residues indirectly, in order to build accurate parameterized macromodels. The key points of the novel state-space realizations are the choice of a proper pivot matrix and a well-conditioned solution of a Sylvester equation. Stability and passivity are guaranteed by construction over the design space of interest. Pertinent numerical examples validate the proposed Sylvester realization for parameterized macromodeling

    Discrete port-Hamiltonian systems: mixed interconnections

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    Either from a control theoretic viewpoint or from an analysis viewpoint it is necessary to convert smooth systems to discrete systems, which can then be implemented on computers for numerical simulations. Discrete models can be obtained either by discretizing a smooth model, or by directly modeling at the discrete level itself. The goal of this paper is to apply a previously developed discrete modeling technique to study the interconnection of continuous systems with discrete ones in such a way that passivity is preserved. Such a theory has potential applications, in the field of haptics, telemanipulation etc. It is shown that our discrete modeling theory can be used to formalize previously developed techniques for obtaining passive interconnections of continuous and discrete systems

    Robot Impedance Control and Passivity Analysis with Inner Torque and Velocity Feedback Loops

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    Impedance control is a well-established technique to control interaction forces in robotics. However, real implementations of impedance control with an inner loop may suffer from several limitations. Although common practice in designing nested control systems is to maximize the bandwidth of the inner loop to improve tracking performance, it may not be the most suitable approach when a certain range of impedance parameters has to be rendered. In particular, it turns out that the viable range of stable stiffness and damping values can be strongly affected by the bandwidth of the inner control loops (e.g. a torque loop) as well as by the filtering and sampling frequency. This paper provides an extensive analysis on how these aspects influence the stability region of impedance parameters as well as the passivity of the system. This will be supported by both simulations and experimental data. Moreover, a methodology for designing joint impedance controllers based on an inner torque loop and a positive velocity feedback loop will be presented. The goal of the velocity feedback is to increase (given the constraints to preserve stability) the bandwidth of the torque loop without the need of a complex controller.Comment: 14 pages in Control Theory and Technology (2016

    Sequential sampling strategy for the modeling of parameterized microwave and RF components

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    Accurate modeling of parameterized microwave and RF components often requires a large number of full-wave electromagnetic simulations. In order to reduce the overall simulation cost, a sequential sampling algorithm is proposed that selects a sparse set of data samples which characterize the overall response of the system. The resulting data samples can be fed into existing modeling techniques. The effectiveness of the approach is illustrated by a parameterized H-shaped microwave antenna

    A Perturbation Scheme for Passivity Verification and Enforcement of Parameterized Macromodels

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    This paper presents an algorithm for checking and enforcing passivity of behavioral reduced-order macromodels of LTI systems, whose frequency-domain (scattering) responses depend on external parameters. Such models, which are typically extracted from sampled input-output responses obtained from numerical solution of first-principle physical models, usually expressed as Partial Differential Equations, prove extremely useful in design flows, since they allow optimization, what-if or sensitivity analyses, and design centering. Starting from an implicit parameterization of both poles and residues of the model, as resulting from well-known model identification schemes based on the Generalized Sanathanan-Koerner iteration, we construct a parameter-dependent Skew-Hamiltonian/Hamiltonian matrix pencil. The iterative extraction of purely imaginary eigenvalues ot fhe pencil, combined with an adaptive sampling scheme in the parameter space, is able to identify all regions in the frequency-parameter plane where local passivity violations occur. Then, a singular value perturbation scheme is setup to iteratively correct the model coefficients, until all local passivity violations are eliminated. The final result is a corrected model, which is uniformly passive throughout the parameter range. Several numerical examples denomstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.Comment: Submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology on 13-Apr-201