4 research outputs found

    Sistem Temu Kembali Dokumen Teks Dengan Pembobotan Tf-idf Dan Lcs

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    Sistem temu kembali dokumen teks membutuhkan metode yang mampu mengembalikan sejumlah dokumen yang memiliki relevansi tinggi sesuai dengan permintaan pengguna. Salah satu tahapan penting dalam proses representasi teks adalah proses pembobotan. Penggunaan LCS dalam penyesuaian bobot Tf -Idf mempertimbangkan kemunculan urutan kata yang sama antara query dan teks di dalam dokumen. Adanya dokumen yang sangat panjang namun tidak relevan menyebabkan bobot yang dihasilkan tidak mampu merepresentasikan nilai relevansi dokumen. Penelitian ini mengusulkan penggunaan metode LCS yang memberikan bobot urutan kata dengan mempertimbangkan panjang dokumen terkait dengan rata-rata panjang dokumen dalam korpus. Metode ini mampu melakukan pengembalian dokumen teks secara efektif. Penambahan fitur urutan kata dengan normalisasi rasio panjang dokumen terhadap keseluruhan dokumen dalam korpus menghasilkan nilai presisi dan recall yang sama baiknya dengan metode sebelumnya


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    Information retrieval of text document requires a method that is able to restore a number of documents that have high relevance according to the user's request. One important step in the process is a text representation of the weighting process. The use of LCS in Tf-Idf weighting adjustments considers the appearance of the same order of words between the query and the text in the document. There is a very long document but irrelevant cause weight produced is not able to represent the value relevance of documents. This research proposes the use of LCS which gives weight to the word order by considering long documents related to the average length of documents in the corpus. This method is able to return a text document effectively. Additional features of word order by normalizing the ratio of the overall length of the document to the documents in the corpus generate values of precision and recall as well as the method of Tasi et al

    A new weighting scheme and discriminative approach for information retrieval in static and dynamic document collections

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    This paper introduces a new weighting scheme in information retrieval. It also proposes using the document centroid as a threshold for normalizing documents in a document collection. Document centroid normalization helps to achieve more effective information retrieval as it enables good discrimination between documents. In the context of a machine learning application, namely unsupervised document indexing and retrieval, we compared the effectiveness of the proposed weighting scheme to the 'Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency' or TF-IDF, which is commonly used and considered as one of the best existing weighting schemes. The paper shows how the document centroid is used to remove less significant weights from documents and how this helps to achieve better retrieval effectiveness. Most of the existing weighting schemes in information retrieval research assume that the whole document collection is static. The results presented in this paper show that the proposed weighting scheme can produce higher retrieval effectiveness compared with the TF-IDF weighting scheme, in both static and dynamic document collections. The results also show the variation in information retrieval effectiveness that is achieved for static and dynamic document collections by using a specific weighting scheme. This type of comparison has not been presented in the literature before