9,495 research outputs found

    A novel objective function minimization for sparse spatial filters

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    Common spatial pattern (CSP) method is widely used in brain machine interface (BMI) applications to extract features from the multichannel neural activity through a set of spatial projections. The CSP method easily overfits the data when the number of training trials is not sufficiently large and it is sensitive to daily variation of multichannel electrode placement, which limits its applicability for everyday use in BMI systems. To overcome these problems, the amount of channels that is used in projections, should be limited. We introduce a spatially sparse projection (SSP) method that exploits the unconstrained minimization of a new objective function with approximated l\ penalty. The SSP method is employed to classify the two class EEG data set. Our method outperforms the standard CSP method and provides comparable results to £o norm based solution and it is associated with less computational complexity. © 2014 IEEE

    Frequency-splitting Dynamic MRI Reconstruction using Multi-scale 3D Convolutional Sparse Coding and Automatic Parameter Selection

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    Department of Computer Science and EngineeringIn this thesis, we propose a novel image reconstruction algorithm using multi-scale 3D con- volutional sparse coding and a spectral decomposition technique for highly undersampled dy- namic Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) data. The proposed method recovers high-frequency information using a shared 3D convolution-based dictionary built progressively during the re- construction process in an unsupervised manner, while low-frequency information is recovered using a total variation-based energy minimization method that leverages temporal coherence in dynamic MRI. Additionally, the proposed 3D dictionary is built across three different scales to more efficiently adapt to various feature sizes, and elastic net regularization is employed to promote a better approximation to the sparse input data. Furthermore, the computational com- plexity of each component in our iterative method is analyzed. We also propose an automatic parameter selection technique based on a genetic algorithm to find optimal parameters for our numerical solver which is a variant of the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM). We demonstrate the performance of our method by comparing it with state-of-the-art methods on 15 single-coil cardiac, 7 single-coil DCE, and a multi-coil brain MRI datasets at different sampling rates (12.5%, 25% and 50%). The results show that our method significantly outper- forms the other state-of-the-art methods in reconstruction quality with a comparable running time and is resilient to noise.ope

    Convolutional Deblurring for Natural Imaging

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    In this paper, we propose a novel design of image deblurring in the form of one-shot convolution filtering that can directly convolve with naturally blurred images for restoration. The problem of optical blurring is a common disadvantage to many imaging applications that suffer from optical imperfections. Despite numerous deconvolution methods that blindly estimate blurring in either inclusive or exclusive forms, they are practically challenging due to high computational cost and low image reconstruction quality. Both conditions of high accuracy and high speed are prerequisites for high-throughput imaging platforms in digital archiving. In such platforms, deblurring is required after image acquisition before being stored, previewed, or processed for high-level interpretation. Therefore, on-the-fly correction of such images is important to avoid possible time delays, mitigate computational expenses, and increase image perception quality. We bridge this gap by synthesizing a deconvolution kernel as a linear combination of Finite Impulse Response (FIR) even-derivative filters that can be directly convolved with blurry input images to boost the frequency fall-off of the Point Spread Function (PSF) associated with the optical blur. We employ a Gaussian low-pass filter to decouple the image denoising problem for image edge deblurring. Furthermore, we propose a blind approach to estimate the PSF statistics for two Gaussian and Laplacian models that are common in many imaging pipelines. Thorough experiments are designed to test and validate the efficiency of the proposed method using 2054 naturally blurred images across six imaging applications and seven state-of-the-art deconvolution methods.Comment: 15 pages, for publication in IEEE Transaction Image Processin

    Blind deconvolution of medical ultrasound images: parametric inverse filtering approach

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    ©2007 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or distribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.DOI: 10.1109/TIP.2007.910179The problem of reconstruction of ultrasound images by means of blind deconvolution has long been recognized as one of the central problems in medical ultrasound imaging. In this paper, this problem is addressed via proposing a blind deconvolution method which is innovative in several ways. In particular, the method is based on parametric inverse filtering, whose parameters are optimized using two-stage processing. At the first stage, some partial information on the point spread function is recovered. Subsequently, this information is used to explicitly constrain the spectral shape of the inverse filter. From this perspective, the proposed methodology can be viewed as a ldquohybridizationrdquo of two standard strategies in blind deconvolution, which are based on either concurrent or successive estimation of the point spread function and the image of interest. Moreover, evidence is provided that the ldquohybridrdquo approach can outperform the standard ones in a number of important practical cases. Additionally, the present study introduces a different approach to parameterizing the inverse filter. Specifically, we propose to model the inverse transfer function as a member of a principal shift-invariant subspace. It is shown that such a parameterization results in considerably more stable reconstructions as compared to standard parameterization methods. Finally, it is shown how the inverse filters designed in this way can be used to deconvolve the images in a nonblind manner so as to further improve their quality. The usefulness and practicability of all the introduced innovations are proven in a series of both in silico and in vivo experiments. Finally, it is shown that the proposed deconvolution algorithms are capable of improving the resolution of ultrasound images by factors of 2.24 or 6.52 (as judged by the autocorrelation criterion) depending on the type of regularization method used