51 research outputs found

    Survey on wavelet based image fusion techniques

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    Image fusion is the process of combining multiple images into a single image without distortion or loss of information. The techniques related to image fusion are broadly classified as spatial and transform domain methods. In which, the transform domain based wavelet fusion techniques are widely used in different domains like medical, space and military for the fusion of multimodality or multi-focus images. In this paper, an overview of different wavelet transform based methods and its applications for image fusion are discussed and analysed

    Region-Based Image-Fusion Framework for Compressive Imaging

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    A novel region-based image-fusion framework for compressive imaging (CI) and its implementation scheme are proposed. Unlike previous works on conventional image fusion, we consider both compression capability on sensor side and intelligent understanding of the image contents in the image fusion. Firstly, the compressed sensing theory and normalized cut theory are introduced. Then region-based image-fusion framework for compressive imaging is proposed and its corresponding fusion scheme is constructed. Experiment results demonstrate that the proposed scheme delivers superior performance over traditional compressive image-fusion schemes in terms of both object metrics and visual quality

    A Novel Multi-Focus Image Fusion Method Based on Stochastic Coordinate Coding and Local Density Peaks Clustering

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    abstract: The multi-focus image fusion method is used in image processing to generate all-focus images that have large depth of field (DOF) based on original multi-focus images. Different approaches have been used in the spatial and transform domain to fuse multi-focus images. As one of the most popular image processing methods, dictionary-learning-based spare representation achieves great performance in multi-focus image fusion. Most of the existing dictionary-learning-based multi-focus image fusion methods directly use the whole source images for dictionary learning. However, it incurs a high error rate and high computation cost in dictionary learning process by using the whole source images. This paper proposes a novel stochastic coordinate coding-based image fusion framework integrated with local density peaks. The proposed multi-focus image fusion method consists of three steps. First, source images are split into small image patches, then the split image patches are classified into a few groups by local density peaks clustering. Next, the grouped image patches are used for sub-dictionary learning by stochastic coordinate coding. The trained sub-dictionaries are combined into a dictionary for sparse representation. Finally, the simultaneous orthogonal matching pursuit (SOMP) algorithm is used to carry out sparse representation. After the three steps, the obtained sparse coefficients are fused following the max L1-norm rule. The fused coefficients are inversely transformed to an image by using the learned dictionary. The results and analyses of comparison experiments demonstrate that fused images of the proposed method have higher qualities than existing state-of-the-art methods

    An Improved Infrared/Visible Fusion for Astronomical Images

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    An undecimated dual tree complex wavelet transform (UDTCWT) based fusion scheme for astronomical visible/IR images is developed. The UDTCWT reduces noise effects and improves object classification due to its inherited shift invariance property. Local standard deviation and distance transforms are used to extract useful information (especially small objects). Simulation results compared with the state-of-the-art fusion techniques illustrate the superiority of proposed scheme in terms of accuracy for most of the cases

    Image Fusion Based on Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform and Saliency-Motivated Pulse Coupled Neural Networks

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    In the nonsubsampled contourlet transform (NSCT) domain, a novel image fusion algorithm based on the visual attention model and pulse coupled neural networks (PCNNs) is proposed. For the fusion of high-pass subbands in NSCT domain, a saliency-motivated PCNN model is proposed. The main idea is that high-pass subband coefficients are combined with their visual saliency maps as input to motivate PCNN. Coefficients with large firing times are employed as the fused high-pass subband coefficients. Low-pass subband coefficients are merged to develop a weighted fusion rule based on firing times of PCNN. The fused image contains abundant detailed contents from source images and preserves effectively the saliency structure while enhancing the image contrast. The algorithm can preserve the completeness and the sharpness of object regions. The fused image is more natural and can satisfy the requirement of human visual system (HVS). Experiments demonstrate that the proposed algorithm yields better performance
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